Once the principle of magic is revealed, it naturally loses its mysterious color.

Twice in a row, Inspector Nakamori was right above the display case. Logically, it is impossible to take the gem without crossing Inspector Nakamori.

However, the thief Black Crow actually had no intention of stealing the gem from the display case with many traps and human locks.

As early as the stage of checking the authenticity of the gem, he had replaced the gem with an ice block with a coin frozen inside, cut into a gem shape, and painted with black ink.

This is why he kept the indoor temperature at minus ten degrees.

It is said that low temperature can make thieves lose flexibility and increase the time and difficulty of unlocking.

In fact, it is to prevent the real ice block and fake gem he brought from melting in advance.

There are metal gold coins inside the ice block, which will naturally react with the IH electric heater in the pedestal, causing the ice block to melt and display the gold coins inside.

The principle is a bit like an induction cooker.

Black cushions were chosen under the gemstones, and old man Harry wore black gloves, all to prevent exposure.

Kuroba Toichi looked at his son who was talking freely, and showed a gratified smile of an old father.

And when Kuroba Kaito said: "I am active as Kaito Kidd, not only to avenge my father and catch all those guys in the zoo. It is also to surpass him, surpass the strongest magician in my heart, Kuroba Toichi."

Kuroba Toichi: Dad is very touched.JPG

However, the situation does not allow them to perform the deep father-son love. The members of the zoo, who are also wearing black clothes but have a lower overall appearance, walked into the room slowly with guns under the leadership of Snake.

"Long time no see, Kaito Kidd. And, first meeting, Kaito Crow."

Tsk tsk tsk, don't you know that villains die because of talking too much?

Next door, Gin faced a cheater, and he didn't kill him even with a gun helicopter.

How dare you go up with a small pistol in your hands when the father and son opposite you are both cheaters?

Then, black feathers flew across the sky again, and the 150cm old man instantly transformed into the 180cm Kaito Black Crow.

Kuroba Kaito: ...

Although it is inappropriate, I don't know why I remembered the professor's complaints yesterday.

How many crows did you pull bald?

"So, the one outside the window..."

Kuroba Toichi turned the black hat on his head and said with a smile: "Haven't you seen her? She is the magician's most important magic assistant."

This tone and voice...

Kuroba Toichi naturally noticed his son's reaction and made up a reason that was not very credible to cover up the vest that was almost peeled off.

"Yes, I am Akai Shuichi (bushi)"

Ahem, start again.

"Like you, I can disguise myself as anyone, including the one who shocked you the most."

Snake gave enough face and waited until the scene between the father and son was over before he and his brothers started shooting.

Kuroba Toichi stretched out his hand and protected Kuroba Kaito behind him.

"If you want the gems, it depends on whether you have the ability to pull me off the stage."

However, the extras in the zoo did not realize that the temperature in the room had dropped unconsciously when the father and son were talking, and slowly returned to the level of minus 10 degrees.

Even if the frozen hand barely pulled the trigger, it would have lost its accuracy.

Kuroba Toichi protected Kaito and dodged all the bullets easily.

Then, Kuroba Toichi began to violate the ban and openly used magic in front of the Muggles.

First, he sprinkled a few feathers on the tray that had run to the IH electric heater at some point, igniting a cluster of green flames. Then he took out Kidd's usual poker gun from his son's arms and shot... er, a poker hit the ceiling at the top of the room.

The flame on the poker activated the fire extinguishing device in the room.

Several fire sprinklers began to spray water, turning the zoo's people into wet rats. The water on their bodies quickly froze in the low temperature, freezing the lower bodies of the black-clad men.

Ruo Muliang, who was peeping, didn't believe that this was not magic. Even in an environment of minus ten degrees, it is unlikely that water will freeze in a second.

It was still ice of that thickness that could fix a person's feet and restrict movement.

And those people in the zoo were obviously soaked, so if they really wanted to freeze, shouldn't they turn into ice sculptures directly?

However, Kuroba Touichi obviously didn't care about these details. After forcing the zoo's gang to retreat, he opened the window, unfolded his hang glider and jumped out of the window.

Kuroba KaitoHe silently put the real gem in the glass display case, and then left a card that had been prepared long ago.

The real gem was returned by Kaito Kid.

Then he also unfolded his glider and chased the black figure outside the window.

In the night sky, Kuroba Toichi was still seizing the last opportunity to teach his son. The next second, a huge net covered the two flying thieves.

Kuroba Kaito immediately took out his poker gun and wanted to cut through the extremely strange net bag that appeared.

Unexpectedly, when the poker card hit the net, it seemed to cut something, and the strong anesthetic instantly sprayed Douzi's face. Kuroba Kaito's mind was confused and the plane crashed on the spot.

Kuroba Toichi was much more experienced. He quickly held his breath, reached out to grab his unconscious son, and used a dagger that he didn't know where to find to quickly cut off the net bag that was constantly tightening.

Then, an invisible air wave passed by and cut the glider behind Kuroba Toichi.

Although he was startled, Kuroba Toichi remained calm. He used the hang glider on Kaito's body to stabilize his body and found an empty high-rise building to land temporarily.

Whether it was his hang glider or Kaito's, they could not bear the weight of an adult and a high school student for a long time. They could only land and deal with the unknown enemy with certain terrain advantages.

He took out a small spray bottle and sprayed it gently at Kaito's nose.

An indescribable strange smell filled the air.

If I really want to describe it, this smelly, sticky and spicy gas may be the product of stir-frying stinky salted fish with chili peppers, and the finished product and canned herring were fermented in a high temperature of more than 40 degrees for a week.

This sour and refreshing taste may choke a dead person back to life, let alone Touzi who was just unconscious.

He instinctively pushed Kuroba Toichi's hand away, then propped himself against the wall and retched several times, and the disgusting smell at the tip of his nose still lingered for a long time.

Wakaki Ryo, who was almost knocked down by the smell, flew over their heads: ...

What kind of biological weapon is this?

Kuroba Toichi looked expressionlessly at the man in a tuxedo who was flying in the air without any props.


In the world view of Magic Kaito, magic does exist, but magicians are extremely disgusted with magicians.

Kuroba Toichi naturally thought that this magician was the enemy.

Not to mention, he had met many magic-related people abroad over the years, but no one gave him such a strong ominous feeling.

Wakaki Ryo really couldn't stand the smell of biological weapons in the air, and waved his hand to blow a small whirlwind, blowing away the remaining pungent and smelly disgusting smell.

"Thank you, professor."

Touzi waved his hand to thank Wakaki Ryo, and he finally felt alive.

Kuroba Toichi:?

Boy, when did you meet such a dangerous magician?

Wakagi Ryo: "You don't have to thank me so quickly, after all, I was the one who set the net just now."

Douzi: ? ? ?

"You didn't succeed in cursing me this time, so you plan to do it yourself to see me in trouble?"

Wakagi Ryo touched his nose. In fact, he just wanted to know how much emotional value the extremely difficult to refresh Kuroba Touichi could provide.

"Sir, what is your purpose?"

Wakagi Ryo smiled harmlessly at Kuroba Touichi after hearing this.

"I just want you to enjoy the long-lost parent-child time."


Kuroba Chikage is writing a letter to his son. When he was abroad before, he found that Kaito Kidd, who had disappeared for eight years, had reappeared in the arena. The couple, who were enjoying their two-person world, planned to return home.

After discovering that the new generation of Kaito Kidd was their son, and that he did quite well, Kuroba Chikage accompanied her husband to give her son the last lesson, and then planned to leave.

Rhythmic knocks on the door suddenly sounded.

Hei Yu Qianying was startled. The knocking sound was very close.

It was not the door outside that was knocked, but the door of her bedroom.


The person outside the door said nothing, still maintaining a fixed rhythm, knocking on the door.

Hei Yu Qianying frowned, took out a small female pistol from the drawer, and slowly approached the door.

Although the gun was loaded with tranquilizer bullets, it was enough to deal with most enemies.

The door opened, and there was no one outside, only a large cardboard box.

In the cardboard box, a black crow, several times larger than all its peers, was sleeping, and a hint of white was faintly revealed in its folded wings.

Hei Yu Qianying carefully spread the crow's wings, and a small white pigeon was lying on the bigCrow was sleeping soundly on his chest.

On the top of the little pigeon's head, there was a mini Kidd-style hat.

On the other side of the box, the gliders of Kaito Black Crow and Kaito Kidd were folded up. Kuroba Qianying looked at the two in the box, and suddenly an idea popped up in her mind.

Could these two be her husband and son?

She called Kuroba Daoyi, and the ringing of the cell phone came from the box. Kuroba Qianying opened the stacked gliders, and underneath were all the bits and pieces of Kuroba Daoyi, including the cell phone.

She quietly put away the gun, and then rolled up the half-written letter and threw it into the trash can.

In this situation, she couldn't leave even if she wanted to.

Kuroba Qianying moved the box into the room, and then took out the sleeping crow and pigeon and moved them to the bed, staring at the black and white, big and small on the bed, and became dazed.

Half an hour later, the little pigeon woke up first, flapped its wings with a heavy head, then rolled into the quilt and turned back into Kuroba Kaito.

Kuroba Chikage: ...

Oh, there are clothes, but no naked body.

Touzi pulled the quilt aside, and saw the big crow still sleeping on the pillow, and silently covered his face.

Is this what you said, enjoy the long-lost parent-child time, professor?

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