Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 448

The two are now the poetry of the poetry, and they are always staying here!

Under the slightly noisy, you will drive away the villa, and the deputy driving is the vine.

"Xiangzi, what do you find a cool child because yesterday?"

After driving the range of villas, You Taishen looked in front, and chatted with the vines around him.

Fujihara's fragrant is originally to be matched yesterday, but after you asked your questions, he felt that his own suspicion was more accurate.

"Yes, thank you for saving me yesterday."

You was too casual: "This kind of thing is not necessary to thank, and the poetry will do it because of my relationship. Pay attention to some in the future, don't have a problem in front of the poetry."

Fujiwara Xiangzi heard here, I couldn't help but, "Yu Tai, I want to ask a thing, Beli Dradanti ... What is it?"

"This problem, in fact, you still don't know, Belino is not malicious to you, the rest of the people are not malicious, everyone just wants to live."

You also didn't know how to explain, so he didn't explain, let the other person guess.

Everyone is a smart person, give a clue, naturally, I will organize the guessing of my IQ.

As for an accurate, it is not important to persuade yourself.

Fujihara's fragrant was originally god, but at this time, it was unexpectedly calm, and he nodded.

"It turns out that Belino is also a big lady like Ying Xi ...."

Although it is a question, it is a positive tone.

"Miss Ying transformed himself into that kind of person, then Miss Ying, Miss British, Belodandi, and the sister of Belino ... They are robots right !?"

The vine is like a bless, and there is already his answer!

"You don't have to eat, there is no impatient emotion, powerful, don't know how to be angry, there is always the protection of you too! They are all the robots who protect their own robots! Is it?"

You didn't know how to say it at all, maybe this is a normal person's guess.

"You guessed that even if you don't say it, this kind of thing is not good for you, don't mention this matter in front of them, or you will trigger some hidden procedures, and the consequences are not more relaxed. "

I heard this threat, Fujihara's shackles took a little carefully, and I was afraid.


Chapter 045 This time is this good luck?

You is too busy all day, so I was suspected that Belope Dradanti is a robot, nor is it ... too ignore?

You is too unclear that the idea of ​​Fujihara is not normal. After careful recall, it really feels some basis for this idea.

The first is the behavior and temper of Belino, is not as normal, and some standardized feelings.

There is also no need to drink, don't go to the toilet, don't have to dress up, don't have a little exhausted sense, in addition to the mother, there is no special thing, and everything is a Book.

In any case, it is a confidence to give Fujiwai Zhizi.

After aware of the intelligent robots that had three Yu Tan manufactured in the family, the vine is quickly put in other places.

"Then you can't make a robot responsible for studying medicines? Just like Wu Wei, or launched some small procedures, let the !"

Fujihara's fragrant is much higher because of the joining of this kind of thing, and soon, I will think of something that is good for yourself.

You said: "Where there is a kind of ability, the three and normal human beings are some difference, but they are not listening to me. As for the matter of drugs, this is needed to study, otherwise research robotics When you give the robot what information is learned? "

Fujiwara Xiangzi is totally unknown to the robot, where did she understand this!

"Don't say it, I am not interested in the things of the three people, as long as I can't bother, I can ask you now, how can I do it earlier?"

When I thought that You did actually made mature, elderly, naughty, and have a female human man made of mature women, queen, wife, goddess, loli, proudly, and other advantages, Fujihara, the vine is more impressed. !

Those artifices can be a type of aging, and this woman has slowly aging with the lapse of time.

Today, I also knew that Yu Too to marry Beli Drady is more anxious.

Although I understand the blessing and always maintain a young state, I want to think about myself!

You roughly knows how many beautiful women in these thirties are explained in this kind of thing.

"This drug requires a material. This material is hard to develop now. I have said that I have told you, you can't understand, you just know that I have a way to make that kind of thing. "

"Well!" Fujihara is a lot of breath. After seeing Guo Too strong, it feels a lot in his heart.

You Yu will stop the car while watching because of his strength and become a warm vines, he said casually:

"If you want to get something, you should pay first, like keep youth, even just keep a few months of youth drugs, but worth don't know how many people want to take it, you also know how many women around me. It is not enough at all. "

Fujihara's Xiangzi revealed the soft smile, and it was more confident to the confidence of You Tai, and he also felt confidence.

"Let's talk, what do I need to do?"

You smiled, looked at Fujiwara, and touched the chin of Fujihara in the scent of Fujihara, and said:

"I don't need you to do, what you can do for me. Recently, you are active, it is not as good as you are so sensible."

Fujihai Zhizhi is too eye, helplessly said: "Know, then you will be troubled with education education, please? Please, Mr. Yu, Mr. Yu ~"

The usual vines in Fujiwai is the ingredient that is ignorant, and now this charming state is very difficult to see.

You is too smile and recovered, watching it, there is no vehicle nearby, and this place is relatively remote.

"Then I will take a few words and you say a few words."

Fujihara is a shameful woman. It is very quickly understood that Yu Tai 's puzzle, so after the style of the style, I will leave the hair in the ear, slowly bent back. .

After a period of not described in the car, Fujihara's fragrant son was launched again in the car, drinking half a bottle of mineral water.

"There is no need to do this, spit out, there is no problem, I don't care about this."

When you drive too, you will say something wrong with it.

Fujihara shakes his head. After rubbling his hand with a paper towel, then explained: "I think it still has an effect, but I have a lot of waste, now I want to pay more than half a day."

If you don't wait for it, there is something to do, the vines is really wanting to work directly as skin care products.

"Is there a time at night? The roots can't come back, I am not intertwell alone in the house, it is better to go to my room, I will give you a class."

Fujihara's fragrant is not satisfied, soon, I will play at night, smile and say: "You haven't graduated yet, I am your teacher ~"

"Yes ~ professor!" You said that he said, and said: "I still have something in the afternoon, so I am too tired, still count."

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