"The thing is, because the matter involves my family, I hope that Detective Maori can go to my house to investigate secretly in a private capacity."

The client, Kano Yoshino, pushed his glasses and said.

Wakagi Ryo sat on the sofa on the other side, holding his chin and listening.

He came to give Xiaolan the latest version of the comics, and by the way, see if there is any opportunity to grab Conan's emotional value.

After all, Ai-chan next door is now worrying about her hair volume, and in order to grow up healthily, she still needs to take good care of it for a while.

So during this period, whenever Jingguang or Amuro Toru cooked in person, he would deliberately leave a portion for Ai-chan next door, and strive to make her fat ten pounds first.

Then continue to grab it next time.

After listening to Kano Yoshino's story, Wakagi Ryo clapped his hands and remembered.

She was the femme fatale who pushed her first love off a cliff, and then married into a wealthy family 15 days later. Ten years later, she found out that her first love was not only alive, but also successful abroad. So she decided to kill her first love again at home, and then put the blame on her husband.

The little sister is really pretty, but she is also really vicious.

Thinking of this, he looked at Kane Yoshinobu, who was sitting on the sofa and looked like an elite, with a hidden sympathetic look.

"Our company recently plans to sign Jellal Tenma and release a new album for him. We have an appointment to sign the contract at our house, but recently, my wife received a threatening letter..."

On the other side, Xiaolan helped Kane Yoshinobu make tea, and leaned against the sofa where Maori Kogoro was sitting with a tray, listening quietly to Kane Yoshinobu's request for commission.

By the way, she used her passive attribute of knowing all the celebrities to explain to the two detectives, one big and one small, who Jellal Tenma was.

However, as Kano Yoshinobu told the story, Xiaolan's expression became more and more strange.

Wakaki Ryo touched his chin and suddenly remembered that he seemed to have once...

So today, everyone wants to see the famous detective Xiaolan?

Wakaki Ryo raised his eyebrows and suddenly became interested.

"If you don't mind, Uncle Maori, take me with you. This is more like an old friend visiting with his family."

Maori Kogoro glanced at the client hesitantly.

He himself did not object to taking Wakaki Ryo with him. After all, compared with that wild boy Kudo Shinichi, Wakaki Ryo was much more polite.

Every time he came to deliver comics, he would always bring some good cigarettes and good wine (although Wakaki Ryo brought less wine after Xiaolan banned him from drinking, but good cigarettes were indispensable).

"It's okay."

Kano Yoshinobu nodded and agreed to the request.

So, Wakagi Ryo got in the car driven by Maori Kogoro and went to the home of the... ahem, hospitable Kano Yoshinori.

"Although you left me cruelly, I still can't forget you. I will always wait for you silently. When I feel your voice, I feel infinite joy..."

Conan shuddered, touched the goose bumps on his hands, and then looked at Xiaolan who continued to read the lyrics in the passenger seat.

Maori Kogoro's face also had the same expression of unbearable as Conan's, and he pouted and complained: "What's crazy?"

Xiaolan shook the paper in her hand and said: "It's the lyrics of the Red Love Fantasy written by Jellal Tenma. Dad, you don't understand romance. What do you think of Wakagi brother?"

Wakagi Ryo stopped playing with his phone and looked up at Xiaolan.

"From the perspective of "Detective Endo"."

Mauri Ran: ? ? ?

"Look, leaving ruthlessly obviously shows that this person was abandoned. After being abandoned, he still guarded her and listened to her voice every day. I feel that I can write a case of eavesdropping and stalking his ex-girlfriend after being abandoned by her, and then, if you want to add a little horror factor.

This man wants to be with his ex-girlfriend forever, so he just makes his ex-girlfriend's ashes into a necklace and carries it with him, or eats it?

I'll draw this content in the next issue. It seems that there are really no explosive cases recently. Some comic fans wrote to say that they want to see exciting things."

The three people in the car, except Wakagi Ryo, fell silent.

Conan opened his mouth, wanting to say something but stopped.

Brother Wakagi, you are really easy to be regarded as a pervert by others like this.

Xiaolan looked at the lyrics in her hand and suddenly felt creepy.

"Hey, Ruomu, these are normal love lyrics, how did you associate them with this?"

Ruomu Liang: "Red roses, marigolds, sedge flowers, and the bright red dahlias behind, do you know the meanings of these flowers?

Rose represents love, and the meaning of marigolds can be understood as sadnessand separation, but also jealousy, peduncle represents malice, dahlia represents betrayal. This song is more of a satire on a lover who has changed his mind than a confession to a former lover. "

Xiaolan was silent for a while, and suddenly asked: "Just like Miss Minglai?"

Wakagi Ryo curled his lips and nodded: "Yes, just like Miss Minglai."

Conan looked at Xiaolan and Wakagi Ryo in confusion, wait, what's going on? Isn't the riddle man my specialty?

"Sister Xiaolan, who is Miss Minglai?"

"It's a character in Wakagi's first comic, "Maple Garden Red Leaves". Well, she's a bad guy. ”

Conan who only watches mystery shows: …



After arriving at Kano’s house, Maori and his party, led by Kano Miho, toured the entire castle, and received a prank call directed and performed by Kano Miho.

Afterwards, Kano Yoshinobu’s younger brother Kano Hideki and Jellal Tenma’s agent appeared one after another, and together with Kano Yoshinobu and his wife and secretary Tokudaiji Masayo, they made up a five-choice game for tonight.

However, there may not be a victim tonight.

During dinner, Kano Miho temporarily left the restaurant under the pretext of putting on makeup, and secretly went to tinker with the mechanism she had made.

Not long after After that, the whole villa suddenly went dark and fell into a power outage.

Then, a scream from Kanami was heard from the second floor.

Hearing the scream, Maori Kogoro and his companions immediately rushed to the second floor.

Maori Kogoro tried and found that the door of the dressing room was locked and could not be opened.

Xiaolan pulled her old father away, and kicked the door with all her strength... Didn't kick it open? !

Wakaki Ryo, who secretly used magic to coat a layer of protective film on the door, showed a smile of hidden merit and fame.

Xiaolan:? !

There is actually a door that I can't kick open?

Is it too late to call Senior Kyogoku Makoto now and ask about the technique of exerting force?

The lights came on, and Kano Yoshinori and his companions hurried to the scene.

"Do you have a spare key? "

Ran Mao Li tried again, but still failed to force the door open under the protection of Wakaki Ryo, and immediately showed an embarrassed expression.

"Yes, yes, I'll get it right away."

Kana Yoshi ran hurriedly, while Kano Hideki knocked on the door and shouted.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay? Sister-in-law, hold on. That guy, I warn you, if anything happens to my sister-in-law, our Kano Group will never let you go! ! "

Kana Meifang in the room was in an awkward situation holding the plaster statue.

She let go and cried when they came in, saying that a foreigner attacked her, without any evidence. And it was hard to explain how she escaped from the attack.

When they took the key to open the door, the spare key was kept by the housekeeper, and it would take at least 5 minutes to go back and forth.

If he had to fight with a weak noblewoman for five minutes, what kind of criminal was so weak?

Also, although she chose a half-length statue for the convenience of throwing the plaster statue into the water later.

But her husband, who was a face-conscious person, even asked someone to customize the solid plaster statue. It was really heavy to lift for a long time!

Fuck! There were so many men outside the door, how could they not even kick the door open!

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