Vermouth is indeed a rich woman! In every sense.

Ryo Wakagi happily looked at the emotional value recorded on the panel, and even forgot about the fact that the taxi overturned on the way back, causing him to almost eat a mouthful of dirt.

It wasn't long since he came back from Izu, and Kaito Kid, who had been paying attention to it, sent out another preview letter.

Not bad, not bad, Ryo Wakagi glanced at the big August on the calendar, and autumn is indeed a season of harvest.

Ryo Wakagi flipped through the latest newspapers, and the world's largest black gem "Black Crow in the Midnight" is about to be exhibited...

When he saw the name of the gem, Ryo Wakagi instantly remembered that it seemed to be the time when Kuroba Toichi and Kuroba Chikage jointly amused their son?

Tsk, look at Kudo Yusaku in this studio and Kuroba Toichi in the next studio, is it true that having a son is really for playing?

If you don't mind, please add me.

After greeting Jingguang and Matsuda, Wakagi Ryo changed into a professor's vest and slowly rushed to the periphery of the gem exhibition venue. He successfully picked up a Kaito Kidd covered with hot packs among the black crow feathers on the ground.

"Good evening, professor."

Perhaps because he had encountered this uninvited magician several times in a row, Kuroba Kaito quickly discovered that there was an extra person behind him this time.

He greeted him, then continued to think with the coin in his hand.

Just now, the Kaito Kuroko, who was dressed in a black suit and claimed to be his father's junior, appeared in front of him and made a bet with him to take the black gem without touching it with his hands.

If he can't find out what method the Kaito Black Crow used, he must stop from now on and never appear in front of others under the name of Kaito Kidd.

When Kaito Black Crow took action, he watched the whole process with a telescope. Although he was inevitably attracted by the crow feathers in the sky, he was distracted for only two seconds. When he looked again, the gem had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a coin on the black cushion.

He disguised himself as a member of the police force and secretly changed the bag by sending the coin for inspection. Then he stared at the coin for a long time.

"When did you come?"

Wakamura Ryo reached out and slapped off a black feather that had stuck to him at some point.

"When the black feathers started to float from the sky."

When Douzi heard this, he turned his head to look at him and unconsciously began to turn the coin in his hand.

"Then did you see anything?"

Wakamura Ryo shook his head. You can't make open-book exams a habit just because Nakamori always reveals the questions, Kaito-kun.

"I can see that this thief Black Crow is quite bored. With so many feathers, I wonder how many crows he has plucked bald."

Could it be that during the eight years that Black Crow Toichi was abroad, his daily routine was to catch an innocent crow and pluck its feathers?

Douzi: ...

Kuroba Kaito, who wanted to get some hints from the magician, secretly curled his lips and lowered his head to continue looking at the coin.

Tsk, you said you wanted to be my magic assistant. Sure enough, every time the professor appears, I get unlucky because of his curse...

Wait, magic assistant?

Kuroba Kaito stared at his hand, which had turned black at some point. There was black paint on the coin. The base that protects the gem will release heat, and the old man named Harry even replaced the gem with a fake one in advance...

I understand!

Douzi flicked his thumb and sent the coin flying into the air, then reached out to catch it, with a confident smile on his face.

He immediately wanted to share the information he analyzed with his friends. You see, I solved the puzzle without your hint... Where are you?

Douzi looked at the empty street behind him and wrapped his cloak lonely.


The next day, Kaito Black Crow sent out another notice.

Tonight, I will go to receive the real Black Crow in the middle of the night.

Outside the exhibition hall, two groups of people stood clearly, holding the support items of Kidd and Black Crow in their hands respectively. The cheers of support from both sides had been heard half an hour ago. It seemed that whichever side was louder would win.

It can be said that the output was truly based on shouting.

Nakamori Ginzo looked down at the fans of the two criminals downstairs from the window on the top floor. The expression on his face looked like a mixture of constipation and pain in the balls.

"Okay, don't look at those little fans downstairs. This world is all about the winner. As long as we catch those two thieves tonight, those people downstairs will naturally shut up."

The famous magic cracker, Harriganzu, who successfully protected the gem from Kaito Black Crow last nightPatted Nakamori Ginzo on the shoulder.

"I'll be counting on you tonight, too, Inspector Nakamori."

Nakamori Ginzo pounded his chest, silently saying that he was here for you to rest assured.

Then he wrapped his coat tightly around him, half-knelt on top of the glass display case that locked the gems in the posture of a hen hatching chicks, and held the handles on the edge of the display case tightly with both hands, once again acting as a human key.

Old man Harry smiled at Inspector Nakamori with satisfaction, and the next second he asked someone to bring a super-large fan and blew it hard at Inspector Nakamori's butt.

Nakamori: ? ? ? ?

Harry: "The reason why we were robbed by the thief Black Crow yesterday was because we were blocked by a large number of crow feathers scattered in the vents. Now with this big fan, we don't have to worry about the thief using the same old trick again, no matter how many feathers there are!"

Nakamori shivered with cold.

The temperature in this room was maintained at around minus 10 degrees due to a large amount of refrigerant, and the fan was blowing so hard in front of it, no one could bear it.

Ryo Wakaki, who was watching from a distance with Douzi's first-person perspective, sympathized with Inspector Nakamori for one second, and used the remaining 59 seconds to laugh.

In the past, Nakamori was played by Douzi, but this time Douzi stopped playing, and his father came on stage to continue playing.

That's right, the last time Kuroba Kaito faced the thief crow on the roof was disguised by his mother, and the real thief crow, Kuroba Toichi, had always disguised himself as Harry Nezu and stood within reach of the gem.

This time, this time, the father found that the online teaching content he left behind had been learned by his son, so he personally went to conduct offline one-on-one training.

When Douzi disguised himself as Kazuha, he had to wear a long skirt and walk with his knees bent because of his height. How did Kuroba Toichi disguise himself as an old grandfather who looked no more than 160 meters tall with a height of about 180?

Tsk, it turns out that being a father is still better.

Inside the building, a true and false routine of "I predicted your prediction" is being played out.

First, the refrigerant stopped working due to a fault, and then the crow feathers, which were painted white on the back and fixed to the ceiling and wall with freezing spray, were blown away.

When the big fan was turned off and all the feathers fell to the ground, the gems in the display cabinet disappeared again, leaving behind a coin that was exactly the same as last night.

"It's not a big problem, don't worry, I changed the gems in advance like yesterday."

Old man Harry waved his hand, signaling everyone present to stay calm.

Then he took out a black hard block from his coat pocket.

Silence spread in the room for 5 seconds, and Nakamori Ginzo went berserk in an instant, snatched the black thing from the old man's hand and took a closer look.

This is not a gem at all, it is clearly a piece of glass cut into the shape of a gem and painted black.

Outside the window, the phantom thief Kuro Ya, disguised as Kuroba Chikage, proudly showed the gem in his hand to Inspector Nakamori and his men, and disappeared into the night with the pitch-black hang glider.

Inspector Nakamori could not stand such a provocation, so he threw the "gem" in his hand on the spot and ran after him.

Hakuba Tan glanced at the hiding place of Kuroba Kaito as if nothing had happened, and chased after Nakamori Ginzo.

Tonight, to put it bluntly, it was a duel between two phantom thieves, so he, as a detective, should consciously give up the stage.

Toko, wearing the uniform of a guard, took the lead in picking up the gem that his father-in-law mistook for glass painted with black paint and fell to the ground, took off his hat, smiled at Harriganzu, and then began... reasoning?

Why did you start too? Detectives are really poisonous, right?

Hello everyone, my name is Kuroba Kaito, and I am a steamed egg.

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