The ceremony was held in the hall, and the audience was very excited.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the memorial service for Director Sakamaki. The purpose of this memorial service is not only to commemorate the contributions that Director Sakamaki made to the film industry, but also to exhibit Director Sakamaki's private collection. Please move freely and wait patiently for our staff to prepare."

As the host's last word fell, the lights in the venue were instantly restored. All the guests present were looking forward to the next event, and they didn't notice that there were two children looking at everything around them with sharp eyes.

Ai: "How's it going, great detective, have you found anything now?"

Conan: "People get smarter as they get older, and the tail of an old fox will never show up so easily, but I think I found the target that Pisker wants to solve."


Ai was curious when she heard this, and then followed Conan's gaze, and saw a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes surrounded by police guns in the corner of the venue.

"Mr. Tunkou, what do you think about the rumors that you are corrupt and accepting bribes?"

"Mr. Tunkou! How much did you embezzle?"

"Give me a straight answer, Mr. Tunkou! Are you corrupt or not?"

"No comment, no comment..."

Faced with various questions raised by reporters, Mr. Tunkou just kept repeating that he had no comment, while looking around nervously.

Ai: "I see, it is unreasonable for a congressman who is recently involved in a corruption scandal to come to the memorial service at the risk of being interviewed by reporters. It seems that the reason why he can sit in the position of congressman is probably supported by the organization behind the scenes."

Conan continued: "However, this congressman Tunkou is recently involved in a scandal. He may betray the secrets of the organization in order to reduce his sentence, so Gin contacted Pisker to come here to deal with him."

Conan and Ai looked at each other, and then nodded in tacit understanding. Just as the two were thinking about how to proceed, the lights in the venue suddenly went out, and then the slides prepared by the staff began to play.

At the moment when the lights went dark, Congressman Tunkou seemed to have received a signal, and hurriedly shook off the reporters and squeezed into the crowd of guests.

The host introduced: "Everyone, please look, first of all, this is the work of Director Sakamaki when he was a student, and this work also won the highest award of the school."


The flash of the camera flashed among the guests. Seeing this, the host joked: "Sorry to disappoint the friends who take pictures. The projection screen has been specially treated, so you can't take pictures with the camera~"


The guests responded to the host's humor with laughter, and then continued to appreciate the slides with full concentration.




There was a loud noise in the darkness, followed by several screams. Seeing this, the staff on the scene hurriedly turned on all the lights in the venue, and then everyone present saw an extremely shocking scene!

I saw that Congressman Tunkou was actually killed by the crystal chandelier that fell from the ceiling!

"Ah! Someone's dead!"

"Come here, come here!"

Faced with the body of Senator Tunkou, the guests screamed miserably, and the next moment, Officer Megure led his men into the venue.

"Everyone, don't move! I'm Officer Megure from the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division 1. Now, please cooperate with our work!"

Hidden in the corner, watching Officer Megure and his team carrying out their actions in an orderly manner, Xiao Ai's face showed a very puzzled expression. "What's going on? Why did the police come so quickly this time?"

"When I was changing clothes before, I sent a message to Officer Megure using the identity of Kudo Shinichi. I thought that if the police were at the scene, they might be able to stop Pisk and his men, but I didn't expect Officer Megure and his men to come a little slower."

After explaining to Xiao Ai, Conan looked around with a solemn expression. He was very sure that Pisk was the one who killed Senator Tunkou, but he never expected that this veteran member of the organization would dare to do it in such a dense crowd. He was really too careless!

"Gray, stay here and don't move. I'll go find some evidence and be back soon. After settling Ai down, Conan rushed to the

Entered the venue.


Looking at Conan's departing back, Xiao Ai subconsciously stretched out her hand and wanted to say something, but in the end, thousands of words turned into a deep sigh.

"Alas~ Can't you listen to other people's ideas?"

"Long time no see, Shiho."


Hearing the sudden voice behind her, Xiao Ai, who was originally helpless, suddenly became nervous! Then she subconsciously wanted to look back, but the next moment, the handkerchief stained with the smell of ether tightly covered her mouth and nose.

"Uh! Uh!"

Xiao Ai struggled to break free, but how could a child's strength compete with that of an adult? Under the effect of ether, Xiao Ai felt dizzy in a short while, and the next moment she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

[Kudo... Run...]

This was the last thought that flashed through Xiao Ai's mind before she completely lost consciousness.

At the same time, Conan picked up a pierced purple handkerchief on the ground. When he smelled it, he smelled a strong smell of gunpowder!

Conan thought to himself: It seems that Pisker used this handkerchief to cover the sparks when he fired the gun. Next, we just need to determine the range of people who have this purple handkerchief.

After putting the purple handkerchief in his pocket, Conan wanted to continue looking for clues, but at this moment, he suddenly felt an indescribable tingling in his heart.

[What...what's going on? Why do I suddenly have this inexplicable feeling in my heart? ]

Putting his hand on his heart, Conan clearly felt that his heart was beating faster than ever before. The detective's sixth sense started at this moment, and Conan began to think carefully about what would make him so nervous...

[Grayfield! ]

Conan suddenly thought of the worst possibility in his mind, so he didn't even bother to look for clues, and rushed back to his original position at the fastest speed.

However, when he saw the empty corner, Conan's heart stopped beating instantly!

"Damn it!"

Conan was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and then immediately took action and hid in the toilet, then changed the voice-changing tie to Kudo Shinichi's voice, and then called Officer Megure.

"Officer Megure! Immediately block all entrances and exits of the Haido Hotel! Don't let anyone leave! Especially those who have received purple handkerchiefs on the front desk list. If those who have received purple handkerchiefs but don't have them now, no matter what the reason, they must be controlled on the spot! Because it is very likely that he is the murderer!"

At the same time on the road

"Brother, Pisco sent a message saying that the target has been successfully solved."

Gin said in a flat tone: "Very good, it seems that the old thing is still useful."

Vodka was driving while flipping through the message sent by Pisco, and then when he browsed to the last line of content, Vodka was suddenly surprised!

"Brother, Pisker said that when he was dealing with the target, he accidentally found Shirley who had escaped some time ago!"

"What! Give me the phone!"

Gin was rarely emotional and got a little excited. He snatched the phone from Vodka and locked the content on it at a glance.

[I have found Shirley, come quickly. ]

"Ah~ Shirley, you finally showed up. You won't be so lucky to disappear this time."

With a cold smile on his lips, Gin suppressed his excitement and urged: "Hurry over, I have a lot of things to ask Shirley~"

"Yes, brother!"

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