Just when the people in Kyushu were a little puzzled, the sword flow flowed, which was already close to the first real dragon …

I saw that real dragon roared, and the scales on her body were cash, giving a feeling of shocking!

In fact, from the beginning of Dugu to defeat, this true dragon is extremely powerful!

Vaguely, it is the head of many strange beasts!

Now it is advanced again and gets the blessing of the golden mang. The strength is not the same as before!

That sword flow turning, appearing in front of it, has not yet been conspicuous!

This huge visual gap really made everyone’s hearts breathe!



As Jian Mang approached, the real dragon yelled, and a trace of humanization of disdain in the eyes of the dragon’s eyes!

This surprised everyone in Kyushu!

After all, although this true dragon was strong before, it was extremely dumb, like a puppet!

And now, after the blessing of the golden mang, it has a simple spiritual intelligence!

I saw that after the roar, that dragon raised a paw slightly, intending to extinguish the sword!


Just when everyone feels that the sword mang will be easily annihilated …

It was slightly swinging, and he went directly through the real dragon’s paw …

In the meantime, it is not hindered by the slightest hint!

It’s like, passing through air? Intersection

How is this going? Intersection

Seeing this scene, everyone in Kyushu was stunned, and some did not respond!

Even the five -claw gold dragon was stunned, and it seemed a little blank!

But the next moment, its body trembled, starting from the paw, the body gradually collapsed …

There is a rotation of Jin Mang, exuding the breath of life, and wants to repair the body of the five -claw golden dragon.

But it doesn’t help!

Just a moment, the five -claw gold dragon collapsed completely, annihilating it into a pink.

There is a luminous light, showing the appearance of a golden dragon, and wants to integrate into the door again.

However, it only swayed in the void, and it dissipated.

The crowd clearly saw that there was some lack of the runes above that golden dragon disappeared.

Little, it is the small paragraph that belongs to the real dragon!


As the real dragon dissipates, the other strange beasts above the void are all stunned, and it seems to be shocked!

Although they have some simple spiritual wisdom, they are weak.

Can’t understand the scene in front of you at all!

They don’t understand, why did that real dragon dissipate like this? Intersection

However, when they did not wait for them to react, the sword mang flowed suddenly.

After tearing these alien bodies easily, it suddenly swayed and rushed towards the Tianmen!


And this time, the sword mang seemed to absorb the energy of these strange beasts and became extremely bright!

I do n’t even know how many times it has expanded, like a sword, falling straight down!

Everything is destroyed!


Chapter 159 A Sword Open Tianmen! Heaven blessing

Swordsman falls!

Wherever you pass, destroy and death!

Obight everything!

Many strong men in Kyushu asked themselves. If they were under the sword, I am afraid … even if they escaped …

It will be torn instantly!

Is this the first strength of the peerless list? Intersection

Although, the previous one had only shot strongly, slaughtered hundreds of thousands of troops alone …

But that is facing mortal after all!

And, the incident suddenly, the Huns had to have time to go!

Many people are thinking that if they really list the battle and condense the ‘potential’, they will not be so embarrassed!

But now, looking at the scene in front of him, everyone in Kyushu is a little silent!

If you do n’t talk about it, this sword, even if it is a battle, is it difficult to resist? Intersection



In the face of this sword, the door was also swinging that day, and it seemed that there was a supreme power that could flow!

Immediately afterwards, Jin Mang emerged again, permeating on the sky!


In a moment, the endless horrible atmosphere, delay!

Sample with Naomang!

The two forces are intertwined with each other, and the roar of earthquakes!


At this moment, the eyes of the entire Kyushu, everyone’s eyes fell on the Golden List of that day.

There is no offset at a moment!

This is the real battle with the sky!

In contrast, the once loneliness for defeat is obviously inferior!

Can’t compare it at all!

Will it succeed? Intersection

Looking at the intersection of this sword mang and Jin Mang, in the minds of Kyushu, they couldn’t help echoing such an idea.

In any case, this is competing with heaven!

No one predicts what happens!


However, compared to the shock of the people in Kyushu, there is still a person who is very complicated …


Zhangtai Palace.

“This is really the son of the salted fish?!”

Looking at the sky, the sword broke the sky, and Zheng Zheng blinked, still a little stunned.

Although, everything in front of me, to tell him all the time …

These are all facts!

However, he really couldn’t be associated with the figure of the Taoist Gold List screen that day with the salty fish’s win cloud!

Too outrageous!

At this moment, Zheng Zheng’s heart was really shocked!


However, after a brief shock, Zheng Zheng’s gaze was attracted by the picture of the Golden List that day …

Although, looking at Yun Yun’s alive jumping now, Zheng Zheng didn’t think he would be surprised in the battle with that day.

But in case?

On the Taoist Gold List that day, there was a trend of horror. Even if Zheng Zheng never practiced martial arts, he could feel the trembling atmosphere!

How can you be able to withstand that vastness alone? Intersection

boom! Intersection

And when Zheng Zheng’s heart, when you scratched countless thoughts.

The sword mang flickered again, causing the sky to tremble …

The next moment, Jianmang flowed, directly broke the golden mang, and fell straight on the heavenly gate!


Suddenly, a golden voice echoed on the sky!


Is the door real that day? Intersection

Previously, everyone in Kyushu speculated that that day, the gate may be like those strange beasts, but the general trend of heaven and earth!

In fact, it does not exist!

However, when the voice of Jin Ge echoed, everyone was stunned!

Is there such a sky door? Intersection


However, do n’t wait for everyone to respond. On the top of that day, there was another roar …

Immediately after, the original Tianmen began to crack!

Only this sword broke the Tianmen? Intersection

Looking at the natural gate that gradually collapsed, there were countless places in Kyushu, and there were sounds of air -conditioning!

This is too incredible!

Moreover, everyone can still see that after that day, there seemed to be a golden ocean, which slowly flowed!

What’s this? Intersection

Seeing this scene, the people who were in a shocking heart could not help but be again.

The golden ocean, a bit familiar, seems to be a bit similar to that golden mang …

Suddenly, a bold idea emerged from their minds!

Could it be that the golden mang, which had the breath of life before, was just the corner of the iceberg in this golden ocean? Intersection

This idea is extremely bold!

After all, everyone see how powerful the Jin Mang is, which can restore Dugu for the moment of defeat!

But now, it has become a ocean? Intersection



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