Conan had nightmares for two days, and the content was continuous.

It might not be accurate to call it a nightmare, because there were no bloody and horrible scenes in the dream, and it was even quite daily.

But the content of the dream was scarier to him than any horror movie.

He dreamed that he turned back into Kudo Shinichi.

But he searched all over Teitan High School, but couldn't find his beloved Xiaolan.

It wasn't until he saw the sign of "Detective Reasoning Club" at the original location of the Karate Club, opened the door and went in, and saw Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta wearing Teitan High School uniforms.

He realized that he didn't turn back into Kudo Shinichi, but he grew up to 17 years old again.

In other words, ten years had passed.

He ran desperately to the Maori Detective Agency, but heard the news that Xiaolan was about to get married.

Then he ran all over Mika, looking for all the places he had been to with Xiaolan, and finally, in his own home, he saw Maori Ran standing in front of the bookshelf, waiting for who knows how long.

He tried desperately to explain that he was Kudo Shinichi and begged Xiaolan not to get married...

Xiaolan, in such a desperate situation, waited for him for ten years. She might even continue to wait desperately until the end of her life.

Conan, who was awakened, was soaked with cold sweat all over his body, pinching the quilt and breathing heavily.

He couldn't sleep at all.

Conan got up quietly, walked to Xiaolan's door quietly, opened the bedroom door a crack, and looked at Xiaolan's sleeping face quietly.

He still remembers how exhausted Maoli Ran was 10 years later in his dream.

"Conan-kun looks like Shinichi when he grows up, but you are still different people."

"Anyway, I have waited for 10 years, and it doesn't matter if I wait any longer."

The lines in the dream were heart-wrenching.

Conan closed the door, leaned against Xiaolan's door, and sat down with his knees hugged.

He sat there all night.

It was not until the sound of people faintly came from the street outside that he pressed his numb legs and secretly returned to his room.


After a good sleep, Wakamura Ryo woke up and saw the screen from Edogawa Conan on the panel.

Tsk tsk tsk, the effect of this wave of shrimp and pig heart is really good. Conan refreshed his mood value for the whole night.

I hope that after this, Conan can understand the truth that trouble comes from the mouth, and don't scold him as a dead pervert in front of the person involved.

EMMMM, Conan doesn't seem to know that Sangria is his vest, so it's okay.

At this time, the organization's mobile phone suddenly rang, and it was an unfamiliar number.

Wakamura Ryo frowned. Usually, the only people in the organization who often contacted him were Gin and Rum. He remembered the numbers of these two people clearly.


"Guess where I am now, Sangria?"


"I'm in the bookstore~ with Chianti."

Wakamura Ryo:? ? ?

He didn't follow Vermouth's train of thought for a moment. Didn't you and Chianti always have a bad relationship?

"You went to the bookstore for a mission?"

Vermouth: "Today is June 23rd. Have you thought of anything?"

Wakamura Ryo: ...

Besides lamenting that only two days had passed, but the date suddenly jumped from February to June, I really didn't think of anything important.

"I heard that the third part of "Another World" was released today~"

Wakamura Ryo: ! ! !

"Chianti is questioning the bookstore owner now. If she hadn't been forbidden to bring weapons before coming out, the bookstore would have been bombed now.

But the boss said that there was a problem with the publishing house and the new publication had not been delivered. Do you think her next goal is to bomb the publishing house or to kill the author?"

A drop of cold sweat flowed down Wakamura Ryo's forehead.

"Hey, calm down, I'll call the publishing house to ask what's going on."

After signing the contract, he gave the outline of the third part of "Another World" to the three newly recruited assistants. Uh, although in his memory it was the day before yesterday, if four months have really passed, it should have been drawn.

He called his exclusive editor Omi Kazumi.

"Hello, Mr. Aonori, I'm sorry, something happened to the publishing house recently. The third part of "Another World" has been printed overtime by the factory. It will be delivered to the Tokyo area by around 3 pm this afternoon at the latest."

Wakagi Ryo breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that it's not delayed. Otherwise, he was really worried that someone would carry r tonight.PG bombed his house.

Especially Chianti, who didn't know his true identity and was impulsive and reckless. He didn't want to have a bullet hole on his forehead from his current colleague when he was walking on the street one day.

"So what happened?"

"Do you know Niname Rentaro?"

"The author of the Detective Samonji series? He stopped writing for many years, and then suddenly came back a while ago. But isn't he from the novel department? What does he have to do with our comics department?"

"It's like this, Mr. Aoki. About two months ago, Mr. Niname called our publishing house and said that he hoped to start serializing the stories of the Samonji series again and wanted to know if there was space. The people in the novel department were very happy, so they stopped the novels that were currently being serialized, and directly started publishing the latest series of Samonji.

However, the novel "Swordsman" that was previously suspended had an avid fan, He suddenly rushed to our publishing house two days ago and threatened the novel department to find a new space to serialize Jianhao. When the negotiation failed, the madman set fire to the publishing house.

As a result, our comics department was also affected and many manuscripts were burned. "

Wakagi Ryo: ...

"But fortunately, there was no problem with Mr. Aoto's manuscript. We worked overtime to re-typeset and proofread it. It will not have a big impact on today's sales, so we did not disturb Mr. Aoto with this matter."

"Okay, I know, thank you for your hard work."

Wakagi Ryo silently sent an email to Vermouth, hoping that the hot-tempered Chianti had not yet smashed the innocent bookstore.

At this time, another call came in, this time it was his private mobile phone.

The number was Conan at a glance.

"Wakagi, do you have time now?"

"What's wrong?"

"Do you know Mr. Niname Rentaro?"

Wakagi Ryo: ...

I had a conflict with him today?

"He's missing. Uncle Maori received a request for help from his daughter, Kaori Niina. Two months ago, before the latest issue of the Samonji series began serialization, Mr. Niina and his wife left home. In the past two months, although Mr. Niina has sent manuscripts to the publishing house regularly, he has never contacted his daughter.

So I suspect that Mr. Niina may have been kidnapped by a fanatical fan of the Samonji series. Now we are on the way to the publishing house. Brother Wakamu, do you want to come with us?"

Wakamu Ryo couldn't help but sigh. He still had some impression of this case.

When he first read it, he also thought that it was a fanatical fan who directly kidnapped the author and locked him in a small dark room to urge him to update.

But in fact, it was just because Niina Rentaro had cancer and knew that he didn't have much time left, so he wanted to complete his long-cherished ideal before he died.

He wanted to see that before he finished the novel, there would be readers with a confident and proud expression, telling him that he had solved all the puzzles he wrote.

That's why he wrote such words at the beginning of the latest serialization of "The Peak of Half".

"Challenge all the famous detectives in the country."

He also directed and acted out such a kidnapping and missing drama with his wife and attending doctor.

Unfortunately, when the old man found out that he had gone too far, it was too late.

So, although Conan finally cracked the message hidden in the text of Niname Rentaro and rushed to the scene with Niname Kaori, Niname Rentaro had already breathed his last before they arrived.

The father and daughter did not see each other for the last time.

Tsk tsk, learn from Kudo Yusaku.

Some writers are still rushing to finish their manuscripts until they take their last breath. Some writers, under the pretext of looking for inspiration, go out around the world with their wives again and again.

"Dark Night Baron 2" you should publish it for me.

Otherwise, I will send you local specialties, your son told me your address in the United States!

PS: Let me explain, I know that Sangria is Wakagi Ryo, there are only Gin, Vodka, Bourbon, Vermouth, BOSS and Rum in the organization, Chianti belongs to Sangria, who is a colleague, although I am following the comics but I don’t know that Blue Bird is Sangria.

However, the red and black sides are stabbed by Blue Bird and then join forces in the air, which seems to be very interesting. Maybe I will write about it later (✧◡✧)

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