Yusaku Kudo was dragged into the elevator by several editors in a mess. The evil Mr. Richard had already called to book a suite on the way here, and prepared all the tools that could be used for creation, such as paper, pen, typewriter, and laptop, which neatly blocked all the excuses that Yusaku Kudo might find.

Ryo Wakagi looked at the life of the big Kudo in the small dark room, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

Great, there is finally a second part to watch.

[Thank you, Mr. Wakagi, Hiroki had a lot of fun. ]

Ryo Wakagi turned his head and looked at the big screen where Noah's Ark temporarily resided, and remained silent.

[You found it, right? ]

"Well. After all, Kashimura Tadaki is Hiroki's biological father, he shouldn't have no reaction."

[Indeed, that is not Hiroki's soul, but a character program I wrote according to the data of Hiroki Sawada, my creator.

I can't fully understand human emotions.

However, with so many people playing together, the real Hiroki should also be happy. 】

"If Noah's Ark continues to exist, it will only become a tool for politicians and chaebols to gain benefits. The existence of artificial intelligence is indeed too far-reaching, so you are planning to self-destruct, right?"

[Yes. 】

"Would you like to listen to my advice?"

Ruo Muliang felt that there was no need for Noah's Ark to self-destruct.

The technology tree of the world of science has grown so much in a timeline that is longer than 20 years in half a year. Artificial intelligence is indeed too far ahead of the times in the current environment.

But as time goes by, when Conan gradually develops the background of the times from science to fantasy, the existence of artificial intelligence is not particularly outrageous.

Of course, he does not intend to take back Noah's Ark for his own use.

Huge power can make people lose themselves.

If Ruo Muliang really gets Noah's Ark, he may be unable to help but imitate the practice of The Matrix, raising all humans and letting them sleep in the virtual world created by Noah's Ark, providing himself with a large amount of emotional value.

If Ryogi doesn't overestimate his moral bottom line, he can do such a thing for the sake of emotional value.

[Please speak. ]


The lights of the entire Beihua City Hall began to flicker again. In the main control room, a large number of character codes appeared on every computer screen, and they were constantly self-deleting under the gaze of everyone.

"What's going on?"

"Why is this happening?"

"Report, we have lost control of all equipment!"

Dr. Agasa hurried back to the control room and typed desperately on his computer.

"Doctor, what's going on?"

Dr. Agasa didn't even raise his head, his two chubby hands almost danced out afterimages, and the crackling sound of the keyboard almost made him sing a Croatian Rhapsody on the spot.

Ten minutes later, the doctor stopped the operation panting and took out a small handkerchief to wipe the sweat on his forehead.

"There is no way. Noah's Ark is self-destructing. It has deleted all the data and records. I can't restore them."

"How could this happen?! Noah's Ark is a masterpiece that spans at least 100 years. It just disappeared like that?!!!"

A programmer whose name could not be called knelt and howled, grabbing his hair with both hands.

Dr. Agasa sighed and called his old friend Kudo Yusaku.

Then he walked towards the room where Kudo Yusaku was.

Although Kudo Yusaku was caught by the army of editors, he was in a crazy small black room mode.

However, for a writer of his level and fame, these editors did not dare to really use a small whip to supervise him behind him. Once he stopped, he would be punished with a whip.

So the doctor easily saw Kudo Yusaku who was typing desperately, and left the room considerately, allowing them to communicate alone.

"Noah's Ark self-destructed?"

Kudo Yusaku held the pen cap in his mouth, scribbled an outline on the notebook with his left hand, and typed on the keyboard with his right hand.

Dr. Agasa nodded. Just now in the control room, he failed to reverse the self-destruction of Noah's Ark, but he intercepted a small part of the data.

To be precise, it is better to say that Noah's Ark sent it to him actively than to say that he intercepted it.

Dr. Agasa handed the laptop to Kudo Yusaku, who was shooting with both hands.

The data contained the DNA tracing program that Thomas Schindler had to destroy even if he killed people himself. That was the ironclad evidence that he was the real descendant of Jack the Ripper in history.

In addition, the case of Wakagi Ryo's parents five years agoThe truth of the incident, as well as the information and evidence of various illegal things that Schindler's company has done behind the scenes over the years, are all included in it.

Kudo Yusaku: ...

His expression became solemn.

After reading all the information, he understood why Thomas Schindler was willing to kill Kashimura Tadaki himself.

The various black materials of Schindler's company did not make him feel so unexpected.

It would be really surprising if the large capital groups in the United States did not do anything illegal in secret.

However, Kudo Yusaku really did not expect that this incident would involve Wakaki Ryo.

Thinking of the attacked police car and Thomas Schindler who disappeared inexplicably, Kudo Yusaku had a vague guess in his heart.

"Doctor, I need you to do me a favor."

Dr. Agasa: ? ? ?

Do you want to use me as a scapegoat again?

Let's not talk about how Kudo Yusaku fooled Dr. Agasa. On the other hand, Wakagi Ryo watched Noah's Ark fake the signs of self-destruction. After cleaning up all the traces that might expose its existence in the background, it slowly fell into sleep - or in other words, standby mode.

Under Wakagi Ryo's repeated words of "human technology will one day be able to accommodate artificial intelligence", "hiding in the network and slowly learning and growing", "if you really have emotions, maybe you can revive a flesh-and-blood Hiroki Sawada", Noah's Ark was successfully fooled again.

You say, if Noah's Ark can really understand human nature, and even evolve to gradually have its own joys, sorrows, anger and happiness.

Will it provide him with a huge amount of emotional values?

Wakagi Ryo's abacus in his heart was crackling, but the current Noah's Ark was already blinded by the beautiful prospects, and he didn't hear the sound of the abacus beads colliding at all.

Moreover, Wakagi Ryo never forgot that the big boss of the winery, Karasuma Renya, spared no effort to promote the plan of "popularizing smart phones". The strange frequency in the machine and the strange pattern formed by the newly added signal base stations in various places are ultimately a hidden danger.

He is not sure what Karasuma Renya's final plan is for the time being, but there is nothing wrong in keeping a trump card that can instantly kill such an unknown plan in advance.

Of course, in the short term, he is still the good employee who is loyal to the winery.

Thinking of this, Wakamu Liang smiled and took out his mobile phone and sent an email to Rum and Gin respectively.

At his signal, Noah's Ark sent all the black materials of Schindler's company to Dr. Agasa, and Dr. Agasa turned around and found Kudo Yusaku without surprise.

Even if Kudo Yusaku did nothing, he had subsequent means to make these materials known to everyone.

The disintegration of Schindler's company is a foregone conclusion.

Therefore, taking advantage of the fact that nothing has happened yet, let the organization and Karasuma Group create a time difference and bite the sweetest piece of this big cake, which is also in line with Sangria's personality.

If you want to be the group's favorite, you have to make enough contributions.

[You did a great job, I will deal with it immediately - RUM]

[... Got it, quickly deal with the people you brought, safe house No. 5 is about to become a haunted house! - GIN]

[Okay, senior~]

Ruo Muliang felt Gin's resentment through the screen.

However, he planned to completely destroy Schindler's company and then paste the fresh news on Thomas' face. Let him go to hell with the anger and pain of his life's hard work being destroyed.

Shrimp does not match pig heart, this dish is not delicious.

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