The spider was successfully caught in the web, and the students were unharmed... Oh, not unharmed. They ran unconsciously from the city center to the forest in the suburbs for more than 40 minutes, and many people had muscle strains.

So they got two days of vacation.

After brushing up Douzi's emotional value, he received an email from Rum not long after returning home.

The general meaning was that in half a month, he would accompany Vermouth to attend the memorial service of Director Sakamaki, and assist Pisco in killing Tōguchi Shigehiko who would also be there.

At the end of the email, there was a PS that was not shorter than the main text.

The wording was very elegant and obscure, and there were all kinds of allusions between the lines.

A simple translation is: Vermouth is also following your comics now. If you don't want to be mixed doubles next time you have a meeting, you can decide how to update it.

Of course, I am also following it.

Wakagi Ryo: ...

Don't do this, where is the black boss's style?

So, after a night of psychological preparation, Ruomu Liang came to the studio he had basically never set foot in since he rented it.

He was not afraid of Vermouth, and he could beat him if he really wanted to. But he didn't really want to face Rum, who would dig out his eyeballs and use them as firecrackers.

As for Qin-chan, well, he would definitely not beat me to death!

Along the way, Ruomu Liang avoided several enthusiastic little accidents on the road without any danger. When he came downstairs of the studio in Go-chome, he found that it had been surrounded by police inside and outside.


Someone died in my studio?

It shouldn't be like that. For safety reasons, he didn't tell the god of death the specific address of his studio, let alone take him there as a guest.

"Brother Wakagi, what's wrong with you..." Inspector Megure greeted Wakagi Ryo naturally after seeing him, then hesitated to speak, and finally reminded him out of conscience, "You'd better not get too close to Brother Mori."

"What happened, Inspector?"

"The president of Hieda Finance died. He had just finished a phone call with Brother Mori before he died, and agreed to play mahjong together in half an hour. As a result, I received a call from the police half an hour later."

Oh, it's good that someone didn't die in my studio.

Because Toshiya Tadokoro and Kotaro Haruzuki have confirmed that they will resign after marriage and will no longer serve as assistants, he has already commissioned a middleman to find a new assistant for him, and it just so happens that he has made an appointment to meet at the studio today.

Including himself, the middleman and the three interviewers, there are exactly five people.

In the world of science, in addition to the protagonists, when there are more than four people at the same time, the probability that one of them becomes a corpse and the other three are chosen is too high.

There are five of them, and there is even room for one more death.

Wakagi Ryo touched his nose and breathed a sigh of relief. The aura of the god of death is really hard to guard against.

"Can I go up, Inspector? I need to go to the studio for something."

"Which floor is your studio on?"

"2nd floor."

"Go up."


The conversation about recruiting assistants went very smoothly. Although the middleman named Shan Teng asked for a high price, his business ability was worthy of recognition. The two painters and one copywriter he found were both very capable. Wakagi Ryo signed a contract with them on the spot.

(╹◡╹) Finally, there is no need to worry about double opening or forced triple opening leading to sudden death.

When leaving the studio, Wakagi Ryo happened to see Inspector Megure carrying a handcuffed woman downstairs. It seems that the case of President Hieda on the third floor has been perfectly solved.

"Uncle Maori, Xiaolan, Conan, good evening."

"Brother Wakamu, why are you here?"

"I'm here to take care of some work. By the way, can I borrow Conan for a while?"

Conan: ( ̄□ ̄) Brother, what do you want to do?

After getting Xiaolan's approval, Wakamu Liang immediately picked up Conan and went upstairs again.

At this time, the studio upstairs was empty, so there was no need to worry about another murder in his territory.

Of course, in order to prevent Conan's death halo from killing him, his hand was always placed on Conan's head.

The will of the world, you know what I mean.

"Brother Ruomu, what's the matter?"

"What happened to Ai recently? When I saw her in Yokosuka two days ago, she seemed very listless. And when the castle caught fire, she just stood there, not even thinking of running away. I had to drag her out.

What else happened that I don't know about?"

Conan hesitated for a moment, not sure whether to mention the encounter with Sangria that day

Mr. Amuro seemed to have followed the confidentiality agreement between them very well. Brother Wakamu didn't know that they met a code member that day.

However, if he didn't say anything and went to investigate alone, would he run into those dangerous people and have any accidents?

Looking at the tangled Conan, Ryo Wakamu raised his lips.

"It just so happens that Xiaolan didn't go far, why don't I go and talk to her about a certain video."

Conan: !!!

"Don't! I said it's not okay."

Conan puffed up his face and reluctantly told Ryo Wakamu what happened that day, and emphasized the fact that Sangria was a dead pervert.

Someone who was scolded several times as a dead pervert: ...

Can't vent your anger on Ai-chan, this wilted little leek needs to be well cared for for the time being, but this Conan looks very tough, it's time to pull another wave of fierce ones.

"I see. I understand. But it's not good to let her stay depressed like this. Why not think of a way to cheer her up again?

I remember you said that Ai-chan, Shirley, had a sister who depended on each other, but she died at the hands of that organization."

Conan nodded, feeling a little depressed.

He had actually cracked the clues left by Miyano Akemi at that time, but he was still a step too late when he arrived at the hotel.

"Do you have a photo of her, I mean, Akemi Miyano?"

Conan thought for a moment and said, "No, but Miss Akemi was once a student of Professor Hirota Masami of Nanyang University, and the school may have relevant files."

Wakagi Ryo nodded and rubbed Conan's head: "Then I'll check it out and make a small gift for Ai-chan. I hope she can cheer up soon. The magical poison you took still needs her to research the corresponding antidote."

He thought about it carefully, and it was a bit suspicious to take out the remains of Miyano Elena right away. After all, with Wakagi Ryo's identity, he only knew that Ai-chan was once a member of the organization who defected. In Conan's eyes, he was unaware of other details.

Hearing this, Conan looked at Wakagi Ryo with a little touch.

Brother Wakagi is really a good man. If he hadn't been so smart and discovered his identity as Kudo Shinichi early on, he would never want to involve this good man in things related to the Black Organization.

That's too dangerous!

"Okay, hurry back to the office. If it's too late, your Xiaolan will be worried."

Conan nodded and jumped off the chair to go back.

Conan, who was facing away from Wakaki Ryo, didn't notice that a lavender light had entered his body.

Kudo-kun, I wonder if you have ever heard of what the most familiar stranger is?

It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it. There will be surprises in your dream tonight.

The next day, Huiyuan Ai received a small gift from Wakaki Ryo.

It was a silver-white egg-shaped music box that was somewhat similar to the Egg of Memories. After opening it, soft and soothing music sounded, and different pictures were projected on the wall.

It was a purely hand-painted portrait of Miyano Akemi.

Some were sitting in the shade of a tree holding a book and reading quietly, some were wearing an apron and preparing meals gently in the kitchen, and some were enjoying the night view in the sea breeze at night...

As she watched, Huiyuan Ai's tears could not stop falling.

She hugged the silver-white eggshell that Wakagi Ryo gave her tightly, threw herself into the doctor's arms and cried loudly, her tears soaking most of Dr. Agasa's white coat.

If that incident hadn't happened, the scenes in these pictures must be what my sister looks like now.

Although the bunny Akemi on the sofa had no memory, she still jumped over to see the hoarse crying Huiyuan Ai, and gently rubbed Huiyuan Ai's cheek.

The crying stopped for a moment, and Huiyuan reached out and hugged the little rabbit that had always been with her, leaning in the doctor's arms, sobbing softly.

Although she cried miserably, with this crying, the fear that had been weighing on her heart since her defection seemed to have been dispelled a lot. The psychological shadow left by Sangria some time ago seemed to have been mostly healed.

Finally, Ai-chan, with red eyes, hugged the rabbit and eggshell, slowly moved to Wakagi Ryo's side, and thanked her in a voice not much louder than a mosquito.

"Brother Ruomu, thank you, you are really a good person."

Ruomu Liang squatted down and touched the top of Huiyuan Ai's head with a smile.

Not bad, the little leek is alive again.

I am deeply relieved.

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