"However, Lord Lin climbed the mountain today, first killed my five hundred Shaolin disciples, and then killed my five Vajra Realm monks, and abolished the first seat of the three courtyards, even if there is a great anger, it should be gone. "

The tone of the white-eyed monk was not tough, because the strength of the young Taoist priest on the other side was too strong.

Even the empty clearing that cultivated into the unbroken body of King Kong was abolished by a few palms, and if it continued to fight, Shaolin would not win, but would only lose.

Because no matter whether Lin Xuan can be left or not, the tragic result is even worse for the current Shaolin.

In just half an hour, five hundred elite disciples were lost, and the Vajra Hall and the Arhat Hall were almost paralyzed.

The first seat of the three courtyards was killed and wounded, several masters of the King Kong Realm died tragically, and even Kongqing, the abbot of Shaolin, was abolished from martial arts.

The white-eyed monk continued: "Heaven has the virtue of a good life, and now that Lin Shi's main spirit is also out, can we sit down and have a good talk." "

"What are you talking about?"

The young Taoist priest asked.

"Naturally, it's a matter of making peace. "

The white-eyed monk said: "If Master Lin insists on continuing to fight, Shaolin will accompany him, anyway, so many disciples have died, and he doesn't care about the death of a few more masters, it is nothing more than a net with Lord Lin Shi, and both sides will be defeated." "

"The fish is dead and the net is broken, and both sides are injured?"

What Lin Xuan was most annoyed by was hearing these two words, and he said the same thing with Xu Cripple last time.

He snorted coldly: "Why?"

With a casual move, the frost sword came out of its sheath and fell into his hand, the sword aura was cold, and the sunlight sprinkled down, shining on the long sword, with a piercing cold.

In the dark, an invisible coercion rose to the sky, enveloping the entire Shaolin, and the mountains and fields were silent, cold and biting.

At this time, seventy-two figures rushed out of Shaolin, each of them was smeared with gold dust, exuding a golden streamer, holding a brass stick, with a strong physique and a fierce aura.

Seventy-two bronze people, one of Shaolin's hole cards, each bronze man is a master of the masters, in addition to several King Kong realms, there are thirty-six small masters, and thirty congenital late cultivation of warrior monks.

Seventy-two bronze men put down the "four two zero" array, and after a while, the sound of Buddha came, and several white-eyed monks walked out.

They are all old monks of the previous generation, and they are all condensed with breath on their bodies, which is extremely extraordinary.

"Is that enough?"

The white-eyed monk spoke: "Only with Lin Shizhu's single sword, I can't destroy my Shaolin, if I continue to fight, then Shaolin and Wudang will not die." "

"You're threatening me?"

The young Taoist priest narrowed his eyes, and the next moment, the terrifying sword momentum broke through his body and swayed upward.

In the void, a clear sword qi was derived, layered, dense, and looming.

Wrapped in the extreme edge, it made people's scalp tingle, and the young Taoist priest only had the billowing sword qi left.

With a thought, the void exploded, and the sword qi soared into the sky, condensing together, turning into a vast river of white sword qi.

It is like a heavenly river, connecting heaven and earth, but this heavenly river is the most terrifying sword path in the world.

At the foot of the mountain

Countless people raised their heads, looked at this spectacular and majestic scene, and swallowed their saliva unconsciously.

"The sword aura is long. "

A kendo master spoke, with a trilling voice, his body shook, and his face twitched, as if he had seen something incredible.

"It's such a terrible kendo cultivation. "

"What kind of realm Lin Xuan's sword path has reached. "

"Do you really want to fight Shaolin?"

Even though they were separated from the old man, they still felt a terrifying edge from this long river of sword qi.

In the void, there was a little cold light, the wind was raging, and above the sky, dark clouds gathered from all directions.

In an instant, lightning flashed and thundered, and electric snakes appeared in the clouds, erupting into an earth-shattering roar.

The clouds and mist surged, the electric light roared, tearing the heavens and the earth, and the electric snakes were entangled.




In the void, Sen Sen's sword intent erupted, overwhelming the world, and transparent ripples flooded.

In front of the gate of Shaolin Mountain, countless monks and novices were frightened under this coercion, and they were so timid that they couldn't even stand steadily.

What a great power is this?

I even felt a tingling pain all over my body, especially in the center of my eyebrows, as if there was a peerless sword hanging from it, pointing at my head all the time.

The novices' eyes were filled with endless fear, and their bodies unconsciously retreated.

Even the seventy-two King Kong bronze men all had solemn faces.


The thunder roared, the miserable white electric light bloomed, and the young Taoist priest stood tall and straight, and he suppressed the entire Shaolin.

Even without any movement, those white-eyed monks and the great monks of the Vajra Realm were breathless.

"What a strong cultivation. "

The first seat of the Bodhi Temple is in the bottom of my heart.

The four white-eyed monks of the previous generation glanced at each other, and they all saw a dignified look in each other's eyes.

"How the hell is this kid cultivating. "

They muttered to themselves, but they didn't have time to think about it, if they couldn't satisfy the young Taoist priest.

Shaolin is only afraid of dying in name.

Not to mention anything else, if you want to stop Lin Xuan, you have to fill it with human lives, not the lives of ordinary disciples, but the lives of these masters of the King Kong Realm.

Ordinary disciples, let alone hundreds or thousands, even if they are doubled, in front of Lin Xuan, they are just ants, and they are simply sent to death.

"Not a threat. "

The white-eyed monk who spoke before took half a step forward, his withered body wrapped in a wide robe, and looked at the young Taoist priest without fear, and said in a deep voice: "It's just a heartfelt word, if you continue to fight, it will be a catastrophe for Shaolin, but Lord Lin will never be better."

Lord Lin is young, and he still has a good future, the rivers and lakes are big, where to go, why bother to be obsessed with the Shaolin family. "

The white-eyed monk spoke earnestly, if he could, how could he talk to a junior like this.

The strength of partiality is not as good as that of people, so you can only bow your head.

The rivers and lakes are like this, whoever has a big fist has the right to speak, and whoever has a small fist can only compromise and seek perfection.

"If you want to negotiate conditions with poor Dao, you must first show your strength. "

Lin Xuan was disdainful: "At least so far, I can't see that Poor Dao can't see that you Shaolin have the ability to die with me and lose both." "

The white-eyed monk pondered for a moment and said with a wry smile: "Since this is the case, then the poor monk will make a bet with Lord Lin Shi." "

"What bet?"

The young Taoist priest pouted.

The white-eyed monk said: "If the old man can catch the three swords of the Lin Shizhu, from now on, the grievances of the Lin Shizhu, Wudang and Shaolin will be written off, and the well will not violate the river." "

"Pick me up three swords?"

Lin Xuan's expression was playful: "You old bald donkey, so confident?"

"It's not self-confidence, it's something you have to do. "

The white-eyed monk shook his head.

"Yes. "

The young Taoist priest nodded: "If you can take me three swords and immortalize, the grievances will be written off from now on, but your Shaolin Hidden Scripture Pavilion must be released to the Taoist Master for three months." "

"No way. "

The senior monk of the Bodhi Academy immediately spoke: "The Tibetan Scripture Pavilion is my Shaolin forbidden land, not to mention that you are an outsider, even if you are an inner disciple, not everyone is qualified to enter." "

"There's nothing to talk about. "

Lin Xuan glanced lightly at the first seat of the Bodhi Academy, and the sword qi behind him vibrated for a long time, erupting into a high-pitched sword roar, and the Dao sword qi surged, wrapped in a surging edge, Sen.

It's a clear threat.

"You. "

Feeling the increasingly terrifying pressure of the sword qi, the first seat of the Bodhi Academy gritted his teeth, but he had no choice but to mobilize his cultivation to protect his body and resist the strong pressure.

"Yes. "

The four white-eyed old monks had already completed the exchange with one look, and the old monk at the front nodded.

"Stand down. "

The white-eyed monk waved his hand.

Many of the great monks took the other Shaolin novices and monks to retreat again.

The white-eyed monk sat cross-legged wrapped in a robe, glanced at the young Taoist priest, closed his eyes, and began to settle down.

Up and down his body, he was surrounded by a looming golden internal force, and he silently recited many Buddhist scriptures in his mouth.

The other three white-eyed monks just sighed lightly and retreated into the distance, which was clearly about to take another life.

"Old monk, although Poor Dao admires your courage, he will not show mercy. "

Lin Xuan's expression was calm, his right hand held the Frost Sword, and the long sword shook, erupting into waves of sword roars.

The long river of sword qi behind him continued to rise, and in the void, Sen Sen's sword qi soared, and the young Taoist priest slowly raised his long sword, urged the sword drawing technique, and slashed the first sword towards the white-eyed monk sitting cross-legged.


The rippling sword light bloomed in the void again, setting off a violent storm of sword qi, overwhelming the sky, and the rippling sword light crossed the void and headed towards the white-eyed monk.


The old monk didn't move at all, he didn't even blink his eyelids, and the wisps of true qi turned into a looming golden bell to protect his body.

The sword qi slashed above the golden bell, and a huge roar erupted, and after half a breath, dense cracks appeared in the golden bell.


Jin Zhong exploded in front of the sword qi, but most of the sword qi power was gone, and the rest of the station was not slashed on the old monk, but was worn out by the true qi of the body.

"The second sword. "

Lin Xuan spoke, took the Frost Condensing Sword, and slashed out the second sword, and another sword qi slashed towards the white-eyed monk.

"Boom" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

A powerful golden true qi erupted from the old monk's body, enveloping his body for several feet, turning into a golden qi wall, and the sword qi slashed at the qi wall, splitting it in an instant.

However, the second, third, and fourth qi walls appeared one after another, and the sword qi tore through the layers of true qi and slashed at the old monk's body.


The robe shattered, the old monk's body exuded dazzling golden light, the sword qi exploded, and the golden light shattered at the same time.

A deep sword mark appeared on the old monk's body, and golden blood was bubbling outward.

These blood droplets fell on the ground, like magma, exuding a scorching temperature, which showed that the white-eyed monk's physique was also extremely strong, and it was not under the vajra body of the Shaolin abbot.

"Aren't they dead?"

Lin Xuan pretended to be surprised.

At this moment

The entire Shaolin was extremely silent, the needle drop could be heard, and everyone held their breath and didn't even dare to blink their eyes.

"Uncle Shi. "

Many monks spoke in a sad tone.

The old monk who was sitting cross-legged opened his eyes, his expression was still calm, he didn't care about the wounds on his body, and just said, "Master Lin, there is still one last sword left." "

"The last sword. "

Lin Xuan pursed his lips and put the frost sword into his sheath: "The last sword will be slashed on the bodies of all of you Shaolin, and when I hear my name in the future, I will retreat and ......... away."

The sword qi rolling behind him dissipated and turned into nothingness.

"Uncle Shi. "

Several senior monks hurriedly helped the white-eyed monk up.

The old monk got up, ignored those juniors, just folded his hands, bowed to the young Taoist priest, and said in a sincere tone: "Thank you Lord Lin." "

"Thank you, Lord Lin. "

The other three white-eyed monks were also like this, they knew very well that if Lin Xuan slashed the last sword, the old monk would definitely die.

Since then, the grievances have been written off, and the well water does not interfere with the river water. "

Lin Xuan's tone was calm.

"As it should be. "

The four white-eyed monks said in unison: "As long as Master Lin is still in the world for a day, Shaolin will always avoid Wudang." "

Although the other monks were not convinced, they did not dare to say anything more.

Those senior monks, when they looked at the young Taoist priest again, did not have so much anger in their eyes.

People are always modest, if you directly let them soften, they will definitely not be convinced, but if you beat them first, in a little favor, they will not only be happy and convinced, but also grateful to Dade.

"Go and clean up the corpses up and down the mountain. "

The young Taoist priest turned over on the back of the green ox: "Three days later, the poor Dao came to the Shaolin Scripture Pavilion, if there is a book missing from the Scripture Pavilion by then, don't blame me for turning my face." "

"Naturally not. "

Several white-eyed monks hurriedly replied, and it was not until they saw the young Taoist priest riding the green ox down the mountain that they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I've finally sent this killing god away. "

Someone wiped the cold sweat from his forehead in shock.

"If I knew that today, I shouldn't have sent someone to intercept him in the first place. "

Some people regret it, if it weren't for the crooked thoughts at the beginning, they wouldn't have been born to the end of the incident.

It's a pity that there is no such thing as regret medicine in this world.

Those white-eyed monks walked down the mountain, looked at the corpses all over the ground, and unconsciously felt sad in their hearts.

Before today, Shaolin was so majestic, the leader of Buddhism, the leader of the righteous path in the rivers and lakes, but after today.

All glory will be wiped out, with the loss of five hundred elite disciples, as well as many masters.

Without more than ten years, it will not be able to recover at all.

Although he swallowed his anger and seemed to lose face, he got the lining. "

The white-eyed monk smiled bitterly: "Compared with preserving the strength of the sect, those ethereal things are not worth mentioning. "

"Uncle Shi, in the Pavilion of the Hidden Scriptures, it is the hard work of countless ancestors of our Shaolin for thousands of years. "

Some monks were unwilling: "Just let Lin Xuan in, how will I gain a foothold in Shaolin in the future." "

"If everyone is gone, what's the use of having more martial arts cheats?"

Another white-eyed monk snorted coldly: "Lin Xuan wants to go and see it, just let him go in and see it, anyway, there will be no less martial arts cheats, it's nothing more than a few more people on the rivers and lakes who can do Shaolin stunts." "

The matter has come to this point, and I can only comfort myself like this.

"Good life gathers the corpses of these disciples. "

The first seat of the Bodhi Monastery said: "They all died fighting for Shaolin." "

The whole Shaolin was busy, up and down the mountain, shrouded in a solemn and sad atmosphere.

It took two whole days to collect all the corpses by 0.9, but Shaolin still lingered with a strong smell of blood, which did not disperse for a long time.

Day 4

The young Taoist priest rode a green ox and came to the gate of Shaolin Mountain leisurely, and there were white-eyed monks waiting early.

"Lord Lin, please inside. "

The white-eyed monk had a smile on his face, and he couldn't see the slightest hatred at all, as if the young Taoist priest in front of him was a close friend he hadn't seen for many years.

"Hypocrisy. "

Lin Xuan muttered in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and chuckled: "The monk is so good-looking. "

"I wonder if the martial arts cheats in the Scripture Pavilion are ready?"

"It's ready. "

The white-eyed monk said: "Seventy-two stunts, along with the Yijin Sutra and the Pulp Washing Sutra, are all there. "

"I thought you were going to hide these two Zhenshan masters. "

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Not really. "

The white-eyed monk shook his head: "If I am a master of Shaolin, I can help Master Lin's martial arts to a higher level, and I can't say that I can also form a good fate." "

"Good karma?"

The young Taoist priest raised his eyebrows: "You don't hate me?"

"Cause and effect. "

The white-eyed monk said: "All the fruits and fruits have passed, so let them go with the wind and dissipate." "

"My Buddha is merciful, and those disciples have already reached Bliss and escaped from the sea of suffering. "

"A master deserves to be a master. "

Lin Xuan nodded, got off the back of the green ox, followed behind the white-eyed monk, stepped into the Shaolin Mountain Gate, and passed through the halls and pavilions.

Along the way, many novice monks lowered their heads when they saw Lin Xuan, no one dared to look at him, and no one even dared to look at Lin Xuan more.

In this way, he came to His Excellency the Tibetan Sutra safely, guarded by two old monks from the Vajra Realm.

"Master Lin, this is the Hidden Scripture Pavilion, all the mastery and martial arts of Shaolin are in it, you can go in and see it yourself. "

The white-eyed monk said: "Three meals a day will be delivered." "

"Thank you, Master. "

Lin Xuan nodded slightly, and then strode into the Scripture Pavilion.

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