Conan emerged from the water with a face full of resentment.

There is really nothing dangerous in the sea, only various kinds of sea fish. To be honest, if it weren't for the emergency, Conan would even like to enjoy this kind of magnificent scenery that is hard to see on land.

But in the cave behind the door... why are there all these sticky things that I don't know whether they are tentacles or tongues!

He reasonably suspected that Kaito Kidd was taking advantage of this game to avenge the revenge of being chased by him several times before.

Douzi glanced at the transparent mucus-like thing on the diving suit. Although he knew it was not good to laugh at his friends at this time, but...


The little detective had messy hair and a resentful expression. It was really funny to see that he was obviously frustrated but couldn't just give up.

Hehehe, in fact, the professor was not lying to me. After all, there is still a chance to play the little detective.

Conan looked at Kaito Kidd with his crescent eyes, and then took out an egg-sized bead, "What's next? Since you came in earlier than us, you should have more clues in your hand."

Kaito Kidd showed a confident smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Of course."

If he hadn't been stuck on this key prop, he might have already cleared the level.

Half an hour later, Kuroba Kaito put on a poker face and took back his previous confident words.

He admitted that he seemed to have underestimated the professor's bad taste.

Theoretically, the two sons of God formed a team to break through the level. God should kill gods and Buddhas, and there should be no level that can stop them. No one expected that in just half an hour, the two cheaters were a little doubtful about their lives.

The two were in a very large room. In the middle of the room was a transparent glass partition. Conan and Kidd were on both sides of the partition. They could see the situation on the other side and hear the voices on the other side.

The two took turns trying, and the partition in the middle seemed unbreakable.

Kidd: "The door of the room cannot be opened, and there are no handles or keyholes on the door. It looks like a pure decryption copy."

Conan: ...

Why do you look a little excited?

Douzi, who had not experienced the devastation of the first two copies, was pitted on the treasure chest, but he also saw the embarrassed look of the little detective who always chased him. The wonderful mechanisms that he had cracked before also fit his aesthetic taste as a thief.

The professor was right, this game is quite fun.

The two searched in the room for a while, and except for finding two notebooks that looked exactly the same, there was no gain.

Conan was under much greater pressure at the moment. Xiaolan and the other members of the detective team were not around. According to the nature of the first two levels, they were likely to be facing a life-and-death crisis somewhere at the moment, and the other children were the same.

He frowned and searched the room again.

"Hey, little detective, take a look at this?"

Kaito Kuroba leisurely flipped through the blank notebook from beginning to end. When he turned to the last page in order, a line of small words suddenly appeared on the back cover of the notebook.

[Only one person can leave here alive. ]

At the same time, an operating table appeared in the middle of the rooms on both sides. There were 20 to 30 buttons densely packed on the operating table, and each button had a text not much bigger than a sesame seed for explanation.

Kidd got close to the side of the operating table with interest, and among a series of buttons that seemed to leave no way for people to survive, he chose the most harmless option and pressed it.

[Release a mosquito for your opponent. ]


"What did you press?"

After pressing the button, Kidd moved to the edge of the glass and observed the situation in the opposite room closely.

Conan suddenly heard a buzzing sound in his ears. He twitched the corner of his mouth and slapped in the direction of the sound.

Hit the bull's eye!

Conan took his hand back, and the mosquito that was flattened on the wall was reborn in an instant, pulled itself up from the wall, and continued to fly towards Conan and began to buzz.


What the hell? !

Conan picked up the notebook that he had just thrown aside and slapped the mosquito again, killing times +1, but two seconds later, the mosquito that should have been slapped into mud was reborn again and began to buzz tirelessly in Conan's ears.

Mosquito: Teacher Saitama can't kill me, let alone you?

Kuroba Kaito observed for a moment and found that there was indeed a mosquito in the opposite room for no reason, and this mosquito seemed to have somethingWhat a strange invincible BUFF.

The little detective won't die for the time being, so it's okay.

He turned his head to look at the room on his side, and suddenly found that there was a password lock on the door of the room that was originally empty. The keyboard below the password lock had numbers 0-9 and 26 English letters.

"So, this is a level for temporary teammates to fight each other."

Conan, who was being harassed by mosquitoes in the other room, also noticed this difference and immediately realized the insidiousness of this copy.

He turned his head to look at the same operation panel on his side, and then looked at Kaito Kidd in the next room, and then quickly turned the glass cup he found on the table upside down and put the mosquito in the cup.

Huh, it's quiet.

On the panel on Conan's side, the button for the mosquito has been locked and can no longer be used.

So he settled for the next best thing and put a mouse in the next room.

Kaito Kidd:!

A gray, dirty-looking mouse squeaked and crawled towards Kuroba Kaito.

Just look at the place where the mouse crawled, leaving a series of dirty footprints on the carpet, and Kidd definitely didn't want this thing to pollute his pure white cloak.

The thief, who was very good at hands-on, immediately used the existing resources in the room to make a cage for the mouse at the speed of light, and then threw the cage and the mouse to the corner, and covered the cage with a tablecloth.

After releasing the mouse, the same combination lock appeared on Conan's door.

After several rounds of painless trials, the two smart people figured out how to play this game.

When the button on the console is pressed to add something to the opposite room, a number or letter will appear on the notebook they found before.

The problem is that from the current numbers, the passwords on both sides are not the same, but the buttons on the panel are universal.

Then the problem came. There were 27 buttons on the console. One person could only press one button at a time, and the password to open the door had 13 digits.

That is to say, only one of the two people could get the complete password.

The other person needed to hit a 1/36 probability on the last digit of the password. Moreover, before getting the complete password, the two people had to endure a room full of problems.

"First figure out the passwords for the first few digits. I have seen all the buttons on the console. The 10 buttons at the bottom are relatively safe."

Conan suggested while using the clothesline to fork the little snake that tried to jump on him, and then closed it in the closet.

Kid immediately agreed to the suggestion, then rolled up the quilt on the bed and blocked the gap that suddenly appeared on the wall. The rain mixed with hail in the gap, if left alone, would soon take away all the temperature in the room. In the case of hypothermia, he had no way to concentrate on thinking.

Wakagi Ryo watched with a smile as the two sons of the world harmed each other while sharing what they had and thinking together whether there was any connection or pattern between the known passwords.

The answer is of course no.

Each person's password was randomly generated, and there was no pattern in the middle.

Of course, if these two sons of God could also find some tricks out of nothing, and then forcibly infer what the remaining "purely random" password was, then he could only give a single 6 to express his admiration.

In fact, this idea is also quite good to make an ordinary game. When I have time, I will go to the Karasuma Group to mention it. Make it a kind that can be played online. It would be great to play games with people I know.

It may just be a bit of a waste of friends.

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