Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 455

For these, You can come up with 100% energy!

After the analysis of science, You will start planning.

"But I don't understand medicine, in addition to cold medicine and purple hydrandon, I don't understand more medical knowledge, this is not the area I have good at ..."

You Wrinkled with a brow, thinking about the difficulties you have encountered, such as closing, like writing novels and painting comics, can be upgraded with talent and effort, and medical this matter needs, it is experience and knowledge, for a while Can't learn at all.

"I know people, it seems that I have not developed medicine ..."

You Yue is thinking, the more I feel that this idea is implementing more difficult.

But difficult is to give people!

"Some Urd is striving here, so that Urude is studying at home, as for the study, it is also slow collection."

You Tidane also thought of Urude alone, other things slowly, You didn't worry.

After you have determined what you want to do, you will start a new round of work.

After dinner, You Taishi asked the vine incense: "Is the fragrant, the land is working hard?"

Fujihara Xiangzi thought that You was asking, and this day, the daughter's mind is obviously else, so it is simply: "It is doing."

The reply of Fujihara's Xiangzi is obviously a perfunctory, and it is not satisfactory to you.

You Too looked at Fujihara, and he added a tone: "When can I have a result?"

This is not only a little surprised by Fujiwai, but it is a little unexpected, but also said to the bulls around him: "Small chicks, go back to the TV."

"Don't, put it ~" Xiao Xiao stares at the TV, and let her go to the TV to watch TV, it is obviously impossible.

You also realized that the young chicks, stood up and said: "Go to the fragrant room."

Fujihara is nodded and stands up.

After dinner, Beiledanti went to the kitchen to clean up, and poetry . .

Urud is playing games in the room. It is basically from seven or eight o'clock in the evening. This time is the time of the game and various activities. Urud is rarely here. Time.

With the characteristics of the big amount of gold and itself, Urd is very easy to become a top player in the game, which is specially doing things that are unfavorable, everyone shouted, with one enemy .

Two girls are studying, Fujihara, Xiangzi and Shaxia after letting Eight clouds look at the young bullings, they have entered the room together with Gu.

When You was taking the window after entering the house, this action represents this time.

When do not do business, the windows are closed.

As for the reason, sound insulation.

"The location and use of the Institute, I need to explain that it is not based on the purpose of profit. It can be said to be a beautiful product, but the results are only used for our family. This should pay attention to it, don't set the research institute to become a company. Don't be too busy. "

You said that the research institute's external nature has been explained that if the vine is really a major achievement of this research institute, it is not good.

After all, the so-called water ... all is too self-produced, this kind of thing is impossible, and it is impossible to sell it.

Most, that is, friendship is given.

Fujihara's shackles nodded, and there was no relationship without selling. As long as you can use it for yourself.

"I will pay attention to this matter. Now I am still inadequately, can you let the slam come to help me?"

Fujiwara is the help of the first vine, re-built a business, but it is not a few words to complete, and there are still many things that need them to be responsible.

Other things are even if it is, it is impossible.

You shook his head. "The roots are learning, we are lacking in medicine, I hope that the temple can help me to save some talents in the school, and also strengthen their own learning."

Fujihara's Xiangzi is still a little confused about this statement. "This kind of thing is too anxious? Even those talents have graduated from college, as long as they are recruited to our businesses?"

It's true that this is true, but the medicine of this study is just a nonsense, and it's all about talking!

If you don't have a role, you can't do it. If you don't use it, you can squeeze out your own water!

If the situation is allowed, You is too real think of sending Fujihara in the school, but this woman can be equipped with a seventeen-year-old little girl like a temper.

This kind of thing is too honest, then explains: "The Langzi is now living in the home of the Huasha, this research institute is to continue to cooperate with Hua Hai, I need to be with the Huagong family. In cooperation, control the initiative, so the temper and the Huasha have a good relationship, and it is helpful to me. "

This statement is a reasonable statement, but the vine is still feeling that the ages of unsatisfactory head is to send into the school. Some said that it can't.

Compared to Fujihara, Shaxia's response and eyes are short, it is easy to believe.

"Yu Tai, Although the Huayong family is very rich, but we can't strong with our company. Why don't we find Miss Ying? Is there a large company? We cooperate together, Will it be better? "

You quickly said: "It is because it is almost the same, it works better. I need to take the initiative. If I have been someone else, I will definitely give the research results exclusive. As for Belino, they are not business, Money doesn't pay attention to it, you will see Belino Titan's sisters as ordinary people. "

Sand summer is still not understanding, but I have nodded too much, I got it, I look forward to: "You can you have this kind of thing, it is so good!"

You is too smiling and said: "Not only you don't want to become old, I also hope that you can keep it beautiful!"


Chapter 052 This is

on Monday

You is too bless because of the relationship between the first class, he also walked into the school when the students were attended.

"Good morning! Teacher Fujihara!"

"Good morning, teacher!"

"good Morning."

You Taishi is still very popular in the school, a lot of students from the Tai Chu, also take the initiative to say hello.

You Too looked at it. There was no student at the door at the door.

It is often calculated that it doesn't come out of the station, which is obviously negative.

However, this is also something that there is no way. The president of the Student Association is a girl who likes to be lazy, and the two vice presidents are the kind of female who smiles, nature no one comes out.

You Tan is a helpless smile, but it will blame three people.

The three people can be the treasure of the mother's heart, that is, the kind of eccentricity.

The first class is on the F class.

Regret, although it is a F class, there is no F-level woman.

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