The more you spend, the more you spend.

About obtaining skill points...

What did the scammer say before?

Oh, skill points come from other people's emotions. It seems that every time you collect 10,000 emotions, you can exchange them for one skill point.

And this emotion has an effect whether it is positive or negative.

The amount of emotion that ordinary people can provide every day is limited, but some special characters (I guess it's the protagonists or the black characters with more scenes) can provide a large amount of emotion without limit.


What is the most popular and easiest profession to brush emotion points in this world?

Detective or thief?

Wakagi Ryo stroked the cat in silence.

Being a detective - let's not talk about whether you can catch the criminal. Even if he catches them, the criminals under his command will definitely not be as obedient as the hands of the god of death. Once they are exposed, they will kneel down and shed tears to repent three times in a row.

He may be furious and want to die together with the detective who ruined his good deeds, and exchange one for one.

And as a detective, you have to go out to the crime scene.

Being a thief - you also need to go out, and the danger level for him seems to be higher than being a detective.

You see Kidd is full of style every time he appears, hanging on a wire or hanging gliding. Wakagi Ryo can already imagine himself imitating Kidd, and then the wire breaks with a sound or the hang glider breaks halfway.

The thief who fell to death is too funny, and he will be ridiculed on the front page for at least a month.


With Kudo Yusaku as a role model, it is extremely difficult to harvest a lot of emotional points in the novel industry. Wakamura Ryo has no confidence that he can beat or even the generally recognized IQ ceiling of the entire drama in the field of novels.

Secondly, what if the big Kudo hears that there is a colleague living next door to his house, and curiously comes to his house or invites Wakamura Ryo to discuss the creation/delay experience? (This is the key point!)

Wakamura Ryo: It's too hard for me!

So I can only go back to my old job and draw comics.

Late at night, after working hard on the settings for most of the day and successfully completing the first episode, Wakamura Ryo threw away his brush, fell on the bed and fell asleep soon after.

In the living room, the ragdoll cat, who had been sleeping all day, yawned and opened his eyes.

Then a large-scale performance art was staged in the empty living room.

The cat first rubbed his forehead with his front paws, then touched his chest, and then stared at his pink meat pads and froze in place for 30 seconds.

Cat's face in shock.JPG

Then it meowed in fear, its fur all over its body exploded into a ball, and it missed a step and rolled from the sofa to the soft carpet.

Then the cat used its hands and feet... er, its front and back paws to fight with the blanket, but failed to stand up from the carpet.

It seemed that it was even more uncomfortable with rented limbs than Ruo Mu Liang.

If someone looked down from a God's perspective at this time.

You would find that a caterpillar with its belly exposed was trapped in the blanket and was struggling desperately, successfully turning itself into a caterpillar without its belly exposed.

After struggling for a long time, the cat ran out of energy and spread out in the blanket like a cat pancake with a snap.

After a while, the cat probably learned from the lesson just now and became smarter. It first stepped on the ground tentatively with its two front paws, and then slowly supported its entire body with its hind paws.

After walking a few steps stiffly with both hands and feet, the cat probably mastered the skill of walking on four legs with good balance, and began to look at the house that was too big for it with its gray-blue eyes.

The decoration of the room was very simple, mainly black, white and gray.

Furniture and electrical appliances were all available.

But strangely, except for the refrigerator, it seemed that all electrical plugs were at least 50CM away from the socket.

Confused cat.JPG

A shallow breathing sound came from the second floor.

The cat looked at the stairs, stretched out its short hands and gestured twice, sharpened its claws, and jumped up.

The bedroom door was closed, and the cat lay on the door and jumped with power. Its two small claws waved randomly in the air a few times, and the claws successfully hooked the door handle.

The handle loosened a little.

It was not locked!

The cat's gray-blue eyes lit up.

But the first jump was not good enough, and the height was not enough. After less than three seconds, the cat slowly slid down the door.

Almost instinctively, its sharp claws popped out from its paws, and the friction between the claws and the wooden door was clearly audible in the dark night.

The breathing in the room paused.


The cat looked at the scratches on the door panel with its ears, stretched out its little meat pads and rubbed them back and forth, as if this would make the evidence invisible.

The person in the room seemed to turn over, muttered something meaningless, and continued to sleep.

The cat breathed a sigh of relief in a humane way, aimed at the door handle and continued to jump.

This time it successfully opened the bedroom door, landed quietly, and jumped onto the small bookshelf beside the bed with a cat step, looking down at the sleeping man on the bed... uh, boy.

The night vision of cats is far superior to that of humans. Even if there is no light source in the room, the cat can see the man's appearance clearly.

! ! !


The ragdoll cat, who was too shocked and failed to fully master the ability of cats to deal with emergencies, slipped and fell off the bookcase, hitting Ruo Mu Liang's face straight and clearly.

The only reaction it could do was to retract its automatically ejected claws during the fall.

It avoided the fate of Ruo Mu Liang's innocent disfigurement.

Ruo Mu Liang struggled to push the furry unknown object on his face aside, and sat up from the bed with stars in his eyes, his nose and mouth full of rust.

It took him several minutes to barely recover.

I take back what I said this morning. This cat can really come into my room and stab me in the middle of the night!

Can you believe that I was sleeping well in my own home and was hit by a cat in the middle of the night and had a nosebleed?

If I hadn't added a little physical strengthening before going to bed, I might have been woken up and knocked unconscious by the cat, and found myself lying in a pool of blood tomorrow morning.

Just thinking about this scene is scary enough.

The cat who did something bad huddled up on the bedside table and meowed weakly.

Ruo Mu Liang: ...

He touched the bridge of his nose. Fortunately, it was not broken, so he didn't have to be the Dumbledore of the Conan world.

He looked down again, and saw that his pajamas and quilt were stained with a small area of ​​blood from his nose.

Well, he couldn't wear the clothes anyway.

He simply took off his pajamas, blocked his nose with them to control the blood that was still flowing, and got out of bed to look for the medical kit in the master bedroom.

Perhaps he had foreseen this situation, and the medical kit in the safe house provided by Gouzi was full of various medicines, which made people sad.

Tomorrow I will eat the cat sashimi of Te Miao! Ruo Muliang thought resentfully, holding his nose.

(Shock emotion value 2000 received from xxxx)

(Shock emotion value 2000 received from xxxx)

(Guilt emotion value 3000 received from xxxx)


Ruo Muliang blocked his nose and looked back at the ragdoll cat pretending to be dead on the bedside table, and opened the skill panel again to confirm that he was not hallucinating because of the justice from heaven.

After repeating it twice, Ruo Muliang wanted to imitate Conan and hold his chin to say "There is only one truth!" to brush up his fashion value.

A cat, one night, um, half a night provided him with 7,000 emotional points, which is rounded to one skill point!

This cat is really not simple.

No wonder the scammer risked the supernatural in the science world to let him accept this ragdoll cat that has nothing but good looks, oh no, it is very useful.

Ruo Muliang fumbled downstairs and put some ice cubes on his burning nose. The ragdoll cat followed him like a young wife, meowing worriedly from time to time.

Emotional value from xxxx.

This text description is very subtle. It is not from Xiaoguang, or the emotional value of the cat Xiaoguang, but mosaic characters.

Afraid that I don’t know to take off the vest, remind me specially?

Ruo Muliang stared at the ragdoll squatting on the coffee table thoughtfully.

For some reason, the puppet shuddered and meowed obediently at Ruomu Liang.

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