Looking at the void, walking on the sword, and the loneliness of the loneliness in the direction of the Daqin …

Anyone who sees this scene is surprisingly quiet!

Maybe this is the real peak battle of Kyushu!

Everyone only looks forward to that the picture of the road that day can let them witness this scene.

After all, not everyone is a big master, you can do it!

Of course, there are still some masters who are strong. After a moment of hesitation, I still choose to go to Daqin …

Although they are not as good as the great master. But it is far beyond ordinary creatures!

If you are lucky, you may witness that battle by yourself!


Of course, there are not many dynasties who have defeated this alone after all …

At this moment, the eyes of most of the souls in Kyushu still fall on the Tiandao Gold List!

I saw that the golden mang was stunned on the dome that day, and there was a vague shadow, which was manifested from it!

At first, it was extremely blurred!

But with the passage of time, the blurred shadow gradually became clear …

It seems, is it a door? Intersection


Door? Intersection

At this moment, Kyushu looked at the blurred shadow above the void, and could not help but be stunned.

How could there be a door that appeared on the sky?

What will happen after that door? Intersection



Weiyang Palace.

Liu Bang returned to peace, but his face looked a little overwhelming. Looking at the picture of the Golden List that day, he said slowly.

“What’s this?”

“Door? How can there be such a thing in the sky!”

“Also, who can tell me, which prince is this Daqin?!”

After knowing the top list of the peerless list, after his old opponent Da Qin, Liu Bang’s mood was extremely bad!

Even, he wanted to see the first list of the world, fell into the altar, and could not break through any immortal god!

At that time, after the battle with Daqin, it may be time to deal with it!

If Da Qin really has a fairy god, he may not have to play!

“His Majesty, Chen thinks, we may not have to be so pessimistic …”

Seeing Liu Bang’s sorrowful face, Xiao He was silent for a moment, and said slightly,

“If the Zhengzheng, there is really a fairy god who rely on. Why did I never hear?”

“Among them, there must be some reasons that can’t be shot!”

“What’s more, Chen Guan’s loneliness seeks defeat, although its strength is extremely strong, but it has not been with mythology yet!”

“So it was rated as the half -step fairy god, I’m afraid the ‘fairy god’, and there is no magical power to move the mountains!”

“There is still a chance to settle in the general!”

Those Xiongnu before, because of the sudden incident, did not have time to form a big formation!

Otherwise, even if they are defeated, they will not be so embarrassed!

What’s more, the Golden List of the Daoma has never showed its realm …

Maybe he did not break through the god of God? Intersection

After all, according to consistent speculation, if there is such strength in the supreme dynasty, you don’t have to hide it at all …

What’s more, no one in Kyushu has heard which prince Daqin practiced martial arts.

Is there any hidden hidden secret? Intersection


Hearing this, Liu Bang’s face improved slightly, and looked up at the picture of the sky …

The eyes are faint, I don’t know what I am thinking.


Chapter 158 Under Sword Mang, everything turns into pink


Above the sky, there is golden mang, slightly rippling, wrapped around the supreme door!

Too vast!

Even if the Golden List of Tiandao, it makes people feel a supreme atmosphere!

Tianmen? Intersection

Inexplicable, everyone’s mind can’t help but echo the words!

Of course, it does not mean the Tianmen formed by the emperor Shi Tian, but … the real door of the heavenly!

At this moment, countless people were shocked and incredible in many dynasties in Kyushu, even in martial arts!

Watching the sky stunned!

To be precise, is the abrupt manner … Tianmen? Intersection

On their faces, they flashed more or less!

Who can predict that there is such a existence on the sky? Intersection

Why is it born?

How can it appear here!

All this is full of unknown!

In subconscious, everyone looked up and looked at the sky above the head …

It is inferred by time, the picture above the Golden List of the World should be the scene in recent years!

Is there such a door on top of their heads? Intersection



And when the people in Kyushu were suspicious, the door was completely expanded that day, as if from the distant void, slowly came …

It is extremely magnificent, and it really looks like a mythical Nanda Gate!


Those so -called myths are artificially imagined after all, and no one has seen it before!

But this day door appeared real!

Compared with the myth, it makes people feel even more thrilling!

Moreover, the most shocking thing is that above the door, there are some special inscriptions, which are extremely mysterious …

Thousands of golden manges flow, which emerges from that inscription, full of breath of life.

Slowly delay!

As if the gift of heaven and earth!

Admiration from the inscription, scattered on the void.

At this time, the people in Kyushu probably guessed, what exactly did the life of the loneliness from defeat!

They are not the so -called rewards to overcome the general trend of the world!

Instead, the power within this door overflows it slightly …

Is this inscription itself born, or after this Tianmen …

Everyone is unknown!

But in any case, in the hearts of everyone in Kyushu, there was still a touch of horror!

Only overflowing some strength can make the almost half -step fairy god’s loneliness ask for defeat to recover quickly …

And now, what kind of scene will it be in that door and even within it? Intersection

This is what anyone can’t imagine!

Only, watching the changes in the picture on the Tiandao Gold List quietly …

Vaguely, everyone can also see some illusion …

That is, all kinds of strange beasts that have been manifested!

Nowadays, all the runes appear on that door, which reflected with the inscription.

The dense item gives people a thrilling feeling!


At this time, there were ripples, and on the door, it was roaring.

The once -dissipated beast emerged again …

But this time, they shrouded Jin Mang on their bodies!

Even the strength has advanced to the level of the Grand Master!

With the lining of the golden mango, it gives a general and noble atmosphere!

Fengming, Long Roar …

Echoing each other, even if the Golden List of the Heavenly Taoism, makes people feel a very terrifying power …



The teenager still stood with a sword. He looked very calm. In the face of many strange beasts, he didn’t even look at it.

Eyes, always falling above that day!


Suddenly, he came out!

A ray of swords, echoed slowly, stirring out of the bloody sword.

At first, it was very weak, without the slightest sharpness!

This surprised many people in Kyushu. After all, this is a bit different from the scene of his strong killing enemy.

too weak!

Even when the sword was practiced at the beginning, it is estimated that this sword is strong?

Is it a hit, test it?

Can’t help but echo the thoughts in the minds of everyone.

However, looking at the look of the teenager, it is a bit dignified, not like trying it!

And, even so, this sword mang even turned into a great master’s vision, wouldn’t it be comparable?


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