This method is to use the Evil Emperor relic to attract Shi Zhixuan, Ning Daoqi, Jing Nian Zen and others over, and then kill them all.

This time, Yang Hao wanted to take the initiative to completely eradicate these guys, and also let his emperor's name resound throughout the Great Sui martial arts.

By then, no one in the Great Sui Martial Arts would dare to provoke his majesty again.

Yuan Tiangang saw that Yang Hao did not speak, and after thinking for a moment, he handed over his hand and said: "Your Majesty, do you want to let the bad people act secretly and rob and kill these people halfway." "

Yang Hao waved his hand and said with a serious face: "This time, Xu will personally take action to eradicate these guys." "

"I want to let the people of the world know that the end of provoking Xu will be very miserable."

"Your task is to organize bad people, monitor their every move in the rivers and lakes at all times, and report to Xu at any time."

The reason why Yang Hao personally made a move was not only because he wanted to personally warn the world's martial arts, but also because this time a Shi Zhixuan of the land god realm appeared, which aroused his desire to fight.

He has lived in the palace for a long time, and it is rare to encounter a master of such a realm.

Moreover, as a martial artist of the land immortal realm, he knows very well how terrifying a warrior in such a realm is, and the bad people are very powerful, but it is not so easy to bargain in front of the land immortal.

In order to be foolproof, Yang Hao must personally take action.

This time, Yang Hao's killing intent has been decided, and he will definitely not let anyone go.

Yuan Tiangang said, "Wei Chen respectfully obeys His Majesty's will!" "

Yang Hao said, "Okay, you go down." "

After Yuan Tiangang left, Yang Hao summoned Yuan Zuozong and ordered him to build a platform outside Luoyang City and release the news that the emperor would absorb the energy essence of the Evil Emperor's relic there in three days.

Yang Hao knew very well that although this seemed to be a trap, these guys would definitely drill into it, after all, they didn't dare to gamble.

The last thing they wanted to see was that the energy essence of the Evil Emperor Relic was taken away by Yang Hao.

Whether it is true or not, Shi Zhixuan and others will come.

After the news was released, the Great Sui Wulin made waves, and countless people were discussing the emperor's desire to absorb the Evil Emperor's relic energy essence.

Soon, the news reached the ears of Shi Zhixuan and the others.

Hanama Pie Main Hall!

Ning Daoqi, Fu Cailin, and Bi Xuan stepped into the main hall.

At this time, Shi Zhixuan was sitting in the position of the leader, watching the arrival of Ning Daoqi and the three.

Ning Daoqi said straight to the point: "Evil King, when do we leave, can't we miss the time, once the emperor absorbs the energy essence of the Evil Emperor's relics, all our efforts will be in vain." "

The corners of Shi Zhixuan's mouth rose, revealing a confident smile, and replied, "The three grandmasters are relieved. "

"The emperor does not dare to devour the energy of the Evil Emperor's relic at will."

Ning Daoqi was curious and asked, "Oh? "

"How to see it!"

Shi Zhixuan said: "The holy relic condenses the energy essence of the previous evil emperors, and the energy is full of evil power, if it is personally devoured, it will be eroded by the evil energy, become delirious and go crazy."

Ning Daoqi said, "I don't think so." "

"There are endless talents under the emperor, and it is very likely that there will be experts to help him absorb the energy essence of the Evil Emperor's relics."

"If we slack off easily, it will be troublesome for the emperor to succeed."

Fu Cailin said, "Ning Sanren is right, be careful to make the 10,000-year ship, we can't fail again this time." "

At this time, Shi Zhixuan stood up and said categorically: "Okay, since you are so determined, then we will leave for Luoyang today to recapture the Evil Emperor Relic." "

"At that time, the four of us will devour the energy essence of the holy relic together, and the three of us will definitely be able to break through the realm of the land gods."

Shi Zhixuan knew that the current three martial arts grandmasters had changed, no longer afraid of the evil energy of the holy relics, and all wanted to use the power of the holy relics to break through the land immortals.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to use this encouragement to stimulate them.

Ning Daoqi became excited, did not hide it, and said bluntly: "Well, I hope the Evil King will do what you say." "

Afterwards, the four of them embarked on the road to Luoyang.


At this time, Cihang was quiet.

The four great gods and monks gathered in the main hall of Cihang Jingzhai, the law was strict, although he was a monk, but his body revealed a fierce killing intent.

The fact that Yang Hao wanted to absorb the Evil Emperor's relic energy essence had already reached Cihang Jingzhai's ears.

Fan Qinghui said: "This time, thank you to several senior uncles for being able to come out of the mountain to help, Qinghui is grateful." "

The master concubine Xuan on the side, after thinking for a long time, couldn't help but say: "Master, what if this is a trap." "

Shifei Xuan had seen Yang Hao's power, so he felt that Yang Hao must have a conspiracy when he released his words like this.

If this is a trap, then the one who enters must be nine deaths.

Fan Qinghui replied, "This time, even Longtan Tiger's Cave will break in. "

"If the emperor really absorbs the energy essence of the Evil Emperor's relic and greatly increases his strength, no one in the world will be able to match it, and when the time comes, he wants to deal with Cihang Jingzhai, it will be easy."

"However, with the help of the four holy monks of the Pure Nian Zen Sect this time, even if the emperor sets a trap, it will be difficult to deal with."

Fan Qinghui was very confident, in his opinion, although there were many capable people under the emperor, compared to the four great monks of Jingnian Zen Buddhism, the strength of those guys was far behind.

Fan Qinghui said: "Concubine Xuan, this time you will stay in Cihang Jingzhai, if the master does not come back this time, you will be the head of Cihang Jingzhai, and at that time you must do your best to protect Cihang Jingzhai." "

The concubine stopped talking.

She knew that no one could change the decision made by the master.

Talking too much will also disrupt the master's determination.

Shifei Xuan replied, "The apprentice obeys the master's orders. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Compared to Cihang Jingzhai.

Zhu Yuyan was too cautious.

She could see at a glance that this was the emperor's trap, the purpose of which was to kill those who wanted to rob the evil emperor's relics.

Although she really wants to get the Evil Emperor Relic, she will definitely not fight with her life, after all, she now has the imperial princess by the emperor's side, which is very beneficial to the future development of the Yin Lu Sect, if she blindly shoots, she will completely destroy all this.

At this time, Bai Qing'er came to Zhu Yuyan's side and said with her hands: "Master Qiyu, Evil King Shi Zhixuan and the others, as well as Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Zen Sect have all set off for Luoyang. "

Hearing this, Zhu Yuyan sat up in shock and said loudly: "Good, very good." "

"This time, I'd rather see how these guys won the current emperor."

"You go down and order all the disciples to be ready at any time, once Cihang Jingzhai is defeated, we will take advantage of the void and enter Cihang Jingzhai and annihilate it in one fell swoop."

Bai Qing'er retreated after receiving the order.

Zhu Yuyan immediately left the Yin Luo Sect alone and rushed to Luoyang City.

This good show, even if she does not participate, she must go to the onlookers, after all, this is a major event that determines the pattern of the Great Sui martial arts.


Yangzhou City.

In a restaurant called Zuilixiang.

Lu Xiaofeng, Hua Manlou, and Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City, were drinking and chatting, discussing the scenery of Yangzhou City in the Great Sui.

At this moment, they heard the discussion at the next table.

"Have you heard?"

"'Our emperor will absorb the energy essence of the Evil Emperor's relic outside Luoyang City.'"

"I have heard about it for a long time, and the news has already spread wildly."

"I heard that Shi Zhixuan, the head of the Flower Sect, and the three major martial arts grandmasters Ning Daoqi, Fu Cailin, and Bi Xuan have gone to Luoyang, wanting to seize the Evil Emperor Relic from the Emperor's hands."

"You know, that Shi Zhixuan is a supreme master of the Land Immortal Realm, and our Majesty can withstand it?"

"Don't underestimate our Majesty, there are masters around him, and there are 30,000 snow dragons riding to guard the town."

"Who loses and who wins, it's hard to predict, after all, Shi Zhixuan is a land immortal, and he is a supreme master who has not met in a hundred years."

The three Lu Xiaofeng, who were really drinking on the side, suddenly cast surprised expressions.

Lu Xiaofeng drank the wine in the cup and said curiously: "Unexpectedly, the first time I came to the Great Sui Martial Arts, I heard that a land immortal was born, and my luck was really good." "

"It's been a hundred years, and our Daming Dynasty hasn't had a land immortal."

Hua Manlou shook his fan and said with a smile: "Brother Lu, this is not your speaking style, if you want to see and see, bluntly, why bother." "


When Lu Xiaofeng heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

He said, "He who knows me, Brother Hua." "

Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou often go in and out of martial arts, and they admire the top masters in the rivers and lakes very much, and whenever a master appears, they will want to go and visit.

That's why they were able to make friends all over the sky.

Hua Manlou said: "It's not a secret, I also want to see what kind of scene this battle of the land immortal realm masters is." "

So, Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou hit it off and looked at Ximen Blowing Snow together.

Lu Xiaofeng asked, "Ye City Lord, what about you!" "

"Do you want to go with us?"

Ximen Chuixue came to Dasui, originally a little tired of the struggle between rivers and lakes, so come to see the scenery and relax.

Lu Xiaofeng took this into account and asked like this.

But this time, the battle of the land immortals was too attractive, and Ye Gucheng would not let it go.

So, Ye Gucheng put down the cup and replied very firmly: "That's nature, such a good show, how can I miss it." "

"And I'm curious, what kind of figure this Great Sui Emperor is, who can make the warriors of the Land Immortal Realm move for him so much."

Hearing this, Lu Xiaofeng was very happy.

Happy said: "This is so good, none of the three of us can be left behind." "

"After drinking this glass of wine, let's go to Luoyang for a walk."

The forces of the rivers and lakes of all parties, like everyone else, rushed to Luoyang City, wanting to witness this earth-shattering battle that was about to change the pattern of martial arts.

At this time, Yang Hao had already laid a net of heaven and earth, quietly waiting for Shi Zhixuan and others to come and die! .

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