The main reason is that Lin Xuan's speed of practicing martial arts is too fast.

Many Shaolin monks have never been able to practice in their lifetime, but in his hands, they have already mastered it in three or five hours, and even entered the hall.

This kind of talent is no longer something that can be described simply by a horror, it is simply shocking.

What a peerless Tianjiao, a young hero, in front of this young Taoist priest, is not worth mentioning at all.

It wasn't until Lin Xuan was sent out of Shaolin that the hearts of those white-eyed monks finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There was no way, Lin Xuan's oppression was too strong.

"Finally gone. "

A novice muttered to himself, breathing a sigh of relief, and even the look between his eyebrows was much more relaxed.

After a while, the entire Shaolin ancient temple erupted in cheers, as lively as the New Year.

"This guy has finally gone down the mountain. "

"Yes, I've been worrying every day these days, and I've had nightmares a lot at night. "

"I hope he never comes to Shaolin again. "

It's not just one person who has nightmares, even those white-eyed monks and those senior monks can't sleep at night.

On the mountain road

The young Taoist priest rode on the back of the green ox, listening to the cheers coming from the ancient temple behind him, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

Muttered to himself, "Is the poor road so scary?"

It's a pity that no one answered, only the green cow under the crotch called twice.

"Let's go. "

Lin Xuan patted the cow's butt and grinned: "Next, let's go and play with the Demon Gate, at the beginning, Zhu Yuyan, the queen of yin, also took more care of the Dao Master, and came without being rude, but now that the Dao Ye has achieved success, he will naturally return it a thousand times more." "

This time down the mountain

In addition to avenging his personal vendetta, there is another thing, that is, to completely beat the prestige of Wudang.

Lin Xuan didn't care about good and evil at all, the difference between the three religions, what he wanted to do was to let Wudang override the entire rivers and lakes.

Beyond the three religions and good and evil, if you want to achieve this level, you must have extremely strong strength.

When I came to the foot of the mountain, the smell of blood in the air had long since dissipated, and only the green mountains and green waters remained, as if nothing had happened.

In the distance, the rushing water of the river catharsized down from the cliff and crashed against the boulders, making a deafening roar.

The scorching sun was in the sky, but there was no much hot air, and there was a faint cool air lingering between the heavens and the earth.

It's almost autumn

Another year is coming to an end.

"Stupid cow, go faster. "

The young Taoist priest urged.


Qingniu turned his head and glared at Lin Xuan, then quickened his pace, and after leaving Shaolin, he went straight to the main altar of the Yin Sect.

While hurrying, while contemplating the various martial arts in his mind, the days are not dull.

Sometimes when I was tired of walking, I would stop and find a quiet place to stay for a few days, so that I could not set foot in the boundary of Youzhou until the beginning of September.

Youzhou belongs to the sphere of influence of the Demon Gate, but after Lin Xuan stepped into Youzhou, the Demon Gate was extremely honest.

Even the gangs on the streets and alleys seem to have disappeared, and there is not even a single one to find fault.

On this day, Lin Xuan went to Tianxuan Mansion and found an inn to stay.


There are uninvited guests visiting

"I've seen Lin Dao Chang below. "

He is a middle-aged man, with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, and his internal and external kung fu have stepped into the realm of excellence, and his tone is extremely respectful.

"What's the matter?"

in the room

The young Taoist priest picked up the teacup and took a sip, his tone flat.

"On the orders of my wife, I came to deliver a letter to Chief Lin. "

The man spoke, took out a wax-sealed letter from his sleeve robe, and handed it over with both hands, Lin Xuan took it and looked at it on the spot.

Hundreds of words were sprinkled with Shan Meixian's handwriting, and this Dongming lady mentioned her relationship with Zhu Yuyan in the letter.

spoke earnestly, saying that Zhu Yuyan found her and wanted Shan Meixian to be a middleman to talk to Momen and Lin Xuan.

Shan Meixian did not say whether she agreed or not, but asked Lin Xuan's opinion, and I have to say that this woman has no loopholes in doing things.

"Madame said that there is no need for Lin Daochang to make a decision now, she has already set off, and asked Lin Daochang to stay in Fengshan County for a few days. "

"Okay. "

Lin Xuan nodded, and the true qi in his palm agitated, and the letter was shaken into powder.

The man retired, left from the inn, and went back to resume his life, and on the morning of the second day, Lin Xuan continued to ride the green ox on the road to Fengshan County.

Prepare to meet with Shan Meixian, Mrs. Dongming.

Seven or eight days later, stepping into the boundary of Fengshan County, there is a big river here, running through the north and south, and on the wharf, there are warriors from the Dongming faction waiting early.

Originally, Huishan occupied eighty percent of the world's waterways, but over the years, with Lin Xuan's secret support, the Dongming faction had grabbed a lot of land from Huishan.

With the help of Wudang and Taibai City, its sphere of influence expanded rapidly in the north, completely dominating the many large rivers in the north.

Coupled with the maritime transportation monopolized by the Dongming faction itself, it has never broken through Huishan in one fell swoop in the north, where Huishan's power is weak.

It then expanded from north to south.

It can be said that in recent years, the Dongming faction and Shan Meixian have been infinitely beautiful, and they have faintly had the bearing of giants in the rivers and lakes.

Instead of Mrs. Dongming, who used to be in a corner of peace.

It can only be said that the times create heroes, and next to Lin Xuan's big tree, it can also be said that Shan Meixian has a good vision.

At the beginning, under great pressure, he overrode public opinion and sent 200,000 taels of silver to Wudang.

I don't know how many people think she is crazy, but now it seems that this is undoubtedly the most correct decision for Shan Meixian.

The icing on the cake, which snow is important?

A big ship is slowly going upstream, on the hull, with the flag of the Dongming faction, on the dock, the young Taoist priest is carrying an ancient sword, carrying his hands behind his back, and looking away.

The cyan robe rustled in the wind.

"Chief, that's Madame's boat." "

There is a samurai of the Dongming faction who speaks.

"Hmm. "

Lin Xuan nodded lightly.

Soon, the big ship sailed into the dock and docked, Shan Meixian walked out of the shipbuilding, wrapped in a red long skirt, covered with a cloak, that pretty face, pouring the country into dust.

"Chief Lin, long time no see. "

This Mrs. Dongming's red lips opened slightly, and a pair of beautiful eyes fell on him, unconcealing the joy in her heart.

Even with a smile between his eyebrows.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, but Meixian is fine. "

Lin Xuan grinned.

It's been many years, no one has called her name so directly, Shan Meixian has a slightly red face, and walks off the deck and steps on the dock.

"Lin Lang, with so many people watching, you can't save some face for your concubine. "

Shan Meixian walked over and whispered.

"Who dares to laugh at you?"

The young Taoist priest narrowed his eyes, and the surrounding Dongming Sect masters lowered their heads one after another, and no one dared to look at Lin Xuan.

None of them

Don't look at the harmless appearance of this young Taoist priest in front of him, but a few months ago, he killed countless masters and disciples in Shaolin.

Shaolin, the leader of Buddhism who was pressed by one person and one sword, bowed his head.

This is a living god.

Moreover, the relationship between Lin Xuan and Shan Meixian was well known in the Dongming faction, but no one dared to gossip.

In this way, the two walked side by side into the courtyard next to the dock, and the samurai on the third floor and the outer three floors were on duty.

"Lin Lang, you are really ruthless, you will be separated for several years, and you will not say that you will come to see the concubine. "

in the room

Shan Meixian's eyes were resentful: "Even if you want to practice, it's better to write me a letter every once in a while." "

"I originally planned to solve the Demon Gate first, and I will go to Jiangnan to see you. "

Lin Xuan sat on the chair and said softly, "I didn't expect you to go north first." "

"You won't blame me. "

Shan Meixian said weakly: "If I can, I don't want to be this middleman, but Zhu Yuyan is my mother after all, and blood is thicker than water." "

After that, he said seriously: "If Lin Lang is unwilling, I should not be the middleman." "

"Meixian, I still have to give you face. "

The young Taoist priest shook his head: "Since Zhu Yuyan wants to ask for peace, then give her a chance." "

Lin Lang rest assured. "

Shan Meixian hurriedly said: "I won't be biased towards the Yin Sect. "

After that, he took out a roll of paper from his arms and said: "These are some of the conditions I have proposed, you see, if you are not satisfied, you can continue to add, I will try my best to fight." "

She walked over with the paper and bent down in front of Lin Xuan, who only glanced at it lightly before hurriedly retracting her gaze.

"Ahem, in broad daylight, don't do this. "

Lin Xuan said eloquently.


Shan Meixian pursed her lips and smiled: "I don't even know what Lin Lang will say." "

He took the paper casually and looked at it, and then made a stained sound, and read: "200,000 taels of silver, 1,000 armor, 200 maids, 20,000 taels of gold, and half of Youzhou's territory." "

This condition is not too bad, but too good, so good that Lin Xuan feels that it is impossible for Zhu Yuyan to agree.

"Meixian, you're planning to completely hollow out the Yin Sect. "

The young Taoist priest smiled.

"Wouldn't it be too much. "

"Not excessive. "

Shan Meixian shook her head: "Zhu Yuyan has to agree if he doesn't want to." "

"You don't have to worry about this, I'll talk to her personally. "

"Then I don't care. "

Lin Xuan nodded

After a long drought and a rainy day, it is naturally a hearty war, lingering for several days, and Shan Meixian shines brightly every day.

Between the gestures, there is a posture of captivating the country and the city.

A few days later

The first autumn rain arrived, and the sky was overcast, and it was drizzling, and the rain curtain stretched out, and it was gray.

The last bit of heat between heaven and earth was blown away, and the air was filled with a faint chill, and above the big river, small waves stretched and rippled endlessly.

Inside the courtyard

in the gazebo

The young Taoist priest lay on a chair, sipping the finest tea, the rain was hazy, and the water vapor was rising.

The courtyard is silent, the breeze echoes, accompanied by the sound of swaying bamboo, like a beautiful song.

Enjoying the clouds and watching the falling flowers is not the happiest thing in the world.

In the pond, the lotus leaves are stacked and densely packed, and there are swimming fish jumping out of the water and falling into the pond again, waving a little ripple.

On the big river

A big ship was docked in the dock, and around the big ship, there were many masters of the Dongming faction on guard.

In the shipbuilding, Mrs. Dongming Shan Meixian was wrapped in a wide white dress, covered with a cloak, and two cups of hot tea were placed on the dwarf Zhuo.

Shan Meixian looked lazy, leaning on the pillow, holding an ancient book in her hand and reading it with relish.


Another big ship went down the river and entered the dock, and the surrounding Dongming faction masters immediately cheered up their spirits.

The two big ships were connected by wide planks, and a figure slowly walked out, stepped onto the deck of the Dongming faction's big ship, and walked straight towards the shipbuilding.

It is a woman, wrapped in a long black skirt, covering her face with tulle, her hair is coiled with green silk, her figure is graceful, and she is a beautiful woman.

It was the Yin Sect Sect, the first master of the Demon Gate, Zhu Yuyan, the Empress of Yin, who pushed open the gate of the shipbuilding and stepped into it.

"Meisen. "

Zhu Yu unveiled the veil on his face, revealing a beautiful and shocking face, which was eight points similar to Shan Meixian.

The years have not left too many traces on the face of this queen of yin, and she is in the same room as Shan Meixian, not like a mother and daughter, but more like a sister.

"It's coming. "

Shan Meixian put down the ancient book in her hand and glanced at Zhu Yuyan, her expression was calm, and she was not much moved. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hmm. "

Zhu Yuyan nodded slightly, his mood was mixed, he sat on the ground, glanced at the boat building and said, "Didn't he come?"

"Don't worry. "

Shan Meixian said lightly: "Lin Xuan has already agreed to the peace talks, and he will leave this matter to me."

You talk to me. "

"Can you call the shots?"

Zhu Yuyan frowned slightly.

"Nature is possible. "

Shan Meixian nodded.

He immediately took out a roll of paper and handed it over, "You only need to agree to the above conditions, and the grudge between Lin Xuan and the Yin Sect will be written off from now on." "

Zhu Yuyan took it, glanced at it casually, his face became gloomy, and he shook his head and said, "Impossible, it's too harsh." "

"Is it harsh?"

The corners of Shan Meixian's mouth raised: "I think you will agree." "

"These conditions are clearly meant to knock me out of my bones. "

Zhu Yuyan snorted coldly: "Even if I want to agree, I can't do it." "

"You can do it. "

Shan Meixian's tone was unquestionable: "There is no room for negotiation. "

"And these conditions are proposed by me, and I also know a little bit about how many family backgrounds the Yin Sect has, although it may hurt the muscles and bones to take it out, but it can definitely be taken out. "

"Is that what you're doing to your mother?"

Zhu Yuyan's face turned pale.

"It's not all Lin Xuan's, but also mine. "

Shan Meixian said softly: "It's a dowry you sent me." "


Zhu Yuyan said in a deep voice, "Lin Xuan is willing to marry you?"

"You don't have to worry about that. "

Shan Meixian snorted coldly: "For so many years, have you ever taken care of me? "

One sentence touched Zhu Yuyan's heart, and after a moment of silence, the Yin Queen sighed lightly and said, "Everything else is easy to say, it's these 200,000 taels of silver, I need a little time to raise it." "

"Three months. "

Shan Meixian said: "All things will be sent to Wudang together." "

"Yes. "

Zhu Yuyan nodded.

"My daughter is older, and her elbows are starting to turn out. "

"Hmph, whoever is good to me, I will be good to him. "

Shan Meixian had a cold face: "At least Lin Lang didn't fail me." "

"I'm not going to see the boy. "

Zhu Yuyan got up and said: "You bring me a word, if he dares to bully you, this seat will give up his life and die, and he will die with him." "

After that, he left the shipyard, and after a short time, he took the big boat that came and went upstream.

Inside the small courtyard

Lin Xuan was dozing off, and Shan Meixian walked in quietly on tiptoe, blindfolded the young Taoist priest's eyes with both hands, and said in his voice, "Rob." "

"Robbery or robbery?"

He laughed.

"Both. "

Shan Meixian pursed her lips.


He took the Dongming lady into his arms behind him and asked softly.

"Yes. "

Shan Meixian replied.

"So refreshing?"

Lin Xuan was surprised.

"Hmph. "

She puffed out her cheeks, her pretty face was shy, and she whispered: "I told her that one of these is my dowry, and she agreed, otherwise even if you put a knife on her neck, with my mother's temper, most of you will not agree." "

"Lin Lang, now that the dowry has been given, the concubine does not seek fame, but only that you will live up to me in this life. "

She looked directly into the eyes of the young Taoist priest.

"Is it okay to do without a dowry?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"No, I can't. "

She pretended to be fierce and said: "Zhu Yuyan said, if you dare to bully me, she will fight with you." "

"Then I'll laugh it off. "

Gently pinching the face of this Dongming lady, Lin Xuan nodded slightly: "If you don't live up to me, I naturally won't fail you." "

"You guy, you are really my enemy in my last life. "

She sighed, "But why didn't you meet me earlier." "

"It's not too late. "

The young Taoist priest stretched.

After staying at the dock for a few days, Lin Xuan followed the big ship sent by Dongming down the river, preparing to go to Jiangnan.

The next stop is Longhu Mountain

This sworn enemy of Wudang has suppressed Wudang for decades, and the Taoist behemoth with his back to the imperial court.

The big ship cleaves the waves, as if a streamer flies by, and the lofty mountains on both sides of the strait retreat rapidly.

The sky was still drizzling, falling on the body, with a biting chill, and above the head, birds crossed the river.

Shan Meixian walked out of the boat building wrapped in a cloak, leaned on the railing, and looked at the young man who was fishing, holding his chin with both hands.

Liu Ye's eyebrows were raised slightly, and a faint smile was on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't look at me like that. "

Lin Xuan seemed to have a lot of eyes on his back.

"It depends. "

She pouted.

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