Outside Luoyang City, on a mountaintop platform.

The banner of the Great Sui is mighty, planted on the top of the mountain, and the momentum is magnificent.

Yang Hao sat on the dragon chair in the middle of the mountain, waiting quietly.


A black shadow appeared in front of Yang Hao, and he said, "Your Majesty, Shi Zhixuan and the others have come to the bottom of the mountain. "

When Yang Hao heard this, he straightened up and smiled: "Good come." "

Under the mountain.

Shi Zhixuan and the others, looking at the flags flying on the top of the mountain, stopped one after another.

Ning Daoqi said, "It seems that the emperor is waiting for us on purpose. "

Shi Zhixuan sneered: "This is the Longtan Tiger Cave, before you go up the mountain, you still have time to think about it, and now it is too late to regret it." "

"Once you go up the mountain, you can't have any timidity, you must fight to the death."


Ning Daoqi laughed loudly, "Evil King, you also underestimate the three of us, do you think that the names of our three martial arts grandmasters were picked up?" "

"Today, either the emperor dies or we die."

At this moment, Fan Qinghui and the four great monks also came to the bottom of the mountain.

Just happened to meet Shi Zhixuan and others.

Suddenly, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Shi Zhixuan looked at Fan Qinghui, his eyes showed a fierce look, if it weren't for the fact that he wanted to compete for the Evil Emperor Relic, he would have dealt with Fan Qinghui now.

Shi Zhixuan's wife is the previous generation of saints of Cihang Jingzhai, and also Fan Qinghui's senior sister, Bi Xiuxin.

Bi Xiuxin committed suicide because of Cihang Jingzhai's persecution and under the deception of Fan Qinghui.

This hatred, do not wear.

Fan Qinghui, when he saw Shi Zhixuan, the scene of his senior sister Bi Xiuxin committing suicide immediately appeared in his mind.

Shi Zhixuan said coldly: "Boss Fan, don't come unharmed." "

"Unexpectedly, your holy gate will also come to compete for the Evil Emperor Relic."

Fan Qinghui replied: "Hmph, you evil devil, I didn't expect that 520 in ten years could not kill you, which is really regrettable." "

Hearing this, Ning Daoqi looked at Shi Zhixuan's expression with anger, for fear that he would clash with Cihang Jingzhai at this juncture, otherwise it would be a big deal.

So, Ning Daoqi hurriedly stopped him: "Evil King, don't forget the purpose of our coming this time. "

The corners of Shi Zhixuan's mouth rose and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I still have a sense of proportion." "

Shi Zhixuan said, "The head of Fan came here today, presumably to prevent the emperor from absorbing the Evil Emperor's relic energy essence. "

"Just as the so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend, today we will be friends for a day, how."

"When we get the holy relics, how about we determine the ownership of the holy relics by jousting?"

Fan Qinghui understood what Shi Zhixuan meant, and after thinking for a moment, nodded and agreed: "Okay, just according to what you say." "

After the two sides reached an agreement, the nine people headed towards the top of the mountain.

In the surrounding woods, people from the rivers and lakes have come to watch one after another.

Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou and Ye Gucheng were among these crowds.

Lu Xiaofeng looked at the nine masters who were rushing to the top of the mountain, shocked, and said: "No, the Great Sui Emperor actually single-handedly opposed these nine masters?" "

"That's too confident."

The corners of Ye Gucheng's mouth tugged, and he said with a smile: "You also underestimate the emperor, in the crowd around here, there are countless subordinates in ambush, as long as the emperor has a slight tendency to lose, they will rush up." "

Hua Manlou said, "Ye City Lord is right. "

"And it can be seen from here that the Great Sui Emperor is bold and not a general."

"Now, I'm looking forward to what kind of strength the Great Sui Emperor will use to deal with these nine masters."

On the other side, Song Que, Yuan Tiangang, and Yuan Zuozong were also staring at everything in front of them.

Seeing the nine masters flying up the mountain, Song Que was full of anticipation in his heart, and muttered in his heart: "I have long heard that His Majesty has outstanding martial arts, but he has never seen it, and today I can finally see it with my own eyes." "

Yuan Zuozong said: "Do we want to make a move?" "

"Leaving Your Majesty alone in danger, I am really worried in my heart."

At this time, Yuan Tiangang, who was as calm as water, spoke: "Let His Majesty move his muscles, he has not moved for a long time, don't disturb him." "

Yuan Tiangang was well aware of His Majesty's Yang Hao's strength, and in his eyes, these guys were simply not enough to pose a threat to His Majesty.


After a while, Shi Zhixuan and his group of nine came to the top of the mountain and faced Yang Hao.

Yang Hao was wearing a long robe and sitting squarely, staring directly at Shi Zhixuan and the others, with a killing intent in his eyes.

Fan Qinghui shouted angrily at Yang Hao: "Yang Hao, quickly hand over the Evil Emperor Relic, otherwise I will wait to step here and take your emperor's life." "

Hearing this, Yang Hao sneered: "Fan Qinghui, just by your words, Xu will make you smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces." "

"The Evil Emperor Relic, it's in Xuan's hands, if you want to take it, it depends on whether you have this ability."

"Fan Qinghui, you have the ability to come up."

Yang Hao drank angrily, his voice was like thunder, shocking all directions, making Fan Qinghui frightened, and suddenly fearful.


At this time, Yang Hao snorted coldly: "Cihang Jingzhai, the so-called righteous path of martial arts, dares to support the gate valve against the imperial court in an upright manner, which is equivalent to rebellion, and now he dares to speak out in front of Xuan." "

"Cihang Jingzhai, will be cursed."

Yang Hao's words made Fan Qinghui suddenly speechless.

At this time, Shi Zhixuan stood up and said coldly: "It is useless to talk more, since we are here, let's use our strength to see the real chapter." "


As he spoke, Shi Zhixuan's body released a terrifying evil energy, and the blood-red aura suddenly filled the audience.

Then he soared into the air and shouted angrily: "Yang Hao, I, Shi Zhixuan, came to ask for advice." "

Then, a huge bloody handprint appeared in the sky.

It's like a basin of blood, swallowing the heavens and the earth.

Here we go! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Here we go!

That Evil King Shi Zhixuan of the Land Immortal Realm made a move.

Everyone in the woods exclaimed.

Zhu Yuyan looked at Shi Zhixuan's Immortal Seal Method, her pupils contracted, she was surprised, and muttered: "Unexpectedly, being frozen for ten years has made Shi Zhixuan's martial arts cultivation go further, and his Immortal Seal Method has become even more terrifying." "

In the face of Shi Zhixuan's immortal seal, Yang Hao did not have the slightest slack, plus his killing intent was decided, so he used the Dragon God Skill at the beginning.


At this time, Yang Hao, who was still standing on the ground, transformed into a golden divine dragon in the blink of an eye, soared into the sky, and went straight to Shi Zhixuan in the sky.

Yang Hao's move, if it is not sound, it has become a blockbuster.

Under dusk, turning into a divine dragon, this face stunned everyone.


Everyone in the woods was dumbfounded.

Song Que's body couldn't help but jerk, and exclaimed: "Your Majesty, you can actually incarnate a divine dragon, that is to say, it is the true destiny of the Great Sui Dynasty, no wonder after he ascended the throne, everything in the Great Sui Dynasty was smooth, and the country was safe and secure." "

Yuan Tiangang, who had always been calm, couldn't help but flicker with surprise when he saw Yang Hao's move of turning into a divine dragon.

He lived for three hundred years, saw a man incarnate as a dragon for the first time, and was still an emperor.

Lu Xiaofeng exclaimed, "The Great Sui Dynasty, incarnating as a divine dragon, is really the chosen son!" "

Hua Manlou's face was full of pity, and he shook his head and said, "It's a pity that I am blind in both eyes, and I can only hear the dragon's chant and can't see the dragon's true body." "

To be surprised, Ning Daoqi and the others standing on the top of the mountain at this time were the most shocked.

They did not expect that Yang Hao, the young emperor with a jade-like face, could burst out such terrifying strength in an instant, and turn into a divine dragon to face the evil king Shi Zhixuan of the land god realm.

Fu Cailin asked, "Gentlemen, have you ever seen such a divine skill that can transform into a divine dragon?" "

Ning Daoqi swallowed deeply and shook his head: "Unheard of, unseen." "

"I thought the emperor was pretending, but I didn't expect such terrifying strength."

Just as several people were talking about it, Yang Hao, who turned into a divine dragon, had already broken through Shi Zhixuan's immortal seal, traveled for nine days, swallowed clouds and swooped down, and the huge dragon claw killed Shi Zhixuan.

At this time, Shi Zhixuan's head was still buzzing, and he did not come to his senses at all, completely oppressed by Yang Hao's momentum.

"Shi Zhixuan, give me death!"

Yang Hao burst into a loud shout, and the dragon groaned and shook the sky, setting off a gust of wind.

The golden claw, with the momentum of thunder, hit the immortal seal that Shi Zhixuan released again.

However, the difference in strength between the middle and early stages of the Land Immortals was like a heavenly barrier that could not be surpassed.

Yang Hao's terrifying internal force harnessed the golden dragon claw, destroying the immortal immortal seal.

At the moment of collision, the Immortal Seal Law fell apart.

Fu Cailin below exclaimed: "It's not good, the evil king can't stand it alone, we have to get out of it." "

Fu Cailin and the others knew very well that now they and Shi Zhixuan were grasshoppers on the same rope, and if Shi Zhixuan was killed, their chances of winning would be almost zero.

Therefore, at the moment when Fu Cailin made a move, Ning Daoqi and Bi Xuan also immediately followed.

With all his strength, he went straight to the golden dragon claw in the sky.

The three divine rays rose up into the sky, which was very eye-catching.

Song Que smiled and said, "Three grandmasters, can't sit still. "


Suddenly, above the darkness of the top of the mountain, there was a loud noise.

Yang Hao's attack collided with the true qi of Shi Zhixuan's four, stirring up thousands of rays of light, and the energy generated rippled around, and countless towering trees were uprooted and fell off the cliff.

The boulders that approached were even beaten into powder.

In the loud noise, the bodies of Shi Zhixuan, Fu Cailing, Ning Daoqi, and Bi Xuan landed heavily from the sky and smashed to the ground.

The powerful force that rippled out made a huge earth pit on the ground, setting off a sky full of wild sand.

The entire mountain top trembled, as if it had been an earthquake.


The four of Shi Zhixuan vomited a mouthful of blood, and their bodies staggered to their feet.

Fan Qinghui on the side was dumbfounded.

His throat gurgled, he swallowed deeply and spat deeply, looking at the four great monks behind him, as if asking the four great monks: "You can't stand this situation." "

Shi Zhixuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes showed a look of shock, and muttered, "How is this possible, a warrior who is only eighteen years old, his cultivation has actually reached the realm of land immortals!" "

Ning Daoqi said, "No wonder he dares to wait for us here alone, it turns out that his cultivation has also reached the peak of the land immortal, and it seems to be the peak of the land immortal." "

At this time, Yang Hao fell in place, looked at the four people who spat blood in their mouths, and the corners of his mouth rose: "Aren't you threatening to kill?" "

"After the warm-up is over, you can't stand it anymore?"

"Next, it's time to get real."

Before the words fell, Yang Hao pointed a finger, and a crimson divine light burst out.

In the eyes of everyone, a delicate long sword appeared in the air.

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