The doorbell rang.

“Ding Dong, Ding Dong…”

The doorbell rang.

Ruo Muliang’s eyes lost their brilliance and looked at the wooden door of the bedroom.

If I remember correctly, his bedroom is on the second floor.

If a person with a luck value of -80 wants to go downstairs to open the door, what is the probability that he will not fall down and roll around ten times and then faint in his own home in a very embarrassing way?

Don’t press it, no one is home!

However, the person outside the door seemed to be sure that someone was home, and he pressed the doorbell twice every 60 seconds, with a kind of persistence that if you don’t open the door, I won’t leave today.

Ruo Muliang: …

Forget it, forget it, let’s go open the door.

The residence provided by Gouzi is at No. 18, Beika-cho 2-chome, and the Shinigami family is next door.

If the guy outside keeps ringing the doorbell, he will alarm the two Kudo brothers who are extremely sensitive to murder cases, and then break into the house forcibly because they are worried about the safety of their neighbors.

He is not sure whether the safe house provided by Gouzi can save his life under the halo of two generations of Shinigami.

Ruo Mu Liang stood up resignedly, and walked out of the bedroom carefully with his hands on the wall, and walked down the stairs even more carefully.

The whole process took nearly ten minutes.

The person waiting outside the door did not lose patience at all because of the long time, and still kept the frequency of ringing the doorbell twice every 60 seconds, as stable as a robot.

Ruo Mu Liang walked to the door and looked out through the cat's eye.

No one.

This is very weird. Hey, no one, is this doorbell pressed by a ghost?

He glanced at his panel with concern. The message on it: "Do not trigger the death flag when in a safe house" was still highlighted.

He felt a little more confident.

Ruo Muliang opened the door with a slap. There was no one outside the door.

He looked down again and saw a pink cat bag quietly placed at the door of his house. Inside, a ragdoll cat with an extremely good appearance was sleeping soundly.

There was an A4 paper on the cat bag.

Ruo Muliang squatted down. There were machine-printed words on the A4 paper.

Dear Ruo Mujun, this cat is called Xiaoguang. Please take good care of it~

There are two dog paw prints at the signature.

Ruo Muliang's mouth twitched. Is this what Erha said, the after-sales service they provide?

A cat?

Although this ragdoll looks so good that it seems to have a built-in soft light filter, unless this cat has positive attributes such as "luck value increased by 100%", what use is a cat to him?

Ruo Mu Liang opened the cat bag, picked up the sleeping puppet and checked it back and forth twice.

Well, it's a healthy young man.


No matter how you look at it, it's just an ordinary cat with nothing good except its appearance.

Ruo Mu Liang put the cat back into the cat bag with empty eyes, and then slapped his door.

The next second, the damn doorbell rang persistently.

Very good, the case is solved. The one who can do such an unscientific thing in this scientific world of science is indeed that damn fraudster Erha.

Ruo Mu Liang opened the door again, picked up the cat bag and brought it back to the house.

Just raise it, isn't it just a cat? There will be no danger to life in the safe house anyway, so what's wrong with raising a cat.

Could this cat turn into a human knife in the middle of the night?

Looking at the cat who was still sleeping, Ruo Mu Liang hesitated for a moment and went to the study to search for a while.

As far as I can remember, there seemed to be a lot of business cards and experience coupons collected in the study.

Among them was a pet shop located in Beika-cho 5-chome, not far from the office of the second death god of this world, Maori Kogoro.

If you want to keep a cat, you need to prepare cat food, cat litter, cat climbing frames, etc. Wait, has this cat been vaccinated?

Wakagi Ryo's hand froze as he dialed the number. It should not be difficult to ask the pet shop to deliver to your door, but it seems that they may not have this service option for home vaccination.

It is impossible to go out.

This is the world of science.

A street thug can get a gun to rob a bank, cyanide is so rampant that it seems to be sold in vending machines, and any weird reason can make people make fancy murder plans in the world of science.

Going out with this luck value, what if the murderer suddenly finds a handsome guy passing by during the crime, and he looks good and wants to stab him twice...

Sure enough, before solving the problem of luck value -80, don't even think about letting him go out!

After calling to order a batch of cat supplies, Ruo Muliang moved back to the living room and took the puppet out of the cat bag.

After taking the cat out, he checked the cat bag in a macho color.

There were several paper documents in the compartment behind the cat bag, with all kinds of procedures and vaccination records.

Ruo Muliang breathed a sigh of relief.

It was great that he didn't have to go out!

The supplies at home were quite complete. The refrigerator was full of vegetables and meat. There were also many instant noodles, compressed biscuits and other snacks in the storage room next to it. Even if he stayed at home for ten days or half a month, he would not starve to death.

After waking up and tossing for most of the day, Ruo Muliang felt hungry and picked up a box of instant noodles to boil water.

It was impossible to cook.

He didn't have any talent for cooking. The food he made was edible, but it was basically not delicious.

Poor cooking skills + possession of the God of Mold, nine out of ten times the kitchen would explode.

Just make some instant noodles to deal with it.

Ruo Muliang originally thought so.

Ten minutes later, he stared at the kettle that had cracked for no reason and fell into deep thought.

Just now, he stood in the kitchen and witnessed a real-life version of Final Destination.

Before turning on the fire, he carefully checked that there was no problem with the kettle and the stove. After boiling for a few minutes, the kettle cracked and water flowed out to extinguish the blazing flames.

If it weren't for the fact that someone was right next to him and immediately closed the valve to deal with the aftermath, boiling hot water might have really exploded the kitchen.

Negative luck, so terrifying.

Ruo Muliang threw the cup noodles back to the storage room with a gloomy face, took out a pack of compressed biscuits, and took two mouthfuls with mineral water.

Then he unplugged all the electrical appliances in the house except the refrigerator.

During this period, he tripped twice, bumped into various cabinets and cupboards more than ten times, slipped and rolled down seven or eight steps, then moved back to the living room with soreness all over his body, and collapsed on the sofa with no desire to live.

This is still in the safe house, and he was stabbed countless times by furniture! If he goes out, how can he survive without a few hundred lives?

Ruo Muliang silently opened the True Skill Tree in his consciousness.

He urgently needs to increase his survivability.

Supplies are not infinite, and no matter how frugal you are, they will run out one day. And for the nutritional needs of the body, it is impossible to really eat compressed biscuits for three meals a day.

Sooner or later, you will have to go out.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, going out = sudden death, it's really no joke.

Ruo Muliang skipped a series of attack skills, such as fireball, wind blade, and water dragon bomb. They are cool, and maybe they can deal with one or two gangsters with low combat power.


Considering the worldview of the scientific world, if you really make a big fireball to deal with the criminal and get on the newspaper, it can be predicted that the luck value of -80 may move towards -90 or -100.

On the contrary, among the auxiliary skills, danger perception, body strengthening, primary self-healing, etc., are more useful in this situation.

But there is only one skill point at the moment.

Ruo Muliang hesitated for a moment and focused on physical strengthening.

What does the old saying go? A true mage is one who puts two levels of lighting skills and the rest of the skills into melee, right? Well, in modern society, there is no shortage of lighting skills, so it is okay to not put in lighting skills and just focus on physical strengthening.

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