The old man was so angry that he was in a bad mood.

"Calm down, Huiyuan! Calm down!"

Seeing that Ai was already frightened, Conan quickly grabbed Ai's shoulders with both hands and shouted loudly.

"Don't be afraid first. Those guys probably don't know that you have turned into a child. They set fire to the drug research institute because they can't be sure where you have gone. So you don't need to be afraid at all."


"Don't worry, I'm here."

Take off his glasses and put them on Ai, Conan said softly: "Glasses can change a person's appearance. Even Superman will use glasses to cover up his true identity, so you don't need to worry about your identity being exposed."

Feeling Conan's actions, Ai was stunned for a moment, and then said with a slightly teasing tone: "Ah La~ So you are a superman without your glasses? "

"You just can't fly."

After smiling and tilting his head in response, Conan turned to look at Dr. Agasa and instructed: "Doctor, just in case, find a coat to cover Huiyuan, let her lie down in the back seat and don't come out, then turn off the engine and lie down as if resting, so that it won't arouse suspicion. I'll go out and see what's going on in that pharmaceutical company, and I'll be back soon."

Dr. Agasa nodded and said, "I understand, Shinichi, be careful."


After making a gesture, Conan got out of the car and ran towards the pharmaceutical company that was on fire.

Dr. Agasa also started to act according to Conan's previous instructions. After covering Xiao Ai who was lying in the back seat with his own coat, he slightly laid the seat flat and pretended to sleep, but his eyes were vigilantly scanning the surroundings.

At this moment, the surrounding environment was unusually quiet, so quiet that it made people feel a little scared. Xiao Ai, who was covered by the coat, was so nervous that her body straightened up.


Thinking back to the photo Gin showed her, Ai suddenly felt an indescribable pain in her heart, and the scene in front of her became a little blurry.

This atmosphere lasted for almost a quarter of an hour until the sound of the car door opening was heard.

"I'm back."

Hearing Conan's voice full of security, Ai carefully poked her head out from under her coat and saw that Conan had returned to the passenger seat.

Ai finally felt relieved, and then took off her coat and glasses and handed them over to ask: "How is it? What's the situation?"

After taking the glasses, Conan reported the situation he had inquired about truthfully: "The fire broke out about 20 minutes ago. The firefighters said that there were fire points in almost every room. It was obviously arson. Moreover, the police and firefighters did not find a single employee. It seemed that they had disappeared before the fire."

Ai said solemnly: "Setting fire to burn all the information and leaving no evidence is indeed something that people like them would do."

Conan leaned back on the chair with his hands on his head, and his mood seemed a little depressed: "Yes, I was thinking about rushing in to get the information about that medicine, but I was still a step slower and let them escape."

Dr. Agasa comforted: "Don't be disappointed, Shinichi, we just need to find another opportunity next time."

"This is the only way now." Conan nodded a little tiredly, reluctantly accepting Dr. Agasa's comfort.

"If you want detailed information about APTX4869, there may be other ways."

Just when Conan decided to go home, Xiao Ai, who was sitting in the back driver's seat, suddenly said this, which instantly made Conan energetic!

"Are you serious?"


Xiao Ai nodded slightly, and then explained: "My sister sent me some disks with her travel photos. At that time, I opened them with the computer of the institute and sent them back, but later I found that a disk with information about APTX4869 was missing."

"That is to say, you accidentally sent the disk with drug information to your sister, and this was an accident that the people in the organization never expected, right?"

Faced with this sudden good news, Conan's mouth corners suddenly reappeared a curve, and the lens even reflected white light.

Seeing Conan like this, Xiao Ai's mouth corners also unconsciously curled up, and then she hugged her shoulders and said slowly: "That's right

, but after my sister was killed by the organization, the apartment she lived in was almost demolished by the organization at the same time, and everything inside must have been cleared out, so we have to take another route. ”

“What route?”

“My sister said that the person who helped her save the photos on the disk was a university professor who was working with her at the time. I remember it was... Professor Masaki Hirota of Nanyang University, but I don’t know his home address.”

“Leave it to me!”

Dr. Agasa took the initiative to take on this task without hesitation, and directly picked up the phone to call people.

“Hello, I am Dr. Agasa. Please give me the contact information and home address of Professor Masaki Hirota of Nanyang University, thank you.”

Relying on his connections in the circle, Dr. Agasa quickly got the information he needed, and then began to contact Professor Masaki Hirota.

After a while

“What? A disk with travel photos? Who are you? "


Dr. Agasa quickly covered the answer button of the phone, and then whispered to Xiao Ai: "Xiao Ai, what's your sister's name?"

"Miyano Akemi."

"Okay, I'm a friend of Miyano Akemi. I heard her say that you were responsible for making the travel disks, so I want to ask if you have any extra backups."

"Oh, so you are Akemi's friend. I don't have the travel disks, but there is a strange disk in Akemi's copy. I kept it because I was curious."

[That's the disk!]

After hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Conan's expression suddenly became serious, and then he winked at Dr. Agasa.

Dr. Agasa also understood, and hurriedly continued: "Yes, yes, it should be that disk. Akemi said she couldn't find it after looking for a long time, so I'm sorry to bother you. I wonder if it's convenient for us to go and get the disk now? "

Professor Hirota answered cheerfully: "Yes, yes, if it's convenient for you, please come over now. I don't have anything to do today, so it's nice for you to come and have a cup of tea with me."

"Okay, thank you so much, we'll go right away."

After the call ended, Dr. Agasa nodded to Conan and Ai and said, "It seems that it's true. The disk that Ai accidentally sent to the wrong place is now in the hands of Professor Hirota Masaki."

"Then we'd better hurry over. If those people in the organization find out that such an important disk is in the hands of Professor Hirota, I'm afraid his whole family will die."

While explaining the seriousness of the situation, Ai then squeezed from the back seat to the front passenger seat, allowing Conan to have a close contact with the car door.


"What the hell are you doing? Go back and sit in the back!"

"Da-me, I don't want to sit in the back alone. Sitting in the passenger seat makes me feel safe. "

Ignoring Conan's protest, Ai then pulled the seat belt to secure herself and Conan, and then nodded to Dr. Agasa.

"Let's go, Dr., the sooner we get the disk, the better the situation will be for us."

"Okay, I understand."

Dr. Agasa didn't dare to neglect it, and quickly started the engine and started the car, then rushed out with a step on the accelerator.

"Hey! Can you make some room for me? Your natural birth part really takes up space!"

"You actually said such things in front of a girl, hentai! Pervert! Hooligan!"

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