At three o'clock in the morning, Huiyuan Ai was awakened by a nightmare. The gunshot wounds on her shoulders and calves had been bandaged by the doctor, and now they still felt a little dull pain.

A small crutch suitable for her height was placed beside the bed.

Huiyuan Ai slowly raised her hand to wipe the cold sweat from her forehead.

She had a nightmare. In the dream, Sangria found the doctor's house, hung the doctor upside down, and cut the carotid artery. She watched the doctor's blood being drained and wailing to death.

Then it was Edogawa, the arrogant little kid with glasses. His head was split open and thrown into a container full of mercury to make a complete skin.

Then, it was her...

Huiyuan Ai covered her mouth, held back the scream that almost blurted out and the nausea that surged in her chest, fumbled out of bed, took the small crutch beside the bed, and limped out of the room.

She had to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise...

Otherwise, the scenes in the nightmare would definitely become a reality.

The little Ai Huihara, wearing fluffy pajamas and slippers, slowly moved away in the night wind with crutches.

"Pah, pah"

It sounded like the sound of leather boots hitting the snow.

Ai Huihara paused and felt the creepy breath again.

In the organization, the only one who likes to wear leather boots is...

"It's so late, why are you outside alone?"

Ai Huihara was stiff all over, her pupils suddenly emptied, her weak body probably couldn't bear the sudden strong fear, she closed her eyes and fell directly to the ground.

Wakagi Ryo:!

My leeks... no, my little Ai!

He suddenly realized that the disguise of Sangria on his face had not been removed.

Oh, it's all because the animal form of the model worker is too tempting, making his mind full of pink claws and silky fur, and almost forgetting that he hasn't changed back to his original form.

In Ai-chan's eyes, it was normal for her to faint in fear when such a big pervert appeared in front of her in the middle of the night.

Ruomu Liang touched his nose, picked up the unconscious Ai-chan, and quietly sent her back to the doctor's house.

It's okay, Ai-chan, you will find out tomorrow when you wake up that seeing Sangria suddenly appear at your doorstep in the middle of the night is just a nightmare.

Yes, that's right, it's all a nightmare.

But... nightmares can also be reflected in reality, right?

Ruomu Liang thought about it and felt that Ai-chan had been raised for so long, and it would be a bit unfair to this green leek if he didn't pull it a few more times.

After all, she is not as tough as Conan. After pulling it today, she can continue to pull it tomorrow, and it will take a long time to raise it.

So, Ruomu Liang left a small note and pressed it under Ai-chan's pillow, happily counting the emotional value of today's income, and returned to his own house next door.

Jingguang and Matsuda left a night light for him as usual.

"Jingguang, what do you think about me raising another fluffy one?"

Wakagi Ryo held a small cup of hot juice, took out his phone and handed it to Zhufu Jingguang.

On the phone page was a sleeping silver wolf.

"Do you think he's cute?"

Jingguang: ...

Jingguang silently looked at the silver wolf's muscles hidden under its soft fur, its thick and sharp claws, and its body size that was much larger than that of ordinary wolves and could almost catch up with tigers.

A wolf of this size could easily bite two or three Wakagi Ryo to death.

But seeing Wakagi Ryo's eager look, he could only say cute against his conscience.

Then he subconsciously flipped the photo back.

Then Zhufu Jingguang saw a selfie of Wakagi Ryo wearing a sangria vest and a sleeping silver wolf in the same picture.

Wait! Liangjun's vest is for the winery only, so this wolf...

"I don't agree!!!"

Zhu Fu Jingguang covered his chest and suddenly felt that this family needed to prepare some quick-acting heart pills.


Gray Hara Ai woke up from a nightmare again and found that she was not lying on some strange test bench, but still stayed in Dr. Agasa's house, in her very pink room - the doctor insisted on decorating her room in a princess style, saying "little girls' things should be cute".

Although because of her strong opposition, the wallpaper in the room was changed from pink to light blue.

The slippers were neatly placed beside the bed, and the small crutches were also leaning against the bedside table.

So, after being awakened last night, I ran away from home alone and bumped into Sangria's face. It was also a nightmare, right?

Recently, I have been having all kinds of strange nightmares.

"Ai-chan, you get up."

The doctor wore a fluffy testPulling off her pajamas, she appeared at the door with a bowl of millet porridge with red dates and longan.

"I asked Midorikawa next door to make this. He added some dried fruits, saying that it helps replenish qi and blood. Drink it as soon as you wake up."

The sweet smell of millet porridge stimulated Huihara Ai's appetite, and her stomach growled.

Yesterday, she caught a cold and had a fever, then drank a big mouthful of Lao Baigan on an empty stomach, then climbed the chimney, got shot, and fell down. She finally got home and had nightmares all night.

The unique fragrance of millet, coupled with the sweetness of red dates and longan, stimulated Huihara's appetite, and soon she drank a full bowl of porridge.

The warm porridge made Huihara's cheeks flushed.

"Is Edogawa okay?"

The doctor: "Conan is downstairs, talking to Inspector Megure on the phone."

She watched the doctor leave the room, breathed a sigh of relief, and fell back on the bed.

My heart is tired, my body hurts, and I don't want to move at all.

The doctor is fine. What happened last night was really a nightmare, right?

That's good. I didn't kill them. That's great.


When she lay back on the bed just now, why did she seem to hear the sound of paper rubbing?

Huiyuan Ai reached out and touched the bed with a little doubt, and finally took out a piece of white paper folded into the size of dried tofu from under the pillow.

Huiyuan Ai looked at the white paper steadily, and a bad premonition enveloped her again.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then unfolded the note with shaking hands.

[Study the antidote as soon as possible - Sangria]

At the bottom of the note, there was a line of small words.

PS: I've been watching you.

Huiyuan Ai: ! ! ! !

She jumped off the bed and almost lost her balance when she landed. She quickly grabbed the small crutches beside the bed to stabilize herself.

Then he limped downstairs.

"Inspector, this matter is very complicated. I can't reveal more information to you for the time being. Sorry."

Conan hung up the phone and turned around to see Huihara Ai standing at the stairs with a look of astonishment.

"What's wrong, Huihara?"

"Did you see a black spider in the wine cellar yesterday?"

Conan: "Huh?"

Huhara calmed down, "When you arrived yesterday, was Pisco already unconscious?"

Conan nodded, still a little confused.

"That's right, otherwise how could I carry you and run so easily?"

He reasonably suspected that the aftereffect of the white liquor was too strong, so that Huihara was still not sober.

Huihara Ai seemed to have lost all her strength and leaned on the stairs and didn't want to talk.

So, it wasn't a nightmare.

She really heard the sound of Sangria from the spider's mouth yesterday. He really found her!

A fallen leaf suddenly floated down from the inside of the cane and landed on the fluffy slippers of Huiyuan Ai.

Huiyuan widened her eyes silently.

Was it true that I met Sangria on the street last night? !

Why? Why didn't he kill the doctor directly and bring me back to the organization?

Huiyuan Ai pinched the falling leaf, and many thoughts flashed through her mind in an instant.

Thinking about it this way, the New Year's Day was also abnormal.

Sangria had seen Shirley, and he knew her appearance clearly. Even though Sangria at that time did not think about the incredible direction of adults becoming small, he gave up and did not continue to investigate when he encountered a doll raw material that met his aesthetic taste.

At that time, she vaguely felt that something was wrong, but this doubt was eventually washed away by the joy of surviving the disaster.

But this time, she could no longer turn a blind eye to the facts.

She looked at the words on the note: Make an antidote as soon as possible, and fell into deep thought.

Then she thought about how Sangria seemed to have that overly tender baby face from the time she joined the organization until now, with no signs of growing up at all.

Could it be that... he had also taken APTX-4869?

So, Sangria had known about her existence for a long time, and was very sure that Haibara Ai = Miyano Shiho.

With Shirley's personality, if she knew that she had been discovered by Gin, she would definitely leave the city as soon as possible and not drag down the people she knew.

But Sangria needed her to research the antidote as soon as possible, so he definitely didn't want her to run around.

So, yesterday's warning with the spider robot, finding her trying to escape in the middle of the night, and sending her back, all of this made sense!

Haibara Ai held the note in her hand, feeling that she had discovered the whole truth.

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