Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 456

In the first day of the morning, I gave mathematics lessons. Basically, this day is like a afar class in the afternoon.

When You is too serious when you are in class, you will use the last time before get out of class to use the last test.

Because it is the class time, it is a test paper issued by You Tai person.

"Ye Mountain, good grades, but there is also a space for you."

"Beigin, you can see you very hard, come on, don't let mathematics become dragged your subject."


In the back of the test paper, You also put a test paper in his hand on the table, it was simple to say: "Some fell by Bibin, the results, the wrong is a new knowledge of recently learning, so don't Written, come on. "

There are many people who copy their homework in the class. You are too pair of words that are compared with the Binfin, which belongs to general persuasion.

It is not just a person who is more than the buddy, but it is more distressed than the rest of the people.

After class, all small groups will come together again.

It is a person in Yushan Group when it is a member of Ye Shan Group when it is in the class. It is also a member of the Yushan Group when it is in the class.

When you are under get out of class, you will take your headphones to learn books. Sometimes I have been very happy with her friends and her friends, but when I am a person, I will take a lot of ideas.

By the encyclopedia of the Valley, I unconsciously rely on You Taifa, I feel more clear about my situation, understand myself and those who are two worlds.

Learning is for yourself.

Only by learning can sit here, not because I have to study alone, and the surroundings are not in.

There are fewer exchanges with Snow, and both sides are studying hard. As for the servant, it has had to change from Bin Bin.

When the school is in this environment, many things need to be changed. For future graduation results and outline, learning is a must.

I can enter this school, representing the level of learning results, it is a middle and other levels, and it is the kind of person who will use some minds in learning.

It is not very good than the learning results in Binbian, I'm hard to concentrate on learning, but I can't put my mind when I am studying.

The Waiter has been in the selection of the sea, and the name is in the name.

On the one hand, the student will intervention, the two vice presidents of the Student Association are the type of love to find things, plus mathematics teachers will take a consultant in the student, so some things are still willing to go to the Student Association.

The servant did not have a matter, and it turned into a learning department, and the choice of liberal arts than that of the Gugu Hachiman and Choosing Scholars haven't said it for a long time.

When the snow is not in touch with the Valley Bayun, it is a bit similar to Ye Shanren than the Valley, which is not poisonous.

The image of which is like, the current charity of Ye Mountain can not be similar!

It is a laughter who laughs behind the body. Even if it is a happy laughter, it is still able to hear the laughter, not only there is Ye Mountain, and the beautiful people and others, but also from the Bin.

There is no expectation, there is no disappointment, there is no injury.

Before the Valley Valley is very clear, like Ye Shan people, it has been given up after the requirements of the snow is not reached.

The problem between the two is not just the matter that I have a reputation like a sea, but I don't realize this than the Bin Bin, still a gentle trial to make the station to return to the previous relationship.

I hate a gentle girl.

Gentle girls are active to everyone, but I will mistake it to be gentle to me.

Then I was very pleased to forget, and finally didn't be born, both sides were hurt.

- So I hate a gentle girl.

When you have dinner at noon, you have dinked with the buddhi to the classroom, and the relationship between the two is the same as before.

"Ah, Snow, today's last test results, my grades are so low, I have been discovered by the teacher."

It is complained from the buddy clothing and the snow, and there is a trouble and depressed on a face.

After hearing, Snow said, "I have said," I have said, I should put my mind in learning, or you can't take a good school after graduation. "

"A Xue, you said too serious, I think I have worked hard, still there is hopeful." By the buddh, it is very confident, but this self-confidence will disappear, distressed, said: "Even if you work hard, you can't take it in the East ..."

The goal of Snow is the best school in Dongda and China.

This kind of lofty goal is no longer able to work hard by this ordinary student than the Bin Bin, so it is very discouraged when it comes.

In the choice of liberal arts and science, he chose the liberal arts he is good at than Yuguku.

Not long ago, it is not a matter of mathematics than the entrance to the Valley, which will not choose science.

Snow's liberal arts and science scores are very good. Which one can be selected, and in the final choice, I chose the same science as the brank.

Xue Nai's literary school grade is the first, but the science achievement is no longer hidden to cover his branches, and there is a stable loss in the last contest. ......

Because of the failure, Snow is more paranoid for the context of the branches.

Snow is now, it is still thinking that Gu is too late to choose the branch of the student's conference without choosing yourself, because you are not as good as the branch.

In order to prove yourself, the snow is very concerned about this kind of thing.

Whether it is with the branch of the staff, it is still the case of the body's superiority and the stampery, whether it is in the proposal of the two vice presidents.

Although Snow has already transferred the mind from the service department to the student meeting, but also cherishes and is a friendship with the Binbian.

"Even if you don't choose to choose East, it is necessary to improve the results, you don't plan to work after graduating from high school?"

It was dressed up to the table. Depressed: "It is definitely necessary to enhance the school, but learning this kind of thing is really difficult, I want to have a german with a german and A Xue. It's easy to easily. "

The goal of the bungee love is also East, this is the same before the New Year.

In other words, if there is no accident, their two are still unchanging relationships when university.

And the relationship with the Binbian clothes will gradually alienate after graduation.

This is the pseudo mentioned than the Valley.

Snow is no way to this kind of thing, shook his head and said: "The light is not enough for you, you should go to the class."

After listening to Binzi, I shook my head and said: "The tutor is very tight, I heard that if you go to the tutor, if you escape the class, you will be caught back by the teacher!"

"Where did you hear the news?" Snow did not believe in this kind of thing, but I didn't have to go to the elimary class, I said: "If you don't want to go to the class, then find a home to teach Your home is helmed. "

After listening to Binzi, it is still very troublesome, "Tutor, I heard that the family education is very expensive."

Snow is seriously said: "Then you should be more grateful, thank you home to provide you with this opportunity, 0.9 efforts to improve your grades."

From the Binzi clothing, I didn't think about it. I was refused to say: "I still don't want, there is a family teacher, the time will be less, now the homework is enough, I can't finish it in the department. Homework. "

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