Comprehensive Manzhi to listen to father's words

Book I want to listen to Dad's words Chapter 457

After the snow was heard, if he thought: "Yes, the service is now a place to write homework, but now it is good, I can help you with you in the homework."

Snow is not the idea of ​​the end of the department. Now Snow and students will do it, mainly there is a partner of the department.

If there is no waiter, then the snow is the loneliness.

I nodded by a bit of joy, "Thank you, A Xue, there is A Xue, you don't need to ask!"


When it is made home from Binzi, when you take a shower, you will come in when you have a message to send a message to the classmates, and you will come in.

"Isn't there a test when I have a job? Is there a test?"

Looking at my mother in an instant than the Binzhi clothing, I finally handed out the transcript.

This is appropriate.


Chapter 053 has not been developed ...

Just started, it was pressed on the head by many things.

At present, you are still two things, one thing, one thing is to send a student to the first phase of the task to complete the task.

The second thing is to see if you can upgrade A-level pills and upgrades to D-class pills.

These two things take time, belonging to the urgency, not particularly urgent.

Things should be slow, as for the things of Fujihara Xiangzi and Shadia's beauty products, and the things that you want to do is not contradictory.

Teaching the college entrance examination has excellent results, you can enter the East University, naturally get a reward of beauty products.

The research institute is working hard, and it is also a great achievement. Of course, it will also get rewards, so a few things are actually interactive.

It is now steady or counseling for several students' studies.

"Science Even, I know not a lot of things, now I feel that you need to strengthen other short boards, I can help you have no more."

You is not a professional teacher, and even if the teacher, the students should learn, it is almost the same, and more is really a student's own problem.

Even the teacher of the famous school, did not grasp the top results in the college entrance examination.

Basically, the teacher is not the most outstanding person ...

College students in the school, in the teacher's 18, do not necessarily be better than the professional teachers in Normal University.

You Tan is now this situation, he has not been able to teach these people.

When the branch of the boy, I heard the words of the blessing, I also felt a regret.

"Teacher, don't you understand a lot of things? How can I not teach us?"

The branch loves to turn the automatic pen in his hand and talks with You Nature.

The student meeting is basically there are basically, it is usually the blessing here to help a few girls study, or drink tea together, very unreasonable.

You is too smile and said: "Although I will have more things, but the exam will not take those, you have to master the knowledge of the book, that is, some in the scope, not on the book, these I am almost They are gave you, and the rest is to see your own understanding and use. "

The college entrance examination, You Tai did not teach too many things to these people, and those things are not used.

"Then we can have this happening this?" Shouno also asked. For learning this kind of thing, the head is cool or feels very troublesome.

She doesn't need to worry about graduation, and I have no idea after graduation. It is purely to be ambiguously placed here for the violtaic taste.

The head is now a mixed day, and it is backed by the way.

After hearing that Yu is too taught, the most happy natural is the head.

You didn't have a good idea in the intention of the rattan, and continue: "The rest is the accumulation of repetitions, a lot of quizzes and test papers as supplements, as for other subjects, it depends on your own efforts."

Kawasaki Shahi is here, as a ht-employed personnel of the Student Association, responsible for the work of water to water, and will learn with everyone with everyone.

"Teacher, is you coming over later?"

Kawasaki Shaki is more than others more than others, because of the least concern, Kawasaki Shashi quickly asked a key issue.

You smile and said: "There will be few things to come over. I have a lot of things in this stage. I have a lot more than before, but I don't delay my responsible course, I will always come over. Sitting. "

Several people have appreciated it, everyone knows that there are many things that Guery too outside needs to be handled.

This kind of thing is normal, and the Huashan Sand said with a smile: "I thought that Gu is too for the outside work, no matter how much money can be made."

After the relationship between the Yi and Hua Palace, the distance between the two is nearly a lot.

There is no way to say, sometimes there is something that happens, it is easier to make both sides build a relief.

You said that he had shook his head and said: "I have been very busy. Recently, this shot has always been put on a lot of things to handle."

The things of Hua Palace believe that the matter of the Tai Shi said is that the snow is the family. After all, it protects a big family that collapse, there is a lot of things that need to be dealt.

"I don't do anything else, I feel much after I heard you, I feel much after you have complained it." Hua Palace is a smile, "I feel this time teacher, more cute ~"

You smiled and laughed, looked at the Huashan Sisha: "Teacher can be very handsome, don't use cute to describe, and don't have this teacher in school, be careful, I will tell you to harass!"

It is obviously not to speak with ordinary teachers and students, but the mother is not the same.

The first is the age problem, because the difference is only three or four years old, everyone will easily forget the identity of the identity.

There is also a very peaceful person, many times are not strict, and the girl is also very gentle, and everyone has a joke and often things.

There are two small foxes in Huasha and Shouno, the atmosphere is naturally active, and You is too often become a joke.

Although the Huasha and Shouno cool, although it is very interested in many things, it will not take the branch of love and Kawasaki Shati to joke. The two know that these two people are not the kind of person who likes this kind of thing.

The head is cool, holding the chin one hand, and playing the rubber and rubbing one hand, while saying:

"Talking about sexual harassment, You Tid, you have a long time to work together, is it a year? I will see that the teacher is still the kind of single, and you are too quiet ..."

You said that he helplessly said: "This kind of thing should not be joking, otherwise the Teacher's Tiequan sanctions will appear."

"You didn't hide again." The head is cool and looks at Gu. It will soon think of interesting things. "You have you have more harmonious teachers. Do you have a good thing? After a man stronger than her, I will pursue you! "

The branch of the stranger said: "You are a novel, how can there be a kind of plot, this world is not more than a person more than a master, how could I decide by this absurd reason? What about people? "

The Huashan Sisha looked at the stunner. I said that I said: "The temple only said that there is this possibility, but I feel that the things of the Pingtu are really needed to care, just good for these few days, Let's help the teacher. "

"A row!" The Yito looked at the funny smile. In this kind of idle, they can find true fun. "Let's find a little, no, let us help the Pingyu teacher!"

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