"It's me who is sorry for her. "

Xuanyuan Jingcheng opened his mouth with a sigh: "I didn't become the man she loved in her heart." "

"Lick the dog. "

Lin Xuan complained, although middle-aged Confucian students didn't understand what this word meant, but it contained a dog word, which was enough to show that it was definitely not a boastful word.

"What's the explanation?"

Xuanyuan Jingcheng was not annoyed, but asked curiously.

"No matter how the owner beats or scolds the dog, it will never leave and always follow the owner. "

The young Taoist priest said leisurely: "And licking the dog is used to describe people, no matter how others beat and scold, he will not leave." "

"Does it look like you?"

Facing the ridicule of this young Taoist priest, the middle-aged Confucian pondered for a moment, and then nodded and said, "It's really quite similar." "

"Licking a dog is a compliment and praise when used on a dog, and it is a humiliation when it is used on a person. "

Lin Xuan said: "It's not that I said you, such a big person, the length is not bad, as the so-called world has no fragrant grass, why bother to love a flower, or a broken flower." "

"Ahem. "

"It's called love at first sight. "

Xuanyuan Jingcheng smiled bitterly: "You are so young, you don't understand, some people, just take a look, and they will miss it for life." "

"Ask for yourself. "

Lin Xuan pouted.

On that day, if it weren't for Lin Xuan's transmission, he would probably have to go to Daxueping alone and fight to the death with the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family.

"I willingly. "

The middle-aged Confucian shook his head.

"I don't understand you. "

Lin Xuan sighed: "Now that Xuanyuan Qingfeng has ascended to the position of the head of the family and is in charge of Huishan, you can't die for the time being, I can't say, one day in the future, she or I will go to you." "

"As for the ancestor of your Xuanyuan family, leave it to me to deal with. "

"Old Ancestor is a genuine Celestial Phenomena Realm Grand Master, you are a little sure of him. "

He asked.

"Ten percent. "

The young Taoist priest raised his eyebrows: "What about the Great Grandmaster of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm? "

"You're so strong, and there's still a place where you can use me?"

Xuanyuan Jingcheng smiled bitterly.

Ten moves to dare to say that he can kill his own ancestor, this strength is rare in the world, even if he himself, he doesn't dare to be so crazy.

On that day, I also dared with the intention of dying together.

"It's called a hole card. "

Lin Xuan said: "I can't say that I will be able to surprise in the future." "

"Let's go, it's cold and snowy, at this time, if you don't have two drinks, wouldn't it be a waste 09. "

He spoke.

Xuanyuan Jingcheng did not refuse, but followed Lin Xuan to the small courtyard in the back mountain, where Dongming's wife Shan Meixian was preparing a hot pot.

The two sat down and warmed their drinks, although they looked down on Xuanyuan Jingcheng's infatuated behavior, but their strength and character were not to be said.

In less than three or five years, he will be the number one master in the true sense of Huishan, and his strength may still be above the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family.

"Lin Xuan, I'm curious, whether your purpose is just to revitalize Wudang, or do you want to compete in the world. "

With a glass of warm wine, the middle-aged Confucian got straight to the point: "For example, today, it seems that the four seas are leveling, but in fact the undercurrent is turbulent, and your layout is too huge, I am afraid that at this time, it has attracted the attention of the imperial court." "

"A martial artist, what has to do with the temple, it's just that I want to get something that can protect myself in this vast world. "

The young Taoist priest raised his wine glass, took a sip, and said with a smile: "Winning the world, how can there be a chic and happy person who chases martial arts." "

"It's a pity. "

Xuanyuan Jingcheng shook his head.

"What's a pity. "

Lin Xuan pouted: "Everyone has their own ambitions." "

"The court is not a good place, deceit, intrigue, how can there be interesting rivers and lakes. "

"There are some things that you don't want to get involved in and you can't get in. "

Xuanyuan Jingcheng said: "You still have to prepare in advance, right now, the old heavenly master of Longhu Mountain is being suppressed by you, it seems that Wudang is thriving, but the imperial court will never let you become bigger." "

"It's late. "

Lin Xuan was disdainful: "If they wanted to deal with me in the early years, I might not be able to do anything, but now it's too late." "

"Sometimes, it's not necessarily a real thing. "

Xuanyuan Jingcheng admonished: "Killing people with a knife is the most clever and the most labor-saving method, if I am the person in charge of the knife in the court, the first thing I will think of borrowing Beiliang's knife to kill Wudang." "

"It's none of my business. "

The young Taoist priest pouted: "In terms of calculation, the world is so big, there are very few people who may be able to count Xu Cripple." "

After chatting, Lin Xuan had a better understanding of Xuanyuan Jingcheng's talents, and it can be said that he is familiar with the world's books, the south and the north, the geography of people, and the geography at his fingertips.

Finally, it talks about Xuanyuan Qingfeng's body.

"I want to ask you how you plan to treat her in the future. "

As a father, this is what Xuanyuan Jingcheng is most concerned about, and it is also the thing he cares about the most.

"Let it be. "

Lin Xuan didn't answer positively: "But I think she prefers to be the head of the Huishan family." "

"This kid has always been strong and stubborn. "

The middle-aged Confucian sighed.

When the wine and food are full, when the wind and snow are getting stronger, the wind is howling, covering the sky, and the snow is flying.

Heaven and earth, are all a plain white color, as far as the eye can see, there are no mountains, rivers and rivers, even the Longwang River under his feet is frozen.

The Longhu Mountain on the other side was shrouded in wind and snow, and it was particularly bleak, perhaps after experiencing the battle half a month ago.

Now the entire Longhu Mountain is no longer thriving in the past, but lifeless.

And all of this is given by Bai Lin Xuan.

The sky was dark, the wind swept the snow and slapped the doors and windows, making a clattering sound, and the middle-aged Confucian walked out of the courtyard, stepped into the wind and snow, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Lin Xuan was lying on a bamboo chair, his eyes closed, as if he was pretending to sleep, and there was a copper stove next to him, which was burning with a raging charcoal fire, emitting a majestic heat to dispel the cold wind.

There were still many dishes left on the table, and Shan Meixian went to the backyard to brew tea, when footsteps sounded outside.

The woman wrapped in a wide purple robe stopped under the eaves, shaking off the wind and snow before stepping into the room.

"Don't call me when you eat hot pot. "

"I remember you. "

Xuanyuan Qingfeng, the trusted head of the Huishan family, stared at the young Taoist priest on the bamboo chair with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said angrily, with two cheeks bulging.

"Your dad is leaving. "

Lin Xuan opened his eyes and said with a smile, "Aren't you afraid that you two fathers and daughters will be embarrassed to meet?"

"Hmph. "

Xuanyuan Qingfeng Qiong snorted, picked up the cold tea, and did not dislike it, so he drank it cleanly in one gulp.

"Sister Qingfeng, is the head of the family busy with things?"

Shan Mei walked out first, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, and quipped.

"Sister Meixian,. "

The purple-robed woman walked over, hugged Shan Meixian's waist with both hands, pinched her itchy flesh, and said, "The head of the family is so tired, he has to take care of everything." "

"Normal. "

Shan Meixian put down the hot tea in her hand and said, "When I first took charge of the Dongmin faction, I was also confused, but over the years, I have become Xi to it, sister, you are the head of the family, and after a long time, naturally you will not be troubled." "

"The biggest taboo in being in charge of a sect is to do everything yourself. "

She said softly: "As a superior person, you must know the way of the emperor, but also be able to use people, now that Huishan is decided, you must quickly win over a group of your own henchmen, don't be stingy with money and martial arts."

As long as you can make them loyal to you, you can do it, and for those who are not convinced, you must win over a group and suppress a group. Most of the big and small things are left to others to do.

You only need to master two things, the first is the silver, and the second is the human heart. "

"Listen more to Meixian, she has been in charge of the Dongming faction for so many years, and she must have a lot of experience. "

Lin Xuan added in due course.

"Got it. "

Xuanyuan Qingfeng playfully stuck out his tongue at him.

"I haven't eaten yet. "

Shan Meixian asked.

"Hmm. "

She nodded.

"Sit down first, we already knew you were coming, so we deliberately left a soup base in the back kitchen. "

After that, he went to the kitchen and brought a pot of oil soup and drank a lot of dishes.

It can be said that Xuanyuan Qingfeng feasted his mouth.

"Tomorrow I'm going to go to Daxueping. "

Lin Xuan took a sip of hot tea and said in a deep voice, "Solve your Xuanyuan family's ancestor earlier." "

"Hmm. "

Xuanyuan Qingfeng wiped his mouth, nodded slightly, and said, "You can do it, just eradicate those people at once." "

Early in the morning of the second day, Xuanyuan Qingfeng, the new head of Huishan, took many guests and masters to go towards Daxueping.

The further you go, the more fierce the wind and snow become, the grass and trees rattle, and the rocks are covered with thick frost. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Family Master, are we really going to go and fight against the old ancestor?"

The gray-haired old man was a little surprised.

"Are you scared?"

Xuanyuan Qingfeng glanced at him lightly and said, "If anyone is afraid, they can go down the mountain now." "

Going down the mountain means parting ways, and from now on in Huishan, there will be no place to stand.

No one chooses to leave, after all, Xuanyuan Qingfeng dares to do this, and he must be ten percent sure.

Moreover, there is an even more terrifying existence in Huishan right now.

Wudang disciple

Lin Xuan

Ascending the big snow flat, looking from afar, I saw an ancient palace standing in the vast wind and snow, and outside the palace, there were hundreds of Huishan masters.

These are the diehards of the former old master, or the second and third masters, who refuse to submit to Xuanyuan Qingfeng's command.

felt that as long as the ancestors of Huishan were still there, they had hope of turning the tables.

And there were five or six hundred masters brought by Xuanyuan Qingfeng at this time, and everyone exuded a powerful evil aura from top to bottom.

Seeing such a lineup, the hundreds of people outside the palace were frightened and angry at the same time.

"Bold, this is the place where the ancestor retreats, if you dare to break in, aren't you afraid of disturbing the ancestor Qingxiu?"

Some people shouted angrily.

"Kill. "

Xuanyuan Qingfeng was holding a long sword in his hand, his pretty face was indifferent, and he blurted out, and the masters behind him were slightly stunned, so they pulled out their blades and slaughtered these remnants head-on.

Their capital has already gone down to Xuanyuan Qingfeng, the new head of the family, and if they regret it at this time, it will definitely not end well.

In an instant, a tragic slaughter broke out, accompanied by a desperate wail, and the masters under the command of Xuanyuan Qingfeng occupied an absolute advantage, almost a one-sided slaughter.

And her eyes were staring at the palace gate.

Inside the main hall

The screams came in, and the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family, who was meditating on his knees, opened his eyes violently, his old face was dark, and his eyes were glowing with cold killing intent.

He didn't expect that Xuanyuan Qingfeng would dare to bring someone to kill people outside his palace, which was contempt for him.

is even more provocative, provoking the majesty of her Xuanyuan ancestor, doesn't she know that she is the real backer of Huishan?

"Stop it all for the ancestors. "

A moment later, Xuanyuan Old Ancestor's voice came from inside the main hall, accompanied by a powerful surge of true qi, rushing open the stone gate of the main hall, and the coercion of the Great Grandmaster of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm exploded, sweeping in all directions, swaying upward.

The vast snow was torn, the storm rose, the heavens and the earth trembled, the void shook, and the faint sound of wind and thunder echoed in the ears.



The air seemed to freeze, as if an invisible mountain had fallen from the sky and landed on the snowy lawn.

"Bang Bang Bang"

The masters of the two sides who were still killing were instantly shocked by the aura of this Great Grandmaster of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm, and couldn't help but stop.

The die-hard loyalists of the previous head of the family all showed ecstasy, while the disciples under Xuanyuan Qingfeng all looked like ashes.

"It's over, the Ancestor is angry. "

A doorman's body trembled, his eyes were full of fear, and under this terrible coercion, he could barely hold the long knife in his hand.

"Haha, you're dead. "

"If you anger the old ancestor, don't even think about running away. "

"All of them are going to die. "

The dozens of surviving doormen looked crazy, grinned, rushed towards the palace, and knelt in front of the main hall in unison and shouted: "Please also ask the ancestor to go out of the customs and make the decision for us." "

Many door masters retreated to Xuanyuan Qingfeng, clenched their swords, and looked at the hall with nervous expressions.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng was the same, in the wide sleeved robe, his left hand was clenched into a fist, forcibly suppressing the fear in his heart.

You must know that at this moment, she is facing a true Celestial Phenomena Realm Grand Master.

Looking at the whole world, there are a number of great masters of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm, all of them are giants in the rivers and lakes, and every gesture will cause the existence of a martial arts earthquake. 250

It would be nice to be able to stand firm under this terrible pressure.


Powerful True Qi rushed out from the main hall, setting off a violent wind, and in an instant, the Great Snow Flat shook.

The coercion continued to rise, like a raging storm and stormy waves, surging towards everyone.

A moment later, a figure slowly walked out of the main hall, it was a burly old man, his beard was snow-white, wrapped in a wide robe, and his tiger eyes were shining with a terrifying light, and every step he took seemed to step on the hearts of those masters.

Every time he took a step, the pressure of the qi machine skyrocketed by one point, and when he completely walked out of the main hall, the vast pressure was like a mountain abyss, stretching endlessly.

The corners of Xuanyuan Qingfeng's eyes shrank sharply, her delicate body trembled faintly, and when she met that gaze, she felt that she was as weak as an ant.

The other party can pinch herself to death at any time, and the feeling that life and death are not in her own control makes her shiver.

"Ancestor. "

"You're going to call the shots for us. "

Seeing the old man appear, the dozens of masters wept bitterly, and the more sad and aggrieved they looked, the more sad and aggrieved they were.

"Shut up. "

However, their bitter weeping did not win the mercy of the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family, and the white-haired old man was like an angry lion, which made everyone silent.

His gaze fell on the purple-robed woman, and after a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Qingfeng, Ancestor, I'll give you a chance, now I'll take them down the snow flat immediately, I can act as if today's incident didn't happen." "

"From now on, you will be the head of the Huishan family. "

As soon as these words came out, many of the disciples who followed Xuanyuan Qingfeng instantly breathed a sigh of relief, and they all looked at the purple-robed woman, waiting for the other party to nod and agree.

It's a pity that Xuanyuan Qingfeng didn't appreciate it at all, those beautiful eyes were cold, staring at Xuanyuan Ancestor.

shouted: "Today, in order to clean up the filth of Huishan and revitalize the Xuanyuan family." "

"The younger generation Xuanyuan Qingfeng also invited the ancestor to die. "


The audience was silent, and even the sound of the wind and snow was suppressed by this loud drink, and countless people looked at the purple-robed woman with incredulous, even fearful eyes.

Then the latter straightened up, ignored it, and continued to repeat: "Please go to death to the ancestor." "

"Crazy. "

"She's crazy. "

"The Old Ancestor is the Great Grandmaster of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm. "

"Without ancestors, how can there be Huishan. "

"It's a madman. "

Countless people roared in their hearts.

Even the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family was stunned, and then laughed angrily: "Great, it turns out that it is the ancestor who I look down on you by three points." "

"Originally, I thought that you only wanted the position of the head of the Huishan family, but I didn't think that I would kill the ancestor and replace him. "

The laughter dissipated, and a cold color appeared on the ancestor's face, and he narrowed his eyes, and in an instant, the terrifying qi machine skyrocketed and fell from the sky.

"Ancestor, I want to see how much ability you have to dare to do something to Ancestor. "

A hand reached out, and in an instant, a surging power was condensed, and the true qi surged, converging on the palm of Xuanyuan Old Ancestor's right hand.

The snow flat trembled, and the vast snow flew upstream, rising to the sky, like a snowy river,。。

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