The teacher said that the class was over.

"Okay, get out of class is over."

"It's finally over..."

After several hours of music teaching by Akiba Reiko, Conan fell to the ground like a puddle of mud. Maybe for him, making music is more tiring than fighting with Orphino.

"Is it necessary to be so exaggerated? Not everyone can be taught by me."

Seeing Conan's weak and limp appearance, Akiba Reiko was obviously unhappy and picked him up like a chick.

"Smile, do you think my teaching is more terrible than those monsters called Orphino?"


Conan grinned and forced a smile.

Reiko Akiba looked disgusted: "It's uglier than crying, you'd better stop laughing."

[Troublesome woman...]

Conan complained silently in his heart.

"Forget it, just to thank you for your help last time, and to celebrate the official start of our teaching, I'll give you another song."

Sitting elegantly on the piano bench, Reiko Akiba smiled mischievously at Conan: "I spent a whole night to create this, and I will only sing it for you."


Conan was a little confused by Reiko Akiba's sudden words, and the next moment he saw Reiko Akiba put her ten fingers on the keys and gently played, while her red lips slightly opened and sang.

"You droop your back"

"The raindrops hitting you hurts my heart"

"I've been watching you with a prayerful heart"

"If there is only one umbrella in this world"

"I must find it and give it to you"

"I can't do anything for you"

"But at least I can get wet in the rain for you"

"Please tell me about your troubles"

"There will be dawn after the night"

"There is no endless rain in the world"

"So please believe in yourself"

"If we are compared to the moon and the sun, then I am the moon"

"I can only shine if I have you"

"Don't bear the pain alone"

"You must know that I am by your side"

"Because soon, in your heart"

"A beautiful rainbow will be built"

"Because soon Your heart"

"A beautiful rainbow will be built"

("If You Are Here", all readers should be familiar with this song~)


"Ding Dong~"

"I'm here, who are you looking for?"

Hearing the doorbell ring, Xiao Ai got up and went to open the door, only to see that the person who came was a courier with a pretty face.

Seeing that it was a little girl who opened the door, the courier was obviously stunned for a moment, but soon he greeted politely: "Hello, little sister, my name is Zhi Xia Gang, I am the courier in charge of this area, is Dr. Agasa at home? Here is a courier sent by Ms. Kudo Yukiko."

[Kudo's mother?]

Hearing the courier's introduction, Xiao Ai suddenly remembered that Yukiko had said before leaving that there would be a courier to the door in the next few days, and inside was a surprise she had carefully prepared.

[Dr. Agasa is not here at this time, so I can only...]

After making a decision in her heart, Xiao Ai immediately put on a pitiful expression skillfully.

"Dr. Agasa is very ill, with powder fractures all over his body. He is now in the hospital for emergency treatment. I am the only one looking after the house..."

(Dr. Agasa: "A-choo! Who is saying bad things about me? Could it be that Shinichi again?)

"Ah! So miserable!"

Completely unaware that he was being played around by Ai's superb acting skills, the courier Zhixiagang entered the empathy state directly, and then his tone was a little choked.

"Well... in that case, can you please sign for me, little sister?"


After signing her name on the receipt and stamping it to confirm receipt, Ai took the package from the courier Zhixiagang.

"Be strong, little sister! Everything will be fine! "

Taking a handful of candies and chocolates from his pocket and stuffing them into Xiao Ai's hands, Zhi Xia Gang could no longer control himself and burst into tears! In his excitement, he even carried his electric bike and sprinted a hundred meters!

"Isn't that a bit too exaggerated?"

Looking at the courier Zhi Xia Gang who left with tears pouring down his face, Xiao Ai tilted her head in confusion, then gently shook the

The courier box was not particularly heavy.

"What on earth is it?"

"Gray, what on earth is going on with that courier just now? Why did he run while crying and carrying the electric bike?"

Just as Ai was curious about what was in the courier box, Conan, who had just finished his music class, walked over slowly.

"I don't know, maybe he was stimulated by something."

Ai's beautiful eyes lit up when Conan came, but she quickly returned to her usual self and said yin-yang: "Ah~ Great Detective, you finally came back. Didn't the beautiful singer thank you specially?"

"Don't come on, you know I was just going to class, and I can't have any bad thoughts about a child."

Since it was not the first time that Ai teased him, Conan had already formed a certain degree of immunity and directly refuted it with reason and evidence.

"Hmph, there are all kinds of birds in the forest. You never know what will happen to you."

Putting the courier box in Conan's hand, Ai turned around and pretended to leave: "This is a courier from your mother. I signed for it for you. Let's take a look at what's inside."

"Come back."

Just as Ai was about to leave, Conan suddenly pulled her in front of him, pointed to the courier box in his hand and said, "My mother left a message here, let you see it together."


Ai looked in the direction of Conan's finger with some surprise, and it was really like that!

[Give me cute Shin-chan and Ai~]

"Why is this happening?"

"Who cares? Just take a look and you'll know."

Conan immediately turned into a house-wrecking Erha, and soon he tore the courier box apart, revealing the items inside. It was the same suitcase as the one that stored Faiz's belt and Caesar's belt!



Without much communication, Conan and Ai immediately understood each other's thoughts and quickly grabbed the suitcase and hid in the house.

While hiding in the house, Conan and Ai worked separately to close all the doors and windows, and even drew all the curtains.

Only after all the safety measures were taken did Conan and Ai come to the suitcase with serious faces, and then Conan half-knelt down and opened the suitcase.

"Sure enough."

When the suitcase was opened, a light gray belt came into view, as well as a mobile phone and a digital camera, which was obviously a bit less than Faiz and Caesar's equipment.

Picking up the instruction manual inside, Ai subconsciously said the content on the cover: "The knight born to protect the king, Sai Qlai beat Delta."

"It seems that this is the gift my mother said."

Conan first untied Faiz's belt from his body, then tied Delta's belt, and finally took Delta's mobile phone in his hand.

"Since you are the strongest knight, let me see what kind of power you have."

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