Conan and Kidd were leaning against the wall, breathing heavily. They both looked extremely miserable, and the room was even more miserable than a tornado.

Kidd's room was full of traces of fire, and the pure white Phantom Thief now looked like a little pigeon blackened by smoke. There were many traces of burns on the corners of his cloak, and his hat disappeared somewhere. The small part of his skin exposed to the outside looked red, obviously smoked by the high temperature.

Conan in the other room looked even more miserable. Perhaps because he had become a child, his physical strength was a little worse than Kidd's. He was now sitting on the floor with water, his whole body was wet, and there were even small ice beads on the ends of his hair.

At this moment, the passwords on the notebooks of the two people had been collected to the 11th, and there were only three buttons left on the operating table.

The two sons of the world who had experienced strong winds, hail, floods, and magma had no strength to press a button now.

Fortunately, Wakagi Ryo didn't really want to do things completely. The above extreme weather environments only last for a limited time in the room, and each extreme weather scene actually hides a safe zone.

As long as you follow the clues to deduce the location of the safe zone, and then stay in the safe zone for a while, you can get one of the 13-digit passwords.

"Hey, little detective, are you still alive?"

Kuroba Kaito rubbed his messy hair and seemed to smell the burnt smell coming from his head.

The physical simulation of this game is too real.

"Still alive for the time being."

Conan gritted his teeth, stood up with all his strength, and walked to the side of the operating table.

There are three buttons left, two of which have small words under them, "Shy Little Cutie" and "Unrestrained Missionary", respectively. There is no text description under the last button, only a pure black skull logo, which looks extremely ominous.

The corner of Douzi's mouth twitched.

What the hell are "shy little cutie" and "unrestrained missionary"?

Just looking at these two descriptions, you can't imagine what kind of cow or horse will appear after pressing the button.

"It's hard to define what a 'shy little cutie' is, but if it's an 'unrestrained missionary', it's very likely to be a humanoid creature."

Conan looked at the panel and fell into deep thought.

He and Kidd had tried all the puzzle-solving methods they could think of, but they couldn't find any pattern in the first 12-digit password.

In the end, the two people with high IQs had to admit that this 13-digit password was very likely random.

In other words, if you want to leave this damn room, there is no other choice except to continue pressing the button on the operating panel.

Magma and floods have appeared, but this damn room has not collapsed yet.

There is no need to be so good in such a weird place!

Kuroba Kaito also looked at these two options and supported the monocle on his face.

"Little detective, do you like shy or unrestrained?"

Conan's mouth twitched, "Hey, don't speak halfway. If I can choose, I don't want either of these two. The buttons on this panel are more dangerous as you go back. These two options are ranked second to last and third to last respectively. God knows what monsters will come out."

Kid nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, if it's a game designed by him, I don't think I would be too surprised by anything that comes out."

Conan raised his head alertly and looked at Kaito Kid through the glass.

"Him? Isn't Noah's Ark the one who designed this game?"

Kid propped up his knees with a smile, so that his eyes were level with Conan.

"Didn't he also play games with you? Don't tell me you have forgotten who he is~"

Conan: ! !

Also? This seems to be a lot of information.

However, Kid obviously thought it was interesting to keep the little detective hanging, so he didn't plan to explain it to Conan, but made his own decision.

"I really like the shy little cutie, so I'll leave the bold one to you."

Conan: ...

"Okay, little detective, you press it first."

Kid put away his smiling expression and switched to a business mode of being on high alert.

Conan was startled. There were only three buttons left, and every time a button was pressed, the operation panel of the current room seemed to fall into a cooling period. During this time, no operation could be performed on the panel.

Is Kaito Kid... leaving the opportunity to press the last button to me?

"Don't underestimate Kaito," Kid took out aA key with an extremely strange shape and inlaid with gems, "I came in earlier than you, so it's normal to have a master key or something like that in my hand."

Conan: ...

I was actually a little touched just now?

He twitched his mouth and pressed the button on the console that said "shy little cutie".

No matter what, in the end, I will definitely complete this game and bring everyone back without missing a single one.

In the room where Kuroba Kaito was, a humanoid creature with pointed, fluffy ears appeared. The first moment the creature appeared, it discovered the two people, one big and one small, who were staring at him at the same time, and immediately exclaimed, then covered its face and shrank into the corner and trembled.

Conan: ? ? ?

Kidd: ? ? ?

Just, just like that?

The two carefully looked at the suddenly appeared humanoid creature, who was about 1.5 meters tall, wearing a blue, loose sweater, and had two fluffy pointed ears on his head, which seemed to be shaking because of shyness.

The black Kazilan had big watery eyes. He hugged his knees and buried his head between his arms and knees. From Conan and Kaito's perspective, he couldn't see his face. He could only see a small part of his cheek and pointed ears that seemed to be connected to capillaries.

Because he was being watched all the time, he seemed to be more shy, and the small part of his cheek that was exposed was red.

Kaito blinked, not knowing whether he should continue to stand or go up to test this unknown creature.

He looked very weak, and he shouldn't cry if he got punched... Shit!

Kaito still had the aura of the world's favorite son, and he jumped up and dodged a claw attack that almost tore him into pieces.

The little cutie who was shivering in the corner because of shyness and hugging his knees before suddenly jumped up in the next second, and his nails grew 10CM. The tip of the nail looked extremely sharp, just like Wolverine.

With one claw, it directly tore the bed board in the room, including the pure steel keel under the mattress, into pieces. It looked no more laborious than crushing a piece of wafer biscuit.

The speed was also extremely fast.

Conan and Kaito actually did not see its movements clearly. Kaito instinctively felt the crisis and made a dodging move in advance.

And until the whole bed was torn by the little cutie, Conan's eyes finally caught the humanoid creature that was temporarily stopped.

Ruo Mu Liang laughed in front of the screen.

Sister thought of it.

"Shy little cutie" is the ultimate existence of social phobia. As long as it feels others looking at it, it will be shy. When it is shy to a certain extent, it will go berserk.

As long as I kill everyone who sees me, no one will continue to look at me, and I will not feel social phobia.

Doesn't it make sense? (✪ω✪)

In the game, Kid jumped up and temporarily hung on the ceiling chandelier, so he could only look at the scene below with his peripheral vision. The little cutie who didn't feel Douzi's gaze for the time being turned his head 180 degrees and looked in Conan's direction.

Conan:? ? ! ! !

He took a breath and took several steps back involuntarily.

The little cutie in the opposite room still had red cheeks, and his fluffy ears looked pink because of shyness and congestion. His big black eyes were so moist that he seemed to be crying at any time.

But the speed was so fast that it was like teleportation. The whole person hit the transparent partition between the two rooms directly, and the sharp claws in his hand pierced the partition at once. If Conan hadn't taken a few steps back before, he would have been stabbed in the claws of the little cutie and drained of blood to make dried bacon.

"Don't look at it!"

Kaito Kuroba shouted while hanging on the chandelier, and Conan suddenly had an idea.

"Shy" means to remind that this creature cannot be looked at directly? That's right, when this creature first appeared, it was obviously very well-behaved, shrinking in the corner by itself, without showing any aggression.

And he and Kaito Kidd were curious, two people, four eyes, staring at it went berserk?

And because Kidd was temporarily hanging on the chandelier and didn't look directly at the little cutie, his target of attack would shift to himself? ?

Conan took several steps back again, then lowered his head and stopped looking at the little cutie in the opposite room. However, he was still in a tense state. If the monster on the opposite side really broke through the partition and came over, he would immediately climb up the bookshelf next to him, and then use the bookshelf to temporarily jump onto the chandelier.

The room became quiet, and between the two bigAfter no one looked at him, the little cutie sobbed loudly, then returned to the corner where he started, hugged his knees and continued to grow mushrooms.

Conan and Kid breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Don't come down yet, I'll try to see if my eyes can still alert him through multiple reflections on the mirror."

Kuroba Kaito nodded. He had the same idea. If the mirror reflections didn't cause him to run away, it would be best to use the things in the room to build a barrier to block his sight.

Although his game process has basically come to an end, it doesn't mean that he is willing to hang on the ceiling like a monkey for the rest of the time. His hands are very tired, okay!

Professor, people's aesthetics can be down-to-earth, but they can't be down-to-earth.

You call this thing a little cutie? ! ! !

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