Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Church to listen to Dad's words Chapter 428

When the other party is not studying well, when the teacher is lectured in the class, she smiled and watching himself.

At this time, snow will use the indifference to look at it.

When it is usually, people who are watching themselves will be with themselves, or they do not care about it.

But this girl named the Yito is very different. It seems to be a little bit more than yours, it is like a naughty adult.

The other party completely doesn't care about his unfortunate, even when he looks at her, it is obviously a smile to himself!

Snow is very wanted to talk directly to her, so that she is honest.

After school after school, the snow couldn't help but stand up and face the cool cool.

"Is the Saiso classmate? Please earnestly listen to it when you go to class?"

Shouno looked at the snow, "Hello, snow is the classmate, I really want to go to the student will have a look, do you want to go?"

"I have no time to do excessive things, and I don't want to pay attention to your boring trick."

After the cold looks at the cold, I turned and went out.

Shouno looked at this girl, not much about this girl, but Tongshan still said something.

For example, Yu and this girl's mother happened some things that were not good.

Because of this, Hualiao is slightly interested.

It is not interested in snow, but it is too boring to class. I always have some interesting things, isn't it?

After the snow was left behind, the head is smiling and went out.

After the classmates in the class, they didn't bother to bother to bother.

Snow is not bad in the class, and the head of the sea is to transfer students.

For these little girls around, the head of the head is not very interesting, and it is easy to enjoy.

The student meeting learned from Gu to Taiwan, and the head of the Yito quickly went straight to the student meeting.

When You is too all along school and girls, they will not close, and also avoid giving a girl alone.

At this time, students will have two girls and a boys here.

The boy is naturally a bless, two girls look like a clean girl with a good student, and another look like a Maple girl who is a lotus Miss.

At the same time as the head of the Yito, the three people also looked at the cool cool.

Yu Tao said: "This is the first vine, it is my friend, I will drink tea here in the future."

"The temper, this is the students who will hold their positions, as well as the same idle person with you, Huasha."

The Huashan, Shaisha and the Stavel, I love to know some things from You too, knowing that this girl is a friend of Yu Tai, is also a student who has entered the school to study.

Since you are a friend of Yu, then it is natural to get along.

"Hello, the temper." The branch of the branch did not call the head of the Shouno, and said: "Since it is a teacher's friend, the slap is also very powerful?"

"It is still very good at learning, but this kind of thing is not very good, just after listening to a few lessons, it is dizzy." The head of the head is helpless, and the forehead is very helpless for the class.

Because of this, I will watch the snow after a few minutes.

The Hua Palace is watching this girl, I always feel that this girl is somewhat different, just like a more mature mature temperament.

Although the body of the temple is very like Hua Palace, the Huasha is still a young girl, at least the child is more than a child.

"Do you want to come to the students will help my students? I have graduated this year. When I got it, I will have a lot of cool, just in the second grade, justice and carefully responsible for the student."

Hua Haozha believes that there are too few people in the Student Association, as long as they have to come back to two talents.

The head of the Yeto is looking forward to the mother. "What will the student do?"

This question is good, and you will think about it seriously, explain: "It is to listen to the teacher's words, the institutions do things for the school, usually responsible for some schools and students."

"It feels very boring." The head of the head shakes, "The things that study have been bored, I really don't want too much."

Jiao Xiao, I also hope that the roots can help yourself, say quickly: "Little is not bored! Not only there are many things you can manage, but we can also learn together, help each other!"

Learn together, help each other ...

The head is cool, I think, smile and I agree.

"Then add it, I want to make life not so bored, otherwise it is too dull, I feel like a grandmother, huh, huh."

The head smiled and smiled, and it was still a gesture that gestured, and suddenly gave people an old master of the old society.

Her look is so peaceful and gentle!

Not only is the idometry and smile, but the feeling of the head is always swallowed!

I didn't think there was anything, but after I heard the head of the Yito, no matter whether the branch love or Hua Palace, the feeling of grandmother from the head of the head.

It seems that the grandmother is accompanying the granddaughter to do games ...

It is not interested in it, but there is no such thing as a master, but he promised to come down after the granddaughter said, and then looked at the other party and said something very interesting, then then it has been with a smile. .

The branches love and Huasha feel like it, and they will be short of people ...


Chapter 027, you can not graduate.

After the four people sat well, after sitting, the head of the Yito looked at the Huasha of Hua Palace.

"Hua Palace students are the children of the Games?"

The Hua Palace is nodded, and some doubtful look at the cool cool, "Saixian learned me?"

The head smiled and smiled and said: "It is heard from the little fragrant."

"Little Xiangzi?" Hua Palace is somewhat doubts, who is this person?

Youshou saw that the Huasha in the Hua Palace saw himself, explained: "Xiao Xiangzi is Fujiwai Xiangzi, my aunt, the monument of the temple is relatively large, and the elders of the fragrant aunt, but there is no relative relationship."

The branch of the branch is a little confused, "Teacher, since it is your male elders, how can you do not have a relationship with you?"

"Your aunt's relatives are not necessarily related to your relatives of your aunt." You said that "your child's father-in-law, what is the relationship with your aunt father?"

This one……

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