Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Church to listen to Dad's words Chapter 449

Not only afternoon, there is also something tomorrow, but You want to raise a savage.

Fujiwara Xiangzi revealed a funny expression, "Oh? Who is this good luck this time?"


Chapter 046 Reality and Society

In the Office of the Total Wushen Classroom, You will start to organize things on his desk after the office, and prepare for the next course.

At this time, Pingzhao is still in class, compared to the teacher, Pingyu is more busy.

There is no other thing in addition to the mathematics lessons of the two classes.

Because it is the relationship between the internship teacher, there is no need to do if it is not followed by the treatment.

You didn't think about it, and he didn't think of a teacher. So a lot of things did not go.

As long as you teach students, the rest doesn't have to be responsible for yourself.

"It's these things ..."

Bourn is under the textbook on his desk, and discovered the letter sent by the school girl.

This is basically bid farewell to the era, and the love letter may be the number of letter paper.

You is too for these lovers to have a way of handling it, as long as you don't reply, you can send it back when you graduate.

I can receive a few letters every day, perhaps many girls know that You will receive the letter, and will not reply to the relationship, and have always writted it.

Aspiishing, I will overlap the content of the name and the content of the letter and the students in my mind, which also helps to understand the other side of those people.

Every day, in addition to helping students learn, it is this.

After you have packed it, You Taishen picked up the textbook to go to the classroom.

The F class is still the one who is a lively class, although the recent emotions of Ye Mountain in the class center is not very high, but still reluctantly maintain the central atmosphere of the class.

Compared to Ye Mountain, You was also noted in the class.

It is a lot to be a lot recently in the Valley, although the other is usually like this, but now gives a lot of feelings.

Kawasaki Shashi is still the same as usual, study hard in the classroom, and sometimes it will quickly transfer your eyes when you look at yourself.


After the ringtones under the get out of class, I walked up the textbook after the collar, and I walked out of the classroom after the students stood up.

Just returned to the office, You Taishi saw the peace.

"The teacher, thank you for helping me my behalf yesterday."

You Taishou quietly thank you, yesterday, because of the things of poetry, there was no class.

Pingzhao is quiet, "small things, I saw the mathematics score of the students at get off work, and the results of many students have improved a lot, this is very good."

You also sat on his seat and listened to the calm tone and smiled slightly.

"The teacher seems to be that this is a good thing, can I know the reason?"

Flat Sei Jing also laughed, sighed: "I feel that they are all students, I am clear that the Terraito is not only deprived of their rest time, but also seriously affected a lot of things, I It is not good to say that this is not very uncomfortable. "

You is too understanding that the idea of ​​the peace is, in fact, the few people who have to take care of the peaceful care, so they don't feel good.

"This idea of ​​the teacher is not a mistake, I don't want to say anything, but I don't have to force those people to do, just give them an opportunity to choose to become more excellent.. "

Pingxia quietly laughed, very don't agree with the "Taishi's approach," Gu is too mandatory to write homework and supplementation, not to mention the work of some people to punish.

These are not allowed in their own laws.

But now is not used, You can join parents and schools, and those students are unless they are in online and newspapers, but they are too good.

After all, the high school is a high school, and the students here are basically respectful for teachers, and they will not be like a normal high school.

If you replace it is a regular high school, the students playing teachers and catching the teachers out of the classroom.

You is not the kind of person who will be learning to study hard, nor is the type of playing that can't be played, just a parent-responsible ordinary teacher.

For Pingzhao, You think that he has no mistake.

"The teacher may not think so, but the truth is this. For example, it is better to study hard because of my relationship, but I know some things, I can really be able to achieve the mathematics of the number of the number. graduation?"

"It is because I realize that he needs to compromise, and it is better to know that he needs to change. I don't know what he is pursuing, but I know, I want to live as a person, I need to be around. People contact. "

"Because the results need to change yourself, it is also because the relationship around it needs to change yourself."

Flat is quiet, knowing this is reality, but it is still very sad, youth is defeated by reality.

You is still respectable for Pingzhang, continue to explain.

"It is not clear than the entrance to the Valley, I know that he is because social failure becomes now. When the beginning is fear and the rest, it is considered to be hurt."

"As for the past, because of the goodness of the buddh, there is a good time, it returns to the society, and is infected by two excellent girls, and it is also aware that people are social creatures and require others."

"Faced with two excellent girls, at first, he chose to escape, and later choosing to force the engagement, maintaining this situation."

When I said that I laughed, "The world is not turning around him, and the center of society is not might as a person. I helps snow, this process also makes him realize their existence, now Say, I feel that he grows slowly. "

In the opinion of Youshi, it is a very good person who is very good than the Valley, which is a very calm person.

The flat is quietly smile with a slightly sad.

"I think, maybe even if you are not you or Hachiman, if you don't have you, maybe when you will change it, you will change yourself. Maybe there will be one day, or there will be people who can understand her. Maybe Someone will step into her heart. These, the same is true for B3. "

Flat Seijing has always thought that the reality will come, but the reality brought by You Taishang is more realistic, but too much in advance.

"For those people, this time is like everything. I also wanted to remind it to Baise, but some things happened too much, plus the character of Bagua, and there is a day. Will have someone in some place, step in. "

You was too shrugged. "The teacher is unfortunately that the person is me?"

Pingtun is quiet, it is really thinking, "Now the snow is more problematic than the snow before, I don't know if you are aware of this, or say, you are planning to make such snow. Going to society, slowly with a strange society with a armor to protect your own? "

You didn't think there was any problem with the snow now, helplessly said to Pingzhao: "The teacher, did not go home for the New Year?"

I just used the philosophical model of life and the privilege of Gu. It was like a leather ball who was ventilated. It didn't have the kind of momentum. It feeled like being bullied. Bunnaba.

Yu Yu is laughing, compares to others, but also cares about your things.

"Ah, the matter of the New Year is too heavy, we still talk about it." You didn't bear to talk about the topic of the family in the Chinese New Year, continue: "There are many things in the hand recently." Although the funds are not a problem, it is also nervous, and the teachers of the Pingtu are so long. It must be an elite society that adapts to the society? "

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