Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 439

Forget it, don't want it, let's go!

In the Office of the Purchase High School, the Huashan Sand is sitting in the cool and cool temperature of the head opposite him.

"I heard that the teacher is already going back, saying that there is something in the family, waiting for me to go back after the next decision?"

Compared with the behavior of the Words, the Yellow House is very elegant, the head is relatively free.

"No, I am still waiting for you to pick me up, or maybe it will be lost."

The Huasha smiled and nodded. "That night, continue to live there, I still have a lot of words to say to the roots."

Murah is a lot of sands, and the Hua Hou Sisha doesn't know this, but it is a very interesting person who feels the first vine is a very interesting person, and I always give yourself a lovely elder feel.

Compared to these two leisure women, the staff of the students will be more tired.

"Hey, I really envy you ..."

It's been tired to squatting the stampered stunned, I am very angry, and it is a white paper that is embellished with numbers in front of her. ......

For many students, this gap is very bright, and it is too bright.

The Huasha smiled and looked at the branch of the branch. "I want to cheer, we will help you to make the student meeting, so you just learn."

"Ah, ah! The brain is so messy! I need to relax!" The branches stood quickly, and one handed a hit in front of the material. "I really want to find it. Personal activity leg feet! "

The Huasha is not the kind of person who likes to do, and it is a weak woman, so it is laughing at this time.

The head of the Yito thought of a interesting thing. "I heard that the snow is also learning to have a breath, it is better to find her than to try it?"

"This kind of thing ... still count." The first thing that the branches love the first, I am embarrassed: "I just said that you don't want to be so serious ~"

The head smiled and smiled and stood up. "There is no good body can't do it! The light is not working, which will waste your very good physical fitness, let me help you and the snow. I heard that the classmates under the snow also hope to improve the quality. "

The hometown of Hua Shalu has a fun smile, "I feel very interesting 1.4."

"Do you want to be together with the sand sarise?" Shouno looked down to the Huasha, smiling and asked.

"Yarn?" The branch of the branch is a certain unbelievable look at the two, which is clearly the second-grade student, which actually called the senior senior.

The Huasha, and the eyes of the stunned, helplessly looked at the first vines, "I am, at least I am very satisfied with myself now."

"That is enough." Shouno also continued to look at the branches, "The mind and the body can be a weapon to deal with men!"

The branch of the bungee loves to look at the head of the head, I feel that this is good ... color gas ...


Chapter 038 White Season

You didn't know that the head is cool in school, otherwise it will definitely make her backache again.

As for why my backache, of course, it is too strong, and the two are rarely lying.

The head is not a matter, it is to strengthen the physical fitness of the girls.

After scientific exercise, it can make people 's body to delay aging, and it can also maintain your body.

Unfortunately, the head is not a person who believes in science, compared to science and scientists, the head is cool or believes in Goddess.

If it is known by the head of the Yito, there is a goddess in the family now. I don't know if I will refresh my awareness, there will be a feeling of being betrayed.

You is too working in the studio.

Unlike the rest of the people, the Yi and Eight Clouds have been very positive, never there should be no thought.

Eight clouds are the kind of calm temperament, and it will feel very easy with her.

In one

"I am a clear, you are not suitable for painting some comics that have more ups and downs, you are suitable for painting the kind of comics that is flat, penetrating people."

You Too looked at the eight clouds. The thing to do now is to let eight clouds complete a work, and the story structure of the eight clouds is all sent by You.

After being said to Gu, Eight Clouds did not refute. It is not the kind of stubborn person, and it is very trustworthy to judge, think is his own mistake.

You was too sigh, patiently explained: "Your painting is some comics that do not meet the modern trend, and the plot is dull. Now the readers have a few people who can calm down your weave."

Eight clouds nodded, I agree with Yu's words.

You was too embarrassing his mistakes, he said helplessly: "Nothing is no one, just like some of my comics and novels, the number of recommended times, people will not be less, always find So some people who like it, but I have to be high for you. "

Although You Tai has not had its own comics, it is basically the system to send, but it is not not understood to this, what is sold well, he still understands it.

After all, there is a novel editor, and You also need to understand the preferences of the entire market to determine the future development plan of the game company.

Comics requires the ability to draw and edit the story, and these Guardians have.

Science students, never lack of imagination.

Eight clouds are not refuting to the you, listening to the opinions of Gu Tai, and then thinking about his own business.

You was too seen in a short half. I couldn't let eight clouds created interesting comics. I said: "There are many markets in many markets in this room, although they are all decorated, but see it is also good, maybe you can Find some inspiration. "

Eight clouds nodded, and You have given her a lot of pointers in the phantom, and the ability to edit the story needs to be mastered.

You was a little worried, "said directly:" You have no love, and the character is also a quiet personality, and some girls who have not talked about love can also write love novels very different, and the horror and hunting comics are not more Said, the direction that can develop now is a sportsmanship and jester comics. "

"Don't you have a good food?" Eight clouds were somewhat surprised, asked, there are still a lot of very fire in the market.

Yu Too said: "Let me give you the lead in painting the lead, will definitely be fire, don't say it."

You's paintings are not only reflected in the drawings, but also the book is also very good!

The readers on the Internet can all look forward to the sea to go to the sea. It is like a wonderful book like the empty space, as well as a lot of beautiful illustration book.

The so-called book is the comics with bad colors.

Eight clouds recognized this kind of saying, after all, Gu Too is known as "Tiger's best-selling future writer".

Add a future, because You is too yet not add to the hole.

You is too impossible to join this organization, and this life is impossible.

This tiger's hole, it is a place to sell small yellow books!

At that time, at that time, it was not only to the season of the white album. The Tiger's point in the autumn leaves will launch the application materials that can accompany you to spend long night, so that winter is a white season.

You is not a signing writer of the Tiger's point, but many people have a hidden trick of the Tiger's hole.

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