The old man was so angry that he was about to get into trouble.

"Hashidou Sack!"

Just when Conan was eager to try and prepare for a big fight, Ai suddenly rushed over anxiously and pulled the Delta Belt off Conan's waist.

"What are you doing?"

"Look for yourself!"

She covered Conan's face with the instruction manual, and Ai immediately put the Delta Belt into the suitcase for storage. At this time, Conan also took the instruction manual off his face and carefully read the contents on it.

【Those with brain waves that do not meet the requirements and those with weak power should use it with caution, so as not to be affected by the induction device and indulge in the power of Delta, and eventually become mentally ill militants. 】

After reading the content of the warning column, Conan frowned slightly, then walked towards Xiao Ai and asked: "What does it mean? What does it mean to become a mentally ill militant?"

"Idiot, can't you read? This should be clear enough, right?"

Carrying the suitcase, Xiao Ai came to Conan and warned him with a serious face: "I heard that the Delta Belt was the first belt developed when I was in the organization, so the highly anticipated Delta Belt has performance and power far exceeding Caesar and Faiz, but also because of the output Because of the excessive power, almost all wearers have mental problems to varying degrees! "

Hearing this, Conan frowned: "Is it really as serious as you said?"

"What good can I get from lying to you? And how do you think Caesar and Faiz were developed later? Of course, they were constantly adjusted based on Delta's data, but even so, Caesar's belt still has very big side effects. Currently, only your Faiz is the most stable."

Hands on hips, she gave Conan a lecture, and then Ai turned around and walked towards the laboratory with her suitcase.

"In short, I will never allow you to use Delta. If you are really curious about how powerful it is, then ask the Osaka Black Chicken to come over for an experiment. Anyway, he is a native Orphino, and maybe he can adapt to it."

"But I am also a native Orphino, why can't I try it?" Conan chased after him in confusion, hoping that Ai could give him a clear explanation.

"No reason, because only you can't, this is my bottom line."

Facing Conan who was chasing after her, Xiao Ai's face flashed a complicated look, and then she gently knocked Conan's head three times with the suitcase.

"Duang! Duang! Duang!"

"It hurts!"


Seeing Conan sitting on the ground with his head covered in pain, Xiao Ai raised her head and hummed like a proud swan, then put the suitcase into the laboratory and locked the door.

Holding her hands on her shoulders and facing Conan, Xiao Ai issued an order like a queen high above: "In short, Ms. Yukiko clearly stated that the recipients are you and me, so I also have the right to deal with the Delta belt. Unless there are extremely special circumstances, I will never allow you to use Delta without authorization."

After saying that, Xiao Ai walked towards her room without turning her head, leaving Conan alone to continue covering his head.

"Really, what's wrong with this guy?"

Completely unaware of the hidden meaning in Ai's words, Conan showed his half-moon eyes and whispered to complain about Ai's domineering behavior.


Hearing the phone ringing, Conan hurriedly got up and picked up Faiz's phone, and then put it to his ear after answering.

"Excuse me, who is this?"

"Come out for a moment, there's something going on."

Akai Shuichi!

Hearing the mature male voice coming from the other end of the phone, Conan instantly realized the other party's identity, and then hurriedly asked in a low voice: "What happened? Mr. Akai, would you mind telling me?"

Akai Shuichi did not hide too much, and shared very happily: "You should know about the organization member Vodka? Our FBI secret line found that he and another member of the organization were active in the Beihua area."

Hearing the code name Vodka, Conan immediately thought of the fat man who was always inseparable from Qin, and Conan's expression suddenly became solemn.

"Please send the meeting place to my email, Mr. Akai, and I will rush over right away."

After hastily hanging up the call, Conan called Hattori Heiji's Caesar cell phone while walking out.

"Hattori, please come over quickly, we found a member of the organization here."

Almost at the same time when Conan left Dr. Agasa's house, the experiment

Miyano Akemi, who had been unconscious in the room for a long time, slowly opened her eyes.


Lao Mihua authentic Shaxian snacks

Vodka was sitting opposite a young man, and the two of them swept the food in front of them like wolves and tigers, which can be seen from the empty plates and bowls that have been piled up like a mountain.

"Not bad, Xuehua, you are quite tasteful, and you can find such a vintage fly restaurant."

"It's just so-so, after all, my nose is very sensitive to food."

Aragaki Makoto, codenamed Xuehua, was answering Vodka's questions while stuffing his mouth with perverted spicy chicken wings in one hand and braised large intestine in the other, and then shouted incoherently

"Waiter! Please give me another ten plates of spicy chicken wings!"

"I'll have another bowl of ramen too! Put more beef!" Vodka, who is the bull Orphino, performed "Diary of a Mad Bull" in public.

While the two members of the organization were feasting, an ordinary Wuling Hongguang was monitoring more than 200 meters away.

"That's right, the fat guy with his head buried in the bowl is Vodka. I have fought him before." Putting down the special military telescope in his hand, Conan nodded with great certainty.

Akai Shuichi took the telescope from Conan and observed it. After a moment, he nodded with great certainty and said, "That's right, this starving ghost's reincarnation eating appearance is definitely Vodka. That's right. Those people in the organization said that he should not be the bull Ophino, but the wild boar Ophino is more appropriate."

Unconsciously, Conan and Akai Shuichi reached a strange consensus on Vodka.

Seeing that the topic was a little off track, Judy hurriedly reminded: "Shu, Conan, now is not the time to judge the eating habits. Now is our chance. If we can find a way to capture Vodka alive, it will be of great help to us to further crack down on the organization."

Conan pointed out the problem with a heavy face: "That's right, but Vodka and his men are now in the downtown area. If they act rashly, they will definitely involve innocent people, and those people in the organization may not deliberately hide their tracks. At that time, the situation will be really not optimistic."

In this regard, Akai Shuichi also agreed: "That's right, so we must take all measures to complete the capture mission without alerting anyone."

But it's easy to say, what is the way to quietly capture two members of the organization?

"Dong! Dong!"

"The King of Heaven Covers the Earth Tiger!"

"The Pagoda Suppresses the River Monster!"

Just as the people in the car were lost in thought, there was a knock outside the car door, followed by Hattori Heiji's panting signal.

After receiving the signal, Conan hurriedly opened the car door, and the next moment he saw Hattori Heiji, who was sweating profusely, staring at him with a black face.

After getting in the car and closing the door, Hattori Heiji barely recovered after blowing the cold wind for a while.

"Kudo, you are too mean! Can you not be so sudden next time? You don't know how I got here all the way! Fortunately, the sidecar slammer doesn't burn oil, otherwise I will definitely ask you to reimburse the oil money!"

"Mr. Hattori Heiji, I know our sudden action has caused you inconvenience, so please accept this little thought."

Facing Hattori Heiji who was full of complaints, Judy took out a check from her bag and handed it over without saying a word.

"It's not about money, I... I'm going! So much!"

Seeing the 20,000 US dollars shown on the check, Hattori Heiji was stunned, and the resentment in his heart was eliminated a lot for a while.

"Hey! This is not about money. I'm fighting for world peace and justice! So the hardship on the road is nothing! Next time you have this kind of thing, just remember to call me."

While speaking righteously, Hattori Heiji calmly put the check into his pocket.

[Okay! Now I can buy a better birthday present for Kazuha! 】

Looking at Hattori Heiji, whose mouth was almost curled up, Conan looked at Akai Shuichi helplessly and complained: "You FBI spends money so lavishly, aren't you afraid that the finance department will come to check the accounts?"

"It's no big deal. The last finance department that went to check the accounts of the overseas army was directly shot down by its own people. And do you think the army that can spend tens of thousands of US dollars to buy a bag of screws will care about these? If you don't take it and I don't take it, how can Commissioner Smith take it?"

Seeing Akai Shuichi's calm and composed look, Conan couldn't help but reveal his half-moon eyes and complained in his heart: [That's right, this is really corrupt to a certain extent. Compared with the corrupt officials in the neighboring Shenzhou and the high-level officials in the United States, they are simply impeccable. 】

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