The only way to get a fake one is to go to a fake place.

Wow, is this the anti-fraud center?

I want to report a fraud!

Time travel fraud!!

Before coming, they said they would let me know the world I would live in in the future, and then played a blurry video.

The characters in it can only be seen as black silhouettes, and no one shows their faces directly.

This is actually very wrong.

However, he did not realize the sinister intentions of the Husky at that time.

He even analyzed it quite seriously.

Look at this girl (the silhouette is petite and has long hair, so she should be a girl), flying in the air with the wind around her, like a magician.

Look at this guy again (he is estimated to be over 180cm tall, with a sturdy build, and his hair style seems to be bald or crew cut, so he should be a man), he jumps to the height of a three-story building, and knocks down a wall with a casual punch.

Look at this car again, it drives up the wall like an acrobatic, and it also turns three and a half times from the ground to the arch in the tunnel... Who would believe you if the driver doesn't have some superpowers?

Wait, this sense of déjà vu seems a little familiar.

However, before he could think of the result, a dog head (real dog head) rushed in front of him, interrupting his thoughts and blocking the video that was still playing.

"Okay, okay, time is limited, come and choose your talent ability."

At first glance, he looks very handsome, and if you look closely, he is still very handsome. Erha squatted in front of the screen obediently, tilting his head and speaking human words.

He was confused by this appearance that was different from other Erha, especially handsome and reliable, and not neurotic at all.

Because the body in the original world has turned into ashes and is put into a small jar, he can start over in another world and even get a built-in plug-in. This opportunity must not be missed.

So, he recalled the video just now and thought carefully for a moment.

Well, flying directly without any external force or props, it looks like magic.

There are cars, but other than that, there are no super-model things like airships and mechas. The background should be an ordinary modern society.

Then the talent should be magic!

Please, flying in the sky with a big fireball is so cool!

In comparison, other talents, such as kendo, gun proficiency, mind reading (this is actually very useful, but the fashion value is not high enough, after all, there is no beeping light effect), reasoning...


Why is there a reasoning option in the cheat code?

Is there some weird world view that you can't survive without reasoning...?

Damn, it seems to be true!


Could it be?

"Talent template loaded!"

The Husky came up with its tail wagging. For some reason, the cold dog's face looked very happy, which seemed to indicate that the Husky species had unified talents.

"In addition, a friendly reminder, the world will of this world is quite stubborn. Some existences that do not conform to the overall world view may be slightly rejected. But please don't worry, our company's pre-sales and after-sales services are quite reliable, and we will definitely provide you with a satisfactory shopping experience. Bye~"

"No, wait a minute, I..."

"I can't wait any longer, let's go~"

Half an hour later, Ruo Muliang woke up from the soft big bed, rubbing his groggy head.

This is a bedroom decorated in a minimalist style.

From the size of the entire bedroom, it can be inferred that the area of ​​the entire house will not be less than 200 square meters.

At least the dog did not lie about this point, and he did give a big house.

He has a car and a house, his parents are both dead, his assets exceed 100 million, and he is handsome.

Ruo Mu Liang got out of bed, walked barefoot on the soft carpet to the floor-length dressing mirror, and for some reason he tripped over the smooth carpet.

The person in the mirror looked childish, but his handsome features were already visible. However, Ruo Mu Liang frowned slightly as he looked at the mirror, and always felt that the proportions of this face seemed a little unbalanced.

It seems...

This look is a bit two-dimensional?

Ah this...

The emotions were well reflected on the face, and the handsome guy in the mirror turned into bean eyes in a second, which directly reflected the owner's speechless mentality at the moment.


Why does it seem a bit fun?

Ruo Mu Liang made facial expressions in front of the mirror for a full ten minutes, including half-moon eyes, tic-tac-toe angry face, blackened face, etc., and he had a lot of fun.

During the period, he even wanted to challenge the king of facial expressions, Ma

The classic expression of the six-year-old (the villain who appears in Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Malik's dark personality, famous for his facial expressions), but because it was too difficult, I gave up after failing several times.

So far, I have a good time-travel experience, with five-star reviews... What a ghost!

Ruo Muliang stared blankly at the bedside table, seeing the newspaper that should be dated yesterday.

On the front page, a gentle and wise-looking man wearing a suit and glasses occupies nearly half of the page. The title is written in bold letters, the savior of the neon police, the popular mystery novelist Balabala...

I don’t know why I can suddenly understand Japanese, but that’s not the point.

This title, this title, plus the name Kudo Yusaku that appears too frequently in the text.

Ruomu Liang's eyes darkened.

Is this the world of Kexue? !

Then I learn a chicken's magic? ! In the entire Ke Xue worldview, it seems that Koizumi Anko is the only one who has magic and has appeared in front of her.

Wait, is she the suspected girl who appeared flying at the beginning of the video?

Well, what a video fraud.

Ruo Muliang took a deep breath, and then due to excessive exertion, saliva choked his trachea, and he held his chest and coughed for most of the day.

He finally straightened up, but before he could put the newspaper back into place, he stumbled with his left foot and fell to the ground in the empty bedroom.

What the hell... I'm not a flat-chested lolita, so I'm going to drop a bubble teapot on the ground!

He dared to swear that although he was not a peerless master in his previous life, he would never be like this now, with his limbs as if they were rented and all kinds of ill-fitting.


Ruo Muliang tremblingly closed his eyes, concentrating on the faintly fluorescent saplings in his mind.

That was his skill panel. Before coming, Erha introduced him to the specific method of using it very seriously.

Name: Ruo Muliang

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Education: College graduate (yes, you are the legendary genius boy who skipped a grade to complete all his studies.)

Strength: 6 (full value 10, normal range 3-7)

Agility: 5 (full value 10, normal range 3-7)

Intelligence: 9 (full value 10, normal range 3-7)

Luck: -80 (full value 100, normal range 20-70)

PS: When you are in a safe house, the death FLAG will not be triggered temporarily.


Ruo Muliang stared at the last two lines of the attribute panel for two full minutes.

A lucky value of 20 can be called Lucky E, so what level is his -80?

This is the level of unlucky situation where you will be hit by a car and killed whenever you go out.

Wakamu Ryo wanted to continue taking a breath and contribute to global warming, but after looking at his own panel, he gave up the idea.

Although he was protected by a safe house, he would not be so unlucky that he would actually choke to death on his own saliva, but it would still be uncomfortable to choke to death.

Is this... the stubborn will of the world to reject existences that do not conform to the world view?

Do you think the world of Conan is stubborn?

That's for sure. It's been more than a dozen Valentine's Days, and Conan hasn't even entered the second grade of elementary school yet.

No matter what the specific case is, the murderer will basically not run away, but will stay at the crime scene very honestly and wait for someone to choose one of the three.

As long as the murderer is exposed by the detective, he will have an unshakable quality. As soon as the music starts, he will kneel down, cry and repent on the spot.

Even in some cases, detectives only solved the murderer's murderous plot through pure reasoning and did not find conclusive evidence such as fingerprints. According to the principle of presumption of innocence, the police cannot directly convict and arrest the murderer.

Behaviors such as refusing to admit guilt, fleeing and resisting arrest, and intending to die together have rarely appeared in more than a thousand episodes of Conan.

In addition, things like changing from high school students to elementary school students have happened, which violates the laws of conservation of matter and energy. The protagonists are still staunch materialists.

Haha, tell a joke.

In this scientific world where one kick of football can knock out a satellite, everyone talks about science.

What should I do if I choose the wrong talent at the beginning? Do I still have time to delete my account and reopen it? Otherwise, I can just move the people and the safe house to Ekota.

Douzi's worldview can accept magic!

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