From the Shaolin Sect to the present, Lin Xuan is probably the first person who has entered the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion as an outsider.

It is not excluded that in addition to him, there are other people who enter the Scripture Pavilion, but they are all sneaky, for fear of being discovered by Shaolin.

But he stepped into it under the gaze of countless Shaolin monks.

The door of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion closed, and the two old monks glanced at each other, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

For Shaolin, this is undoubtedly humiliating, but there is no way to resist, the strength is not as good as others, so they can only stand and be beaten.

"During these days, no other disciples are allowed to enter. "

The white-eyed monk confessed.

"Obey my uncle's orders. "

The two monks nodded.

The white-eyed monk retracted his gaze and turned to leave, today's Shaolin has become a mess, and there are too many things to deal with.

A few days ago, in a battle with Lin Xuan, there were heavy casualties, King Kong Hall and Luohan Hall were almost abolished, and there were few masters left.

Several more statues of the King Kong Realm and the first seat of several courtyards died, and even the abbot master Kongqing became a waste.

The most important thing is to re-elect an abbot to oversee all things in Shaolin.

It's not a good errand, but a hot potato.

In the past, the Shaolin soldiers were strong and strong, and there were many masters, sitting on the position of the leader of Buddhism and the leader of the righteous path, and the status in the martial arts was unattainable.

And now that it has plummeted, the new abbot must lead Shaolin, not to mention getting out of the quagmire, at least to stabilize the situation.

You don't have to think about it to know that the two demons must be making calculations, and among the Buddhists, there have long been people who are dissatisfied with the position of the leader of the Shaolin Buddhism.

Now it will also be secretly fueling the troubles, in short, if a capable abbot is not elected.

I'm afraid that the situation in Shaolin will only become more and more difficult in the future, compared to it, such a trivial matter as letting Lin Xuan enter the Scripture Pavilion is not worth mentioning at all.

The white-eyed monk left from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and along the way, he saw a lot of novice monks with black faces, and they knew that the enemies of Shaolin were in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, but they couldn't do anything.

Not even the slightest look of hatred.

This is undoubtedly a sadness.

It's a pity that the young Taoist priest didn't care about these novices' thoughts at all, and at this time he was in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, carefully flipping through the secret books of martial arts, and he didn't even let go of the Buddhist scriptures.

Shaolin's collection of books is not the first in the world, but it is placed in the martial arts, and it is definitely 13 in the forefront.

In addition to the seventy-two stunts, there are countless martial arts cheats and many unique collections.

These things are unique in the world, and there is no second one out of Shaolin.

"Mighty Vajra Palm. "

Lin Xuan picked up a booklet that was a little old, sat on the ground, and looked at it carefully, three months was a long time.

I read three or five martial arts books every day, and if it is simpler, I can read seven or eight books, and his reading is not ordinary people's reading, or it is unforgettable.

But if you have seen it, you will be, not to mention Dacheng, at least get started.

The realm of martial arts has reached the bottom of his now, and there is a faint way of law, the prototype of ten thousand laws, no matter how difficult the martial arts are, it is extremely easy to get started.

It only took a month to learn most of the Shaolin 72 stunts.

Every day, there are also novice monks to bring food, and the days can be described as extremely leisurely.

"Yi Jin Sutra, Wash the Marrow Sutra. "

The young Taoist priest closed the two ancient books, sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and began to practice the two Shaolin Peerless Studies.

On the days when he was doing penance in the Zangjing Pavilion, the news of the Battle of Mt. Shaomuro spread to the world at a stormy speed.

The martial arts were shaken, whether it was the underworld and the white way, or the evil way and the demon way, or the three sects, they were all shocked.

To know

That's Shaolin

A sect that has stood for thousands of years

Leader of Buddhism

The leader of the right path

After countless ups and downs, his status has never wavered, but now, he was pressed to his knees by one person and one sword, and he was crawling to survive.

Not to mention that Lin Xuan is still a second-generation disciple of Wudang.

If there is the slightest turning point and hope, Shaolin will never bow to Lin Xuan, let alone Wudang.

But the facts are right in front of you

Lin Xuan, the second-generation disciple of Wudang, killed a river of blood on Shaomu Mountain with one person and one sword.

One sword broke through the Vajra Demon Suppression Array, slaughtered five hundred elite disciples, killed many Vajra Realm masters, and the first in each academy.

Even the Shaolin abbot's empty King Kong is not bad, and his magic skills have been abolished with one palm.

What a terrible practice this is?

The Grand Master of Kendo

The Big Finger Realm has such terrifying strength, if it enters the Heavenly Phenomena Realm, how terrifying should it be?

This battle alone has established Lin Xuan's status as a giant in the rivers and lakes, and no one dares to question it, and even his name has surpassed that of many great masters of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm who have been famous for a long time.

And Lin Xuan's age is even in his twenties, what kind of talent and roots is this?

Such a strong man is no longer confined to one state or one government, and his gestures can change the situation of the entire rivers and lakes.

Inside the Beiliang Palace

Xu lame looked at the secret report in his hand and was speechless for a long time.

In the middle of summer, the sun is shining, sprinkling bursts of golden light, and in the courtyard, the one-armed old man is leisurely basking in the sun.

When Xu Cripple walked out with the secret report, he happened to see the one-armed old man buttoning his nostrils, so he couldn't help but say, "You can't be a little gentle." "

"You and I, a man who is about to sink half of my body, said you want Sven?"

The one-armed old man opened his eyes and pouted, "Cripple Xu, you are also a talent." "

"Ahem. "

The King of Beiliang shook his head, handed over the letter in his hand and said, "Take a look." "

"Something. "

The one-armed old man was curious, took it, and after a moment, grinned, "This kid is interesting." "

"A single sword, the Shaolin who kills bows his head. "

Xu lame sighed: "Even the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion let this kid in, but it can be seen that Shaolin is afraid of being killed." "

"The land god fairy realm is not out, in this world, there are very few people who are qualified to be his opponents. "

The one-armed old man said: "It is not an exaggeration to say that the Celestial Realm is invincible. "

"Then if he enters the Heavenly Phenomena Realm, wouldn't he be able to compete with the land immortals. "

Xu lame said.

"Almost. "

The one-armed old man nodded: "But it's not an enemy, but a land immortal." "

"If nothing else, there will be another Wang Lao Wei in this world. "

"It's good that you were allowed to go to Wudang at the beginning. "

Xu Cripple said with palpitations: "If you don't get to the point, my hundreds of thousands of iron horsemen really can't suppress that kid." "

"Do you have times when you're afraid?"

The one-armed old man sneered: "But that kid wants to enter the celestial realm, I'm afraid it's not easy." "

"What do you mean?"

Xu lame frowned.

"God jealousy. "

The one-armed old man just slowly said these two words from his mouth.

Emperor on the peak

Fan Qinghui, who received the information, was silent, walked out of the room, and looked at the mountains in the distance, with a wry smile on her face.

"It's amazing. "

She muttered to herself: "But the fall of Shaolin may not be a good thing for Buddhism." "

Fan Qinghui's worries are not unreasonable, Shaolin's bow definitely affects more than Shaolin.

After this battle, the position of the leader of Shaolin Buddhism was not guaranteed, and naturally there were other sects that wanted to take the throne.

I can't say that this is a bloody storm, if you are not careful, Buddhism may even fight for it because it has become a plate of loose sand.

This is something that Fan Qinghui and Cihang Jingzhai absolutely cannot tolerate.

Unlike Cihang Jingzhai, the two demons were as happy as the New Year after learning the news.

The general altar of the Yin Sect

Many masters of the Demon Gate gathered together, waited for Zhu Yuyan's dispatch, dispatched troops, and prepared to launch an attack on Shaolin's territory.

Although Lin Xuan has been sparing no effort to pour dirty water and rumors on Zhu Yuyan over the years, it has had little effect.

No way

The name of the first master of the Demon Gate of the Yin Queen is not for nothing, and the strength of the great master of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm is real.

Among the two demons, it is also the most powerful group of existences.

Although the people in the Demon Gate were extremely disdainful of Zhu Yuyan in private, they did not dare to have the slightest disrespect on the surface.

"Sect Master, as long as you give an order, my Demon Gate master will come out, and he will definitely be able to take all the Shaolin territory. "

The white-haired old man said loudly: "Now is the time when Shaolin is the weakest, and we must not miss the opportunity." "

"Yes, the Queen of Yin should lead us to revive the prestige of the Demon Gate. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Beat Buddhism and the three religions and become the first sect in the world. "

One by one, the demon Dao masters were immersed in fantasy, and even Wanwan, who was standing behind Zhu Yuyan, was extremely moved.

"Master, why don't you let the disciple take someone there. "

Wanwan opened her mouth, she has been practicing penance in the sect all these years, and she has stepped into the realm of the grandmaster, and she is extremely confident in her own strength.

"You all want to expand your territory. "


On the first seat, Zhu Yuyan shook her head and spoke in a deep voice, without the slightest excitement in her heart.

There was even a slight fear, but it didn't show it.

"Sect Master, don't you want land and silver?"

Some people are unhappy, people in the devil's way, unruly, no one is good at stubble, seeing that Zhu Yuyan is unmoved, naturally some people are dissatisfied.

"What a bold man, dare to talk to the master like this. "

Her pretty face was cold, and a pair of cold eyes fell on this person, who was terrified and unconsciously shrunk his neck.

The dissatisfaction on his face dissipated, and he replaced it with a sneer: "Don't dare, don't dare." "

"Sect Master, whether you fight or not, you have to give an explanation. "

Another Demon Path Giant spoke.

"Why did Lin Xuan go to Shaolin?"

Zhu Yuyan's face under the veil was cold, and he said slowly: "Because he has a grudge against Shaolin, this person will be avenged, and he will do things more demonically than our demon gate."

But you are too happy too early, Lin Xuan not only has a grudge against Shaolin, but also has a big grudge with our demon gate.

If this seat guessed correctly, after he came out of the Shaolin Scripture Pavilion, the next target would be the Demon Gate. "

A word woke up the dreamer, and when she finished speaking, the originally noisy hall suddenly fell silent, and the wild birds were silent.

"This... "

An old woman had a frightened face and said tremblingly: "It shouldn't be." "

"No matter how Lin Xuan says it, he is also a disciple of Wudang, Wang Zhenren's apprentice, he shouldn't be so petty. "

After this man finished speaking, let alone anyone else, even he didn't believe it.

"Do you still want to attack Shaolin's territory now?"

Zhu Yuyan snorted coldly: "You still think you have the ability to grab land from Lin Xuan and Wudang." "

"Sect Master, I suddenly remembered that there is still something to deal with in the gang. "

The middle-aged man clenched his fists: "Since you don't do it, then I'll go back first." "

"There are also emergencies in my gang. "

"I've got something to do too. "


These demon sects all made excuses one after another, anyway, what offended Lin Xuan at the beginning was done by Zhu Yuyan and the Yin Sect.

They would not be stupid enough to share weal and woe with the Queen of Yin at such a juncture, and in just a quarter of an hour, the masters of the Demon Gate in the main hall were almost gone.

Only a few of the elders of the Yin Sect were left looking at each other, neither to leave nor to stay.

"Go down, all of you. "

It wasn't until Zhu Yuyan on the first seat opened his mouth that they walked out of the hall quickly as if they had been pardoned.

"Master, is it really necessary for us to be so afraid of him?"

Wanwan said unwillingly: "No matter how strong Lin Xuan is, after all, he is only one person and one sword, we have many demon dao masters, and we can't deal with him?"

"Sometimes, one man and one sword are better than thousands of troops. "

Zhu Yuyan smiled bitterly: "I didn't even pay attention to the hundreds of thousands of iron horses of the King of Beiliang, because the teacher knew that the iron horses of the lame man Xu were powerful, and they couldn't reach our Yin Sect, but Lin Xuan's guy could kill them." "

"So what do we do?"

The willow eyebrows furrowed.

"What else can I do?"

Zhu Yuyan said: "Let's make peace, the lessons of Shaolin's past are in front of you, and there is no shame in bowing your head to Lin Xuan."

No matter how strong our Yin Sect is, can it still be stronger than Shaolin?"

"Will he take it?"

Wanwan hesitated.

"I'll go to the Dongming faction in person, I think I have Mrs. Dongming as the middleman, Lin Xuan will agree. "

Before this, Zhu Yuyan never thought that one day he would ask for Shan Meixian's body.

But at this point, there is no other way.

The turmoil on the rivers and lakes had nothing to do with Lin Xuan at all, and at this moment, he was staying in the Scripture Pavilion.

The powerful sword qi lingered around his body, and the qi and blood in his body boiled, refining his muscles and bones.


The qi and blood were calm, and the young Taoist priest opened his eyes and said to himself: "It is worthy of Shaolin's Zhenshan Divine Skill, and this Yijin Sutra and the Pulp Washing Sutra are really supreme mysterious. "

Using these two exercises to refine the true qi and bones every day, and then taking into account the cultivation of the Vajra Divine Skill, in just one month of 990, Lin Xuan's physique has improved by fifty percent.

The Vajra Immortal Divine Skill has been practiced to the eighth level, only the last level is missing, and the true qi in the body has also reached a perfect state.

Combined with the Shaolin seventy-two stunts, the power is terrifying, and it is no exaggeration to say that the foundation of the seventy-two stunts is the Yijin Sutra and the Washing the Marrow Sutra.

Now a true fellow practitioner of Taoism and Buddhism, with countless top-notch exercises of Taoism and Buddhism in his hands, his strength has improved a lot compared to a month ago.

You must know that at his level, every trace of improvement is precious, and many people have been cultivating for several years, and they may be standing still.

"The sword intent of the sword drawing technique has also reached the consummation realm, it's time to level up. "

He muttered.

After saying that, his mind entered the depths of the sea of knowledge, and he said silently: "Use a special sword technique to strengthen the card." "

"Strengthen the skill of drawing the sword. "

"It's intensifying. "

"Reinforcement complete. "

"Congratulations to the host, the sword drawing technique has been strengthened to the thirty-six heavenly sword technique. "

The sound of the system disappeared, and the next moment, an extremely large and obscure sword technique appeared in his mind, almost filling most of Lin Xuan's sea of knowledge.

This sword technique is extremely huge, far surpassing the sword drawing technique and the Qinglian sword technique, and it is extremely mysterious, not at all like the sword technique in the world.

It is the art of the imperial sword, called the Thirty-six Heavenly Sword Technique, which is the cultivation of thirty-six flying swords.

They correspond to the thirty-six heavens, and each flying sword has a mystery, which can enter and exit the green underworld, open the gate of heaven, and kill the immortals in the sky.

Lin Xuan's mind was immersed in this sword technique, and the more he comprehended it, the more mysterious he felt.

In addition to the natal flying sword, this sword technique also needs to open up thirty-six heavens in the spiritual platform.

Every time a heavy heaven is opened, one can cultivate a heavy heaven sword weapon.

It took seven or eight days for the young Taoist priest to wake up, and two sharp sword lights flashed in his eyes.

It's fleeting.

"Thirty-six heavy heavens, you need thirty-six sword weapons, it seems that you have to take the time to go to the sword pool. "

The corners of his mouth lifted.

Now is not the time to practice the Thirty-Six Heavenly Sword Technique, and now it is necessary to practice all the Shaolin exercises in the Hidden Scripture Pavilion.

This kind of opportunity is hard to come by, after all, Lin Xuan is a trustworthy person, and it is impossible to break his word and gain weight.

The grievances with Shaolin have been written off, and naturally there will be no more trouble in the future, and there will be no chance to come to the Zangjing Pavilion again.

In the past two months, I have read all the books in the collection, and I have practiced them all if I think they are useful, and many books that are not used have been firmly recorded in my head through the ability to never forget.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed, and on this day, the door of the Hidden Scripture Pavilion opened, and the young Taoist priest walked out of it.

"Amitabha. "

Four white-eyed monks stood at the door.

"Master Lin, the appointed time has come. "

One of the old monks spoke.

"Naturally. "

Lin Xuan nodded: "These days, Poor Dao has benefited a lot in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and I am very grateful. "

The two monks guarding the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion twitched cheeks, and couldn't help but slander and said Where have you benefited a lot, it is clear that you can practice all of them.

However, the two great monks were also shocked by Lin Xuan's talent.

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