After driving for nearly 40 minutes, Dr. Agasa and his team finally arrived at Professor Hirota Masaki's residence.

"Finally here, it's so crowded!"

As soon as the Beetle car stopped, Conan jumped out of the car impatiently, and then began to stretch his back and muscles.

"Crack, crack."

Accompanied by a burst of bone movement, Conan finally felt that most of the fatigue in his body disappeared, and then couldn't help complaining to Xiao Ai who got off the car.

"You are going too far, aren't you? There is so much space in the back seat, but you don't want to sit in it, but you have to squeeze in with me in the front passenger seat."

Ai said bluntly: "I have already said that compared to the lonely back seat, I still prefer the front passenger seat. After all, the view and lighting are quite good, and why don't you, a pervert, go to the back seat."

"You! Me!"

Conan was so angry that he wanted to hit the wall. He never expected that his reputation would be reduced to this!

Just when Conan's face was red, fortunately, Dr. Agasa appeared in time to stop the argument between the two.

"Okay, okay, Shinichi, Xiao Ai, you two stop arguing. Our priority now is to get the disk back from Professor Hirota. If possible, you two can have a good argument later."

"Ah, that's true. It's more important to go get the disk."

It must be said that Xiao Ai was really considerate. She put her hands on her hips and walked towards Professor Hirota's door, leaving Conan alone in anger.

"This guy is really bad. It seems that all the mistakes are my fault!"

Seeing Conan's childish temper, Dr. Agasa could only persuade him kindly: "Okay, Shinichi, calm down. How can a high school student detective be angry with an ordinary girl? Be a little more open-minded."

"Hehe, can this guy be considered an ordinary girl?" Looking at Xiao Ai's back, Conan showed a half-moon eye and complained.

At this time, Xiao Ai just walked to the door of Professor Hirota's house. Just when she was about to tiptoe to ring the doorbell, a young man suddenly flipped out of the window on the wall next to her and bumped into Xiao Ai when he landed.

When the two looked at each other, the atmosphere became extremely awkward. Then Xiao Ai suddenly noticed that the other party was holding a stack of magnetic disks in his hands, and there was a little blood on his hands.

"Magnetic disks!"

"Oh no!"

After a brief surprise, the young man suddenly jumped up and grabbed Xiao Ai, and then ran out at the fastest speed. Conan and Dr. Agasa, who had just walked to the door and hadn't reacted to what was going on, were directly knocked away. The next moment, they saw the man holding Xiao Ai hostage and quickly boarding the car parked on the side of the road.


"Xiao Ai!"

Conan and Dr. Agasa just wanted to rush up to save Xiao Ai, but the other party stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and drove away.

"What's going on? Are the people from the organization coming to find us?"

"Doctor, call the police! I'll go bring Huibara back!"

Conan unbuttoned his shirt, revealing the Faiz belt he had put on in case of an emergency. Then Conan sprinted in the direction of the car at the fastest speed, and took out the Faiz phone to transform.






Inserting the Faiz phone into the belt to close it, Conan transformed into Faiz while running, and the next moment the Mobile Pegasus just happened to come to his side.



Conan suddenly jumped up and jumped onto the Mobile Pegasus, then stepped on the accelerator to sprint!

At the same time in the car

Looking at the young man who was driving anxiously, although Ai didn't know who he was, she was very sure that this man was definitely not a member of the organization, otherwise she would never let herself run into him.

After taking a calm glance at the young man driving the car, Xiao Ai's eyes then turned to the pile of disks. Among the many disks, one of them recorded the detailed information of APTX4869 drug and the detailed list of investors in this project.

Xiao Ai calmly reached out her hand to take all the disks away, but the young man driving the car saw this scene and immediately took out a screwdriver and threatened fiercely!

"Keep your hands away from those disks! Otherwise I will kill you! Anyway, I have

Kill Professor Hirota! I don't care about killing one more person! "

Seeing that the other party was extremely emotional, Xiao Ai knew that she must not make any moves against such a person now, so as not to further stimulate him, so she took her hand back without saying a word.

Seeing this, the young man driving the car also hurriedly took back the screwdriver, and then continued to drive with a panic on his face, while mumbling non-stop.

"What...what should I do, I actually...I actually killed Professor Hirota, surrender...No! My future will be ruined!"

"Buzz! ”

Just when the young man was at a loss, a powerful engine roar suddenly sounded, and then Conan, who had transformed into Faiz, came to the side of the car.

[Faiz! Isn't the belt missing?]

When she saw Faiz, the originally calm Xiao Ai was so surprised that her pupils shrank, and even her mouth opened slightly.

Looking at the man driving, Conan directly switched Faiz's mobile phone to blaster mode and aimed at the window. However, when he noticed Xiao Ai on the passenger seat, Conan finally chose to switch the blaster back to Faiz's mobile phone and insert it into the belt.

Then he slightly reduced the speed to distance himself from the car, and then suddenly accelerated to the passenger window of Xiao Ai.

"Haihara! Seat belt! Fasten your seat belt!"

"Edogawa? "

When she heard Conan's voice, the shock in Ai's eyes suddenly became stronger. However, although she was surprised, she did not stop her hand movements and directly pulled the seat belt to fasten it.

Conan nodded when he saw this scene, and then rushed to the front of the car with a nitrogen acceleration, and did not stop until he was one thousand meters ahead and got off the mobile Pegasus.

"What are you doing!"

Seeing Conan's actions, the expression of the young man driving the car instantly became more panic, and at the same time he kept honking the horn to urge Conan to leave. After seeing Conan's actions, Ai instantly understood what the other party was going to do, so she quickly curled up to prevent impact.

[This idiot!]

Looking at the car getting closer and closer, Conan shook his hands to stretch his muscles, and then slightly lowered his lower body to accumulate strength, and the next second he rushed up like an arrow from a string!

"Mad man! This is a mad man! "

The young man wanted to brake and turn when he saw this, but the short distance didn't give him the chance. The next moment, Conan, who had transformed into Faiz, collided with the car!

"Bang! "

Conan pressed his hands against the hood of the car, and used his feet to resist the opponent's power. However, he could not stop retreating, and his feet even rubbed the ground with sparks.

(In the basic form of Faiz, the punch force is only 2.5 tons, not very strong.)

Compared to Conan's condition, the car's condition was not much better at the moment. The huge impact force generated by the contact between the two directly shattered the front window of the car, and the airbag also popped out.

Because he was in such a hurry when getting in the car, the young man did not wear a seat belt at all, so he hit the airbag head-on and lost consciousness, and his foot on the accelerator was directly released.

Finally, with Conan's full effort, the out-of-control car finally stopped slowly, and the moment the car stopped, Conan rushed to the passenger door and removed the door!

"Habara! Haibara! Are you okay! Wake up! "

Holding Ai in his arms like a princess, Conan shouted anxiously, but fortunately, because he had prepared in advance, Ai was just hit and passed without any injury.

Finally, Ai slowly opened her eyes with Conan's calls.

Seeing Ai wake up, Conan hurriedly asked; "Habara, are you okay? Are you injured?"

Faced with Conan's question, Ai did not answer, but clenched her fist with a complicated expression, and then hit Faiz's chest armor hard.

Conan didn't feel anything~

" should have become Faiz for more than a day or two. Since your reasoning ability is so strong, and you can transform into Faiz, why didn't you save my sister at the scene at that time!"

At the end of the words, Ai's tone was already full of tears, and her eyes were full of tears.

Seeing Ai's reaction, Conan's brain didn't react for a while: "Your sister? ”

“Don’t you understand yet! Hirota Masami… This name is the pseudonym that Professor Hirota gave to my sister Miyano Akemi!”



As soon as these words came out, Conan felt as if his brain had exploded, and his expression under the mask was full of shock. He never expected that the sister that Akemi Miyano was willing to save at the cost of her life... was actually right in front of him.

"Why... why didn't you save my sister! You clearly... why! Wuwuwu~"

At the end of the words, Xiao Ai could no longer maintain her strong appearance, and she lay directly on Conan's chest and began to cry loudly, and her tears fell to the ground like pearls that had fallen off the string.

Looking at Xiao Ai in his arms who was so sad that she lost control, Conan didn't know what to say to comfort her for a moment. All he could do was to hold Xiao Ai tightly in his arms, allowing this unfortunate girl to vent her sad emotions to her heart's content.

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