Conan dragged the wet wooden frame of the floor mirror in his room to the center of the room, and then tried to glance at the cutie reflected in the mirror.

It seems... it works?

After observing for a while and confirming that this behavior of leaning sideways and observing through the mirror with peripheral vision would not make the cutie go crazy, Conan commanded Kuroba Kaito to close his eyes and jump down, then removed the door of the closet in his room and built a temporary nest to completely isolate the cutie from their sight.

Then Kuroba Kaito retreated to a relatively safe position and opened his eyes tentatively.

This experience of doing handicrafts with eyes closed and then having close contact with extremely dangerous humanoid creatures after finishing is a bit strange.

He carefully glanced in the direction of the cutie, confirmed that the block was not crooked and leaked, and no matter how he stood, he would not accidentally see the shy creature inside and cause it to go crazy on the spot, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at the little detective opposite.

"If you are shy to this extent, I suddenly wonder what your unrestrained side will look like."

Conan: ...

"Hey, wait..."

However, before Conan could finish his words, Douzi pressed the button of "Unrestrained Preacher".

The next second, a humanoid creature with closed eyes, wearing a priest's uniform, a cross necklace around his neck, and holding a book that looked a bit like the Bible, but the words on the cover were distorted characters with unknown meanings, appeared behind Conan.

What was a little strange was that the humanoid creature was half squatting.

Kaito Kuroba was in a relatively calm state of mind. Although the last time the little cutie went berserk, he pierced through the partition between the two rooms with one claw, but now the glass partition has completed self-healing. Even if the monster on the opposite side goes berserk, his side is temporarily safe.

So he was quite happy watching the show.

After all, the shy little cutie on his side was so enthusiastic that she almost cut him in half with one claw. The unrestrained type on the little detective's side should be even more enthusiastic.

Conan stared at the missionary opposite him vigilantly, but he just held the book in his hand and stood quietly without any movement.

Conan couldn't help blinking.

"Be careful!"

Kidd shouted hurriedly across the partition.

Conan opened his eyes suddenly. The missionary teleported to the mirror next to him at some point, opened his hands, and made a hugging gesture.

Conan watched the missionary embrace the floor-length mirror with a loving expression on his face, and then squeezed the mirror into pieces on the ground with a tooth-grinding sound of clacking.

This is a mirror that can't be broken even by hail!

"Ah, this is really passionate and unrestrained. Is this the standard meaning of suffocating you with love?"

Kaito Kuroba clapped his hands in amazement through the glass. If the conditions did not allow it, he would even want to sit down and eat some melon seeds to watch the show.

Conan: !!!

"This! Another! What! Monster?!"

It can run so fast even when walking on its knees while squatting. What kind of prehistoric weirdo is this?

"Little detective, turn around and come to the glass."

Conan widened his eyes and looked in the direction of the missionary. He had vaguely figured out the pattern of this monster's actions. This unrestrained missionary and the cute little girl opposite him have completely opposite attributes. Maybe he needs to keep an eye on him to ensure his safety.

Just now, he just blinked his eyes, and he was almost held in the arms of this missionary and crushed alive.

Following Conan's movements, the missionary also turned his upper body slightly, always keeping a posture facing Conan.

When the missionary's front was facing the glass partition between the two rooms, and two people, one tall and one short, were looking at him at the same time, the missionary's loving expression remained unchanged, but the cross necklace on his neck swayed for a moment, and then, under the eyes of the two children of the world, he stood up straight.

Well, even if it is a monster, it will be tiring to squat all the time because it needs to face people face to face.

So it chose to look at Kuroba Kaito.

Conan always felt as if he was mocked by the monster for his height:...

Outside the game, Wakaki Ryo looked at Douzi, who was staring at the missionary on the screen, and clicked his tongue.

Oh, I can't see the little corgi being squeezed into a meat pie.

But this is indeed the correct way to pass the level.

The characteristic of the missionary is that you need to keep staring at him. If you divert your gaze or blink during this period, he will give you a loving hug.

But if you want to leave the room, you must lock the door with the password.Enter the correct password on the screen. No matter how smart Conan is or how fast his hands are, there will always be a few seconds when his sight will be diverted. This little time and distance is enough for the missionary to screw Conan to death several times.

The correct way to pass the level is to let the people in the next room help to distract the missionary's attention, provided that the friends in the next room have not been stabbed to death by the shy little cutie in the previous round of mutual harm.

"Little detective, the last button, go and press it."

Kuroba Kaito stood straight in the next room, looking directly at the missionary with a smile on his face.

Conan hesitated for a moment, but thinking of the master key that Kaito Kidd had taken out before, he pressed the last button with a black skull on the operation panel.

Pure black flames ignited in the next room, and everything burned by the flames turned into gravel in an instant and then disappeared.

A 10-second countdown also appeared in the sight of Conan and Kuroba Kaito.


After 10 seconds, everything in the opposite room will be reduced to ashes, and the missionary, who has lost his restraint, can twist Conan's neck in less than a second.

Conan rushed to the door with his short legs, poked the buttons on the combination lock, and entered all 13 digits.

The door disappeared, and a white light door appeared where the door was originally located.

There are 3 seconds left in the countdown.


Conan looked back at Kaito Kidd, and the pure white figure was shaky in the raging black flames. Kidd took out the exaggerated key from his arms, and the key broke into two pieces and fell to the ground the moment it was taken out, and then was swallowed up by the black flames.

"Little detective, I lied to you."

The countdown returned to zero, and the pure white figure was swallowed by the black fire without leaving any trace.


Conan subconsciously wanted to go over there, but suddenly felt a suction force coming from behind him, and then he was swallowed by the glowing portal.

After a dizzy moment, Conan was spit out like a spinning top to the previous hall, and only the last two light doors on the steps were still shining.

"Damn it!"

Conan punched the ground, and the ultra-real virtual body sensation made him feel a dull pain.

Wait for me, I will take you all back safely!


Outside the game

"Are you crying?"

Kuroba Kaito, who got out of the game cabin, came to the super-large screen with excitement and watched the real-time broadcast of Noah's Ark.

"Oh, my eyes are red, but I didn't cry. Tsk, wasn't my last scene sentimental and shocking enough?"

Kuroba Kaito took out a small bag of chocolate beans from the snack pile on the table, opened it, and poured out half of the bag and chewed it in his mouth.

Wakagi Ryo turned his head and looked at Kaito Kidd who performed "I'll give you the chance to survive", and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "Have you forgotten that it's just a game."

Kuroba Kaito paused, then continued to chew the candy beans in his mouth, his voice a little vague.

"That's right, but considering that my performance is so sensational, next time I send a notice, this little detective will be embarrassed to chase me around again."

Wakagi Ryo reached out and touched Douzi's forehead.

You think too much, I will still catch him, at most I will let him go after catching him, and let you find a chance to escape.

Wakagi Ryo took out his mobile phone, took a photo of Conan on the screen with red eyes and a sad expression, and then simply photoshopped it into an emoticon package to save it.

"By the way, professor, the game is fun. When will the offline version be released?"

Ryo Wakagi propped up his head and looked at Conan and others who had been swallowed into the fourth pirate copy on the screen. He thought about the Schrödinger's work efficiency of the programming department of the Karasuma Group and shook his head uncertainly.

"At least two or three months."


Touzi looked a little disappointed. He took out his mobile phone and looked through the messages. "Dad Terai has something to ask me. I'm leaving first."

Ryo Wakagi nodded, and from the lower right corner of the big screen, he monitored the screen of the press conference hall in real time and saw a face of a minor in a police uniform. He hurried to Kudo Yusaku's side and whispered something.

He narrowed his eyes and watched Kudo Yusaku leave the hall. He stood up and patted his pure black tuxedo.

"I have something to deal with."

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