After a while, Xiao Ai finally woke up from her coma and sat up to relieve the dizziness in her brain.


After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Ai slowly woke up from her coma and sat up to relieve the dizziness in her brain.

"Where am I?"

Xiao Ai covered her slightly aching temple and carefully recalled what had happened before. After a while, she finally connected the fragmented memory fragments.

"Right! I was found by Pisker and then fainted, so where am I now?"

Xiao Ai looked around and saw that the place where she was was filled with wine boxes of different sizes, and the air was filled with a strong smell of wine. It was obvious that the place where she was imprisoned was a wine cellar for storing wine.

And she was the only one here at the moment, and Pisker didn't wait for her to wake up for some reason.

"I have to escape quickly! Before Pisker comes back!"

After realizing her current situation, Xiao Ai quickly stood up and walked to the door of the wine cellar, and then reached for the door handle with a glimmer of hope.

However, the resistance from the door handle ruthlessly shattered Xiao Ai's hope.

"I'm so stupid, really... How could Pisker make such a low-level mistake? I can't escape..."

As if accepting her fate, Xiao Ai made a weak self-deprecating remark, and slowly sat on the ground without saying a word, like a lamb to be slaughtered.

[I can't escape after all. Sharks in the deep sea will never be accepted by the sun. Only darkness is my only destination...]

"Habara! Haibara, can you hear me? If you can, please answer me! Please!"


Just like in the dream last time, Conan's anxious voice instantly pulled Ai back from the bottomless despair. Ai only then realized that she was still wearing the glasses that Conan had given her before, and the voice came from the glasses.

"Habara, is that you? Are you okay?"

Listening to the call from the little detective, Ai unconsciously showed a trace of loneliness at the corner of her mouth, and then deliberately pretended to be disgusted and said to the glasses. "Stop shouting. If you keep shouting, my eardrums will probably be broken. Are you a killer hired by the organization to torture people~"

At this moment, outside the Haido Hotel, Conan was sitting in the car and using Dr. Agasa's equipment to contact Huibara. After hearing Xiao Ai's [disdainful scolding], Conan's nervous heart suddenly relaxed, and then hurriedly asked: "How is it, Huibara? What's the situation over there?"

"I seem to have been recognized by Pisco. He knocked me out and locked me in the wine cellar. Now I don't know why he is not here. Now I have no way to get out."

When she said this, Xiao Ai suddenly fell silent. After a while, she slowly said: "Kudo, you should leave here with the doctor as soon as possible. Pisco must have told Gin and the others about my news. Maybe they are on their way. I will find a way to end my life as soon as possible. I'll trouble you to take care of my sister. I'm very happy to meet you during this time. I will never forget this time..."

Listen Conan yelled anxiously, "Shut up! Why are you saying these useless words? The important thing is to escape as soon as possible! I have just contacted Officer Megure. Everyone present at the memorial service was kept for questioning, so Pisker was not with you. This is a rare opportunity, don't you understand!"

Listening to Conan's almost inappropriate yelling, Xiao Ai couldn't help but smile bitterly: "It's easy to say, but I can't escape with my child body now. Instead of doing those useless things, I might as well talk to you for the last time instead of working hard. I guess I will only have the chance to talk to you in the next life..."

"Escape! You can talk to me as long as you want after you escape! You can say whatever you want to me, I will never talk back! I will also buy you the latest limited edition bag of Ayumi! You can have anything you want! I promise you everything!"


Listening to Conan's almost broken roar coming from the glasses, Xiao Ai felt a little sour in her nose and mixed feelings in her heart.

On the other side, Conan slowly calmed down after a roar, and then suddenly a light bulb came into his head! So he hurriedly asked: "Habara, take a look, in order to keep the wine cellar ventilated, there are usually chimneys installed. See if there are any old-fashioned fireplaces around?"

"Of course I saw it. If I wasn't blind, I would definitely see such a big fireplace."

Quickly wiping away the blur in front of her eyes, Xiao Ai stood up and walked to the fireplace at the end of the wine cellar. As soon as she got in front of it, she felt a breeze blowing on her face.

Ai asked in confusion: "Do you want me to crawl out of the chimney using my hands and feet? If I were in my original state, your plan would work, but I am now a child and I am afraid I can't support it at all."

"That was true, but you are in the wine cellar now, Huiyuan."

When Conan said this, his lenses reflected white light, and he continued to instruct: "Listen, Huiyuan, you have to find a bottle of wine called Baigan, and after drinking it, you can temporarily return to your original state. I will go to the rooftop of the hotel to meet you now. As for Pisker, I will handle it later."

Ai nodded gently: "I understand. If everything goes well this time, I really want to study this Baigan wine."

"Don't worry, your wish will come true."

After instructing Ai what to do, Conan quickly ended the communication, and then looked at Dr. Agasa before getting off the car.

"It's your job to keep watch, Doctor. Please inform me if there is any situation."

Dr. Agasa nodded seriously: "Leave it to me, Shinichi. You must bring Ai back safely."

"Yes, leave it to me."

Giving Dr. Agasa a thumbs up, Conan rushed into the Haido Hotel at the fastest speed.

Just as Conan turned the corner and went upstairs, the big star Chris Wynyard came out from the dark with a smile on her face.

"What a worrying little baby, but this is the style of Silver Bullet."

Showing a charming smile to Conan's back, Chris Wynyard... no, it should be said that Absinthe took out the phone from her handbag, then put it to her ear and dialed.

"Oh Gin~ Unfortunately, I have bad news for you. Pisker is really old and made a ridiculously low-level mistake."

At the same time, on the other side

"How is it, Huiyuan? How are you?"

"Huhu~ The things in China are really powerful... My body has actually recovered to its original state, and now I am crawling out, but... My whole body is hot, and I feel dizzy as if I have a fever..."

Conan reminded: "You'd better hurry up, the recovery time will not be too long, and if you drink it later, it will be ineffective due to drug resistance."

"Of course I know about this kind of thing, and I have seen the end, and I can go out soon..."

"By the way! Since you have recovered to your original state, the clothes..."

"Pervert! Of course I have worn them. There is an old employee uniform in the wine cellar. I won't give you the opportunity to take advantage of me."

There was a noise from the chimney, and then Xiao Ai, who had recovered as Miyano Shiho, crawled out of the chimney.

Looking up at the starry sky, Shiho Miyano suddenly felt a sense of relief for having survived a disaster: "Huhu~ I'm out, it's up to you next..."



Just as Shiho Miyano was reporting her current situation to Conan, a bullet suddenly hit her from behind and pierced her thigh. Shiho Miyano lost her balance and fell to the ground.


"Ah~ Shirley, it's been a long time since we last met. I really miss you~"

Hearing the ghostly voice in her ears, Shiho Miyano's expression suddenly became nervous, and then she turned her head stiffly to see Gin and Vodka standing at the emergency exit on the top floor, and Gin was holding a silenced pistol with smoke in his hand.

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