This is the coercion of the powerhouse of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm, and between his gestures, he has the strength to turn the world upside down.

Although the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family did not use his hand directly, the power condensed in his palm was terrifying.

Even if it is hundreds of feet away, you can still feel the terrifying power contained in it, which makes people's hearts beat and their hearts and gallbladders are broken.

"It's terrifying. "

Behind Xuanyuan Qingfeng, a sect guest martial artist with the cultivation of the Grandmaster Realm spoke, muttering to himself, his expression was shocked, and his eyes were full of fear.

"It's horrible. "

Some people retreated.

"With such a strong man, what can we use to contend with?"

"In the face of the Great Grandmaster of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm, if there is no opponent who can match it, no matter how many people like us are, it is impossible to defeat him. "

Many people fell directly into despair, even those demons who had always been known for their lawlessness and unruliness, when facing the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family, they couldn't resist at all.

It's not that they're too weak, it's that this ancestor of the Xuanyuan family is too strong, too terrifying, too terrifying.

In this world, the most stupid time is probably when you know that you can't do it, and you go to make enemies with a real Heavenly Phenomena Realm Great Master.

It is tantamount to self-destruction.

But now is not the time for them to choose, from the time they followed Xuanyuan Qingfeng, the new head of the family, to the big snow flat, they were destined to have no way out, and they could only go one way to the dark.

"Don't be afraid, everybody. "

At this time, Xuanyuan Qingfeng's henchmen shouted: "No matter how strong this old thing is, it is just one person, and I am so powerful that even one person can drown it with a mouthful of spittle." "

Although this is, the Great Grandmaster of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm can be defeated by thousands of troops, how can he rely on a large number of people to kill.

But at this juncture, this kind of works the most, and many people's emotions are stirred up.

One by one, they showed dangerous eyes.

"Wealth is in danger. "

"As long as we can kill this old ghost, we will not worry about wealth for the rest of our lives. "

Someone else said.

"Yes. "

Jianghu people, especially these doormen who invest in Huishan, are mostly for fame and fortune or martial arts, and beauties.

Everyone has something to ask for, and Huishan happens to be able to meet their requirements, so he will be loyal to them.

In this world, the best loyalty is definitely not based on friendship, but on the connection of interests, and of course, sometimes this kind of loyalty is extremely fragile.

"Kill them. "

More and more people began to be restless, and they all looked at Xuanyuan Qingfeng, waiting for the new head of the Huishan family, just waiting for his order, and he was about to draw his sword.

Rich and dangerous, people who mix the rivers and lakes are all licking blood on the knife edge with their heads, if they don't even understand this truth, then they are also in vain.

"These idiots. "

"Dare to provoke the ancestor. "

"It's arrogant. "

"Audacious. "

"I don't know if I'm alive or dead. "

"The Ancestor is the cultivation of the Great Grandmaster of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm, and he is the real backer of Huishan, and none of those who dare to provoke the Ancestor will end well. "

"Haha, here's our chance. "

"Huishan is ours. "

Those who were still breathing saw this scene and showed smug smiles, as if they had seen the next picture.

The ancestor of the Xuanyuan family made a move, killed all sides, and easily suppressed Xuanyuan Qingfeng.




The old man's white hair danced wildly, his body was straight, his body was filled with terrifying true qi, and the coercion of the celestial realm became more and more terrifying, and it was even about to condense into substance.

The snow trembled, the wind and snow howled, and in an instant, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and the palm of that hand slowly lifted and lifted it above the head.



The snow thundered, and above the sky, it turned into a gray color, and the wind and snow roared, as if in the sky, there was a terrifying beast.

Thunder loomed and let out a deafening roar.

This is the power of the Great Grandmaster of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm

It's terrifying

Outside the palace, Xuanyuan Qingfeng's wide purple robe rattled, and the long sword in his hand vibrate.

forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart, his eyes were cold, the green silk was coiled, and his pretty face was indifferent.

Facing the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family, she did not back down in the slightest.

At this moment, a joking voice sounded on the snowy lawn.

"Haha, old thing, after living for so many years, you should die. "

Before the words fell, in the dark, the power of the mysterious and mysterious appeared, the wind and snow collapsed, and the sound of wind and thunder was broken.

The terrible beasts bred in the sky were annihilated, the wind howled, and only the white snow covered the sky.

The moment this voice appeared, Xuanyuan Qingfeng's heart finally relaxed, and his pretty face looked soothing.

His eyebrows were raised, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a charming smile.

"Lin Xuan. "

At the gate of the palace, the heart of the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family sank to the bottom of the valley, his old face was gloomy, as if he could drip water, and his eyes, exuding a murderous aura, looked at the vast wind and snow.

shouted: "The old man has already given enough face, is it possible that you are really so domineering, do you want to fight against the ancestor and me?"

"What are you? "

"Poor Dao needs you to give face?"

The sound of playfulness echoed in the minds of countless people for a long time.

"It's Lin Xuan. "

Behind Xuanyuan Qingfeng, many masters of the door showed great joy, if the entire Huishan.

At this moment, who can compete with Xuanyuan Old Ancestor, the Great Grandmaster of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm, it is definitely Lin Xuan.

This little evil god is a genuine killer of the heavenly realm, Ping Shaolin, suppressing the demon gate, and Zhenlonghu Mountain.

One person and one sword, they couldn't hold their heads up against these super sects on the rivers and lakes, and even the old heavenly masters of Longhu Mountain were forced to take the initiative to scatter their skills.

Looking at the entire world, no one would doubt that Lin Xuan's strength was weaker than that of the Great Grandmaster of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm.

Even many people felt that Lin Xuan was invincible under the real land god immortal realm, and killing the great master of the Heavenly Elephant Realm was like killing a chicken.


Lin Xuan stood up

Not to mention that he can kill the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family, as long as he can drag it down, then he can completely exterminate those remnants today.

"I'd like to see if your strength is as hard as your mouth. "

The Great Masters of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm all had their own arrogance, even if Lin Xuan's record was outstanding, but he didn't really fight.

The ancestor of the Xuanyuan family was just jealous before, in other words, he felt that if it was not necessary, he would not be in conflict.

But he didn't think that his ID power was weaker than Lin Xuan.

"Get out. "

The strong man was angry, the heavens and the earth changed color, the wind and snow soared, and the violent true qi bloomed on the big snow flat, sweeping in all directions, and the wind howled.

The white-haired old man pushed out with his right hand, pinched his palm print, and his sleeve robe agitated, and the rolling true qi rushed out.

Suddenly, like the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves, the surging power swept through the entire Daxueping, and everywhere it went, everything was destroyed.

"Insect carving skills. "

The joking voice sounded again, and the next moment, a bright sword light appeared in the sky above the Great Snow Flat.

Tearing through the wind and snow, like a meteor, it cut through the sky, and finally fell from the sky, coming towards Xuanyuan Ancestor.


Under the sword, everything that stood in front of him shattered, including Xuanyuan Old Ancestor's terrifying and extremely terrifying Celestial Phenomena Realm Grand Grandmaster's coercion.

It collapsed in an instant, disappeared without a trace, and the sword light fell, it was a long sword of more than three feet.

With a sharp and domineering sword light to the extreme, it tore through the void, and in an instant, it appeared above the head of the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family.

The indescribable catharsis of power made Xuanyuan Ancestor's expression change greatly, facing this understatement of the sword.

He seemed to feel the danger of death, it was a feeling that he had never felt before, as if he was in the endless sword domain.

Like a man's back, the sweat and hair trembling all over his body, his heart trembled, his liver and gallbladder were broken, and his soul was about to rise.

You must know that he is the cultivation of the Great Grandmaster of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm, but at this moment, Lin Xuan didn't even show his face, and with just one sword weapon, he was almost out of breath.

What a terrible cultivation is this?


The long sword stopped at a height of ten zhang from Xuanyuan Old Ancestor, who mobilized twelve percent of his cultivation, reached out with both hands, and raised them above his head, as if he wanted to hold up a mountain of ten thousand zhang.

The surging power was like a tide, stretching endlessly, penetrating the void, pressing on the body of this old ancestor.

Up and down the body, there was a crackling sound, and the meridians and bones seemed to be wailing and screaming.

However, no matter how hard he tried, instead of being shaken back, the sword kept sinking.

His gaze saw that on the frost condensing sword, the cold air was fierce, and the sword qi wrapped in the edge made people's scalps tingle.

"No way. "

Xuanyuan Old Ancestor roared, his expression was crazy, as if he was enchanted, and his internal force was surging.

Seeing this scene, countless people were shocked.

"With just one sword, he suppressed the old ancestor. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"How strong is Lin Xuan. "

"The old ancestor is the cultivation of the great master of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm. "

"It is worthy of being a ruthless person who can force the old heavenly master of Longhu Mountain to sit down. "

"With him as our backer in the future, Huishan will definitely be thriving. "

Around Xuanyuan Qingfeng, those disciples under their command saw such a scene, and they all raised their arms and shouted, one by one more excited.

And outside the palace, those guys who were struggling to breathe were in a mood of ups and downs, thinking that the ancestor would be able to turn defeat into victory with a move.

But he didn't think about it, his old ancestor was directly pressed by a long sword and couldn't raise his head.

"It's too weak. "

Lin Xuan's voice echoed on the big snow flat, full of disdain: "Poor Dao still thinks that your old thing has a lot of heavenly skills, but he didn't think about it. "

After that, above the sky, the wind and snow dispersed, and a figure appeared in the sky, it was a young Taoist priest, wrapped in a navy blue Taoist robe, with a sword scabbard on his back.

It was Lin Xuan, a disciple of Wudang

As soon as Pu came forward, his sleeve robe agitated, tore through the wind, stepped out, fell from the sky, and headed towards the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family.

Seeing that the young Taoist priest was getting closer and closer, the Xuanyuan family ancestor's face turned red, and he wanted to break free from the restraints.

But in the sky above his head, the three-foot long sword that slowly fell exuded an extremely terrifying sword aura and sword momentum, which made it difficult for him to move.

He could only forcibly urge the true qi of the body protector to protect his body, and then watched the young Taoist priest descend from the sky.


Lin Xuan's foot landed on the hilt of the Frost Condensing Sword, and in an instant, an unstoppable force was injected into the sword body.

The long sword trembled, and a high-pitched sword roar erupted, and then the blade of the sword fell, turning into a streamer, instantly tearing apart Xuanyuan Old Ancestor's body protection true qi.


Under the incredulous gaze of countless people, the Frost Condensation Sword was easily inserted from Xuanyuan Old Ancestor's Heavenly Spirit.

A great master of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm was suppressed so lightly, and until he died, this ancestor of the Xuanyuan family did not have the slightest power to resist.

His eyes were wide open, his arms were raised above his head, and he held the blade of his sword tightly, hot blood dripping down his fingertips.

The coercion of the celestial realm on his body quickly dissipated.

Countless people were dumbfounded, although they knew that the young Taoist priest was very strong, they never thought that it was so strong.

Killing a Great Grandmaster of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm is like pinching an ant to death, and it is effortless at all.

What a terrifying strength is this?

After a few breaths, the breath on Xuanyuan Ancestor's body dissipated, and the young Taoist priest's sleeve robe agitated, stepped out, rode the wind, and landed twenty or thirty zhang away, with a move.

The Frost Condensing Sword rushed out from Xuanyuan Old Ancestor's Heavenly Spirit, and the long sword vibrate, scattering the blood stains on it, turning it into a streamer of light and entering the scabbard on Lin Xuan's back.



There is still a slight sound of swords in the heaven and earth, and on the big snow flat, it is extremely silent, only the wind and snow are howling.

When the snow was pouring and spouring, covering the sky and the sun, and there was no end, the young Taoist priest was calm.

glanced at the stunned new head of the Huishan family, Xuanyuan Qingfeng, and said with a smile: "Don't do it yet." "

Hearing this, the purple-robed woman came back to her senses, her delicate body trembled, the corners of her lips opened slightly, and she said, "Kill them." "

The many doorman masters under his command rushed up and killed those guys who were still breathing.

A moment later, a blazing flame rose from within the main hall, and a scorching wave of air roared, spreading in all directions, melting the wind and snow.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, the wolf smoke was billowing up, and even the body of the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family was also turned into ashes in this fire.

And the source of the filth of the entire Huishan Mountain will also disappear with this fire.

"The last era is over. "

The young Taoist priest shook his head, turned around and walked towards the bottom of the mountain, muttering to himself: "Qingfeng, you will be the real family master of Huishan in the future, don't let me down." "

this day

Wudang Lin Xuan

Climb the big snow flat

Out with a sword

Kill the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family of Huishan, the great master of the Heavenly Phenomena Realm.

With the tragic death of this ancestor, no one in the entire Huishan can restrain Xuanyuan Qingfeng, the head of the family.

All power will be concentrated in her hands, and in the future, the Dongming faction will not continue to wage war with Huishan.

The two sides equally divide the world's waterways and river transportation, each accounting for fifty percent.

All of this is Lin Xuan's further promotion, and controlling Huishan and the Dongming faction is equivalent to controlling the world's river transportation and sea transportation in his hands.

Whether it is for himself or for Wudang, this is a great help.


This battle

also completely pushed his fame to the peak, one person and one sword, the martial arts people in the world were terrified, and the shocked Sanjiao couldn't raise their heads.

Of course

Jiang (Wang Mo Zhao) How the Lakers judge him is not important to Lin Xuan.

After killing the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family again, he took Shan Meixian and rode a green ox towards the bottom of the mountain.

Take a dazuo ride down the river.

The smoke and rain were hazy, the snow was falling, and on the deck of the big ship, a young man wrapped in a navy blue robe put his hands behind his back and looked at the two caves and blessed lands that kept retreating.


Dragon Tiger Mountain

One man, one sword

Within ten months, these two super sects were leveled, and from then on, no one in the world dared to underestimate him Lin Xuan.

Who dares to underestimate Wudang again.

As the wind and snow grew heavier, Huishan and Longhu Mountain became smaller and smaller, until finally they became two black spots, and the big boat disappeared into the river.

Go down the river, then turn around in Dengzhou, go upstream, and go out of Jianzhou.

In a blink of an eye, the moonlight passed, and countless bloody winds were set off on the rivers and lakes because of him.

But Lin Xuan didn't care about it, just took Shan Meixian all the way to stop and stop, and if he saw a lively place, he would play for two days.

"Lin Lang, I really don't want to be separated from you. "

On the deck of the big ship, Shan Meixian put her arms around his waist and whispered, "This time is the happiest time in my life. "

"You are right, and it is not that after separation, the two will be separated by the end of the world and will never see each other again. "

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "After I go back, I will develop the Dongming faction with peace of mind, in addition to guarding against many families in the south of the Yangtze River, I must also put the imperial court." "

"Hmm. "

Shan Meixian nodded slightly, her eyes were red, and her pretty face was full of reluctance.

But no matter how many words he said in his heart, it was difficult to pour out when he parted, and finally he just said: "Lin Lang, be careful all the way." "

"Don't worry. "

The young Taoist priest rode the green ox, got off the big boat, and walked slowly into the distance.

Stopped and stayed for a while, until Lin Xuan's back completely disappeared, Shan Meixian turned around and went back to the boat building to report.

The big ship set sail and continued to go up the river, out of Weizhou, ready to return to the Dongming faction.

And after Lin Xuan left again, he did not go north, but went east, preparing to go to Sword Pool.

To cultivate the Thirty-six Heavenly Sword Technique, you must have thirty-six peerless divine weapons, and if you look at the world, you can only take out the sword pool.

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