Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 440

Some people, he didn't draw a book, but there were countless people to read his book (animation).

It is worth mentioning that there is also a branch of the Tiger's hole, but if you are too energetic, will you go to the kind of waste?

You Qing Chu Yun Yun is not mixing some of the plots and pictures of more attractive male readers in the comics, so how can I draw comics?

Eight clouds thought about it. After watching the comics there, it feels more than the meaning of the people around you.

"Master August, I want to create a comic in your master, I think that the teacher in August is very legendary, such as setting Belodandi and Urid to Goddess, so everyone will not think that it is Mr. August 153. "

Eight clouds thought of a good way to think of a story written out to definitely fire.

You is too cold, there is a writer with a writer around you!

"No! You don't want me to add a character similar to your behavior in comics? This kind of thing is not mentioned, I am very privacy for personal privacy." You Du Deciptal refused, truthfully wrote There are too many secrets.

Eight clouds nodded, Gu is too said no, then eight clouds did not continue to think about this idea.

"So, I started to watch comics." Eight clouds looked at such a pile of comics, only hoping to get some inspiration from it.

When You Taoyou looked at the comics, I was still idle, and I sat on the side and wanted to pick up the brush and thought about the new work.


You Yu frowned, and this system came out.

Always take it out when you don't need it, you will have some tasks that you must do every time.

What is this, what?

I hope that I have nothing to do with my little sister ...

In addition, I still want to reward better, it is very lacking recently.


Chapter 039 Pills

"Sister, what is the person doing? It is too bad, but then keep my sister in this place!"

The poetry is very dissatisfied with the bless, now thinking is to find a way to bring Beli Dradanti back.

Belino Titi glanced at the poetry, patience: "Poetry, can call Gu Ta, can also call Mr. Yu, but can't use the name of the person to call others, this is very polite "

The poetry . ....

After seeing the poetry depends, Belino is a gentle smile.

"This is the child, the poetry is to get along with you."

In the face of the gentle smile of Beiledanti, the poetry will not hold out, I am intoxicated: "I know!"

I know that I don't do it, it is another thing.

Belino didn't think about it. It won't think so. At this time, he said after the poetry promised: "That poem What is needed to help. "

The second floor of the other floor of the villa is an ordinary housing, because there is a large living room and the kitchen and the relationship between the area and the hospital, the room is not a lot, the room is mainly concentrated on the second floor.

The third floor is the youth and Beli Dradanti, the Owu-German room, Guo Tai, to avoid the remaining people to find that these two people are not normal, and they are deliberately separated from the rest.

The fourth floor is the room for work and entertainment, the fifth floor is where you are relaxing, prohibiting the child.

The poetry

When I went to the four-floor studio, the more I would like to be angry, the more I want to be more angry, don't say that my sister can't live with this person, just live together, and you can't let your sister and those who are messy women. !

The poetry is suddenly pushed open.

You and Eight clouds quickly looked at the position of the door. After seeing the poetry of the look, she stood up after it appeared.

"Is the poetry , is there something? Is it Beiler Dradie to come over?" You walked over, try to use the calm discourse of the other side to ask.

The poetry , after watching the bookshelf looking around, continue in the room to take a look.

The bookshelf in this room is a ring design, and the bookshelf close to the wall can be left out, and it can also be in the arrangement surrounded by the book.

The center of the room is a workbench. It is usually working here, and there is a water dispenser in the position of the corner.

Relatively speaking, it is simple to be simple. More or some books of similar documents are here.

Today is the first day of work in the New Year, so there is no normal busyness, and eight clouds are also clean.

The poetry ,,

After seeing so many books, the poetry turned around to look at Wu Tai, "Have you seen these books?"

You said that he had a high two meters, surrounded by a super large bookshelf in the entire room, shaking his head.

"No, it is generally very few."

The poetry , "Sure enough, you are a molded person, bought so many people, is it for a culture?"

"Amount, it's almost like this, I always feel that it is not good in the room, and it is not a bad thing." You said the tempering.

The poetry is a bit angry, this person actually and his mouth!

Soon the poetry , smile and say: "I know, you must hate me? Hey! I also hate you!"

You shook his head, helplessly said: "There is no matter, I don't hate you, but I haven't found the advantages of poetry , now there is only one, because it is Belino And Wu Yande sister, so this advantage covers many of the shortcomings, so that those are no longer a shortcoming. I believe I will slowly discover the advantages of poetry , the same poetry, can not only Just see my shortcomings, I also see my advantages. "

You is too bad, it is not good, it is necessary to do that, and now this little scorpion is that you will take the bar knot, you need to treat a few people to treat.

You is too this is the truth, sincerely sincere harmony.

The poetry , "I admitted:" Do you admit that you are installing ?! Also said that I hate me ?! I will go to the sister to tell !! Hahaha! Hahaha! Sister! Sister! ! "

The poetry Ren is happy to run out, and Yu is too speechless to close the door.

"Sorry, let you see a joke, the poetry is too small."

You is too replacing the poetry , does not knock in the door, and also bothering the work and ideas of the eight clouds.

Eight clouds shake their heads, "There is no thing, but really don't matter? Although Berl Dan Ti will not care about this kind of thing, but poetry has been so so that you are so good."

"Nothing, just like I said, slowly understand each other, I have not handsome to the point where people go first, I need a little bit slowly."

You didn't play the donkey, and even very much like this kind of vibrant little scorpion, the premise is that the other party is not in the light bulb between himself and Belino.

After again in this room, you will think about this task again.

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