Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 427

I will burn comic on you every year!


Chapter 025

Reject small scorpion, start from now!

You must not protect your happiness, and you can't let the poetry of the poetry destroyed the current peace.

Although I feel some sorry, I have a chance to have a chance in the future.

You Too looked at your lucky point, and the decisive gave the lucky point to other places.

In case, accidentally call the little scorpion, so I really don't know if it is lucky.

From Urud's Word, Gu is too feeling that the poetry is not good about his attitude, so in order not to let Beldu Dradanti is difficult, do not meet with the other party.

Fortunately, the role is very magical, similar to a kind of luck.

If you put it into a thing, you will make this thing lucky and simple.

You didn't have a special thing to solve now, so after thinking about it.

"Consumption of luck in a safe place!"

Compared to anything else, You is too careful about the security issue of a family. 950

After the wish, I looked at the lucky points that disappeared. You said that he felt a lot of peace of mind.

Goddess, one is enough.

As for Urud, just a warm big scorpion, not God god.

After the lucky point did not have a lucky point, I went to the school easily.

On the other hand, Uruid felt something, and then I went to find Beli Drady.

"Beli Drady, last night, Yu and I asked I asked the things of the poetry, I feel that the poetry will come down these days, do you have this feeling?"

Uruid said his feelings, as God gods, sometimes it feels very accurate.

Belino is picking vegetables. After hearing it, I looked at the sky, and then smiled and said: "I also have the feeling, the poetry has always been a idle child, these days should be I will look at me. "

Urude feels bigger, is Belot Dhandi not a question?

"It's really going to see you, but you think that the character of the poetry, will not find you too much? Now, in addition to you, there are many outsiders, and those who say to the poetry. It is unable to tolerate, I am afraid that it is a bomb to fly off. "

Urud is not thinking that poetry is a child, not think that the poetry will default because of the little boutique.

Don't say that Yu Tai and the rest of the woman have a clean relationship, it is normal to live together with children and Belot Dradanti. It is the embarrassment of the poetry.

In short, that is, a sister's sister, how to take some sister who is likes to be wronged.

Of course, if the sister is Urud, the other party is completely unfinished ~

Bello Dhandi also believed that poetry is a person who can make the kind of thing, but still smiles and says: "It doesn't matter, I believe that You and Poetry will soon get along very well."

Urid said: "At any time you are, I am now configuring some medicine to increase physical fitness, so that you are too tight."

"Trouble you, but you should not need that kind of thing." Belino is very confident, this blind confidence has no reason, but it is believed that You can solve everything, 100% trust.

You didn't know that he was hiding, but he worked safely.

"Today is the first day of the school, the new year is a happy New Year?"

You was talked about peace in the office, because the relationship between winter holidays, two have not met half a month.

Pingzheng quietly does not want to discuss this problem, this year, because I don't want to be embracing by my family, I still don't want to say a lot of things.

"Didn't think about it, I said that I said that I said that I would like to ask:" I heard that the family's home has a problem, and finally you solve it? "

"It's not solved, it provides some help."

You didn't solve the problem. At least Yang Naihe Snow's father is still squatting in prison. If the future will be released from prison, You will give him a chance to go to Africa to open Cape Town, let him go abroad as a boss.

Anyway, the snow is already divorced with her husband, now Yang Nai and Snow Mother, on the identity of the law.

Pingzhao didn't realize what is the problem of the Pustom to the practice. I just said that I was too holding the next family, I said: "This kind of thing is really unexpected, the luck of the snow is too good."

"If it is a big crack in the home of the teacher, what will the teacher do?" You smiled and asked.

Don't have your own, of course, you can say free.

But if you are related to yourself, there is nothing to say.

Pingtun was quietly crowded, "If I have a problem with the house, I bought it, I will definitely put the person in charge into the cement column!"

This kind of thing, I think it is terrible.

You was standing, saying speechless: "This thing is like this, and it is not clear what is going on. I still have something, I am going to the principal, go."

"What do you do to the principal?" Pingtu is a curious question, and he is too rare to talk to the principal.

You said: "I want to recommend an enrollment, now I am looking for the principal to register."

"Now, this is the next half school, this time is transferred to the school ..." Pingji still is very confused, but it is the matter of the mother, just say it, "I look at it yourself."

Yu Too nodded, so I went out soon.

When I arranged the class, I chose the class of Xue Nai, so that the head and snow were a class, which is convenient.

The Chow's cool enrollment, so that the girls in the class are very concerned.

Unlike snow, the head is very good, and there is a girl who feels gentle sister feels.

More than a handsome, cold feelings, the Supo cool, the big sister-style girl, will also have a lot of friends in the class.


Chapter 026 Meta Grandma

Snow is very concerned about the girl who suddenly transferred in this today.

Not only feeling that this girl is not right, but there is always a special relationship between this girl and You Tai.

At the time of the class, always always look at yourself.

If this is some sensitive ideas, then when you are in class, you are also looked at your own behavior on the table, which is the harassment of the public.

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