After replying to Gin with "OK, OK, OK, YES, YES, YES, YES next time", Wakagi Ryo put away his phone, looked at the full emotional value on the panel, and the -80 of enthusiasm returned because of the cooling time, and sighed.

At this point, Kudo Yusaku should have seen the information that Noah's Ark deliberately let the doctor intercept. The next thing to do is to go home and wait for the big Kudo to deliver it to the door~

As for whether Kudo Yusaku can break through the editors' strict defense, Wakagi Ryo is not worried at all.

If those editors really have a way to deal with him, they wouldn't be more bald than each other now.

Wakagi Ryo walked slowly on the way home.

After getting rid of the army of urging growth, Kudo Yusaku will not rush to his house immediately, but will go to exchange information with Conan first.

The last copy of Noah's Ark was almost live broadcast throughout, although the pictures inside the game were converted and projected, and the character models were somewhat distorted.

But as the designer of the London dungeon, Kudo Yusaku knew that the Professor Moriarty he originally designed was clearly an old man. The Professor Moriarty that appeared in the actual game was more like Dr.M., who had met him not long ago.

The story of Jack the Ripper that was tampered with, compared with the information obtained, was clearly the story that happened to Wakaki Ryo's parents five years ago.

Kudo Yusaku, who likes to plan before taking action, naturally has to ask Conan first whether there are more hidden clues in other levels that are not live in the game.

Therefore, when Wakaki Ryo slowly returned home, ate some snacks to fill his stomach, and took a fluffy dog ​​to sleep on the sofa for two hours, Big Kudo finally came late.

Wakaki Ryo let go of the blue fat man who was almost bald because of him, and yawned to open the door.

"Uncle Yusaku, please come in."

Wakaki Ryo poured a cup of tea for Kudo Yusaku, and sat on the sofa opposite him with a pillow, looking a little sleepy.

Big Kudo is still stable.

He had been running the live broadcast room on Conan's side. Big Kudo tricked all the information out of his son in a few words, and then blocked all Conan's questions with a combination of fighting and fighting.

Sure enough, detectives like to fight alone.

If Big Kudo really brought his son as a strategic weapon, Wakaki Ryo might have to be a little timid to show respect for the halo of the god of death.

Kudo Yusaku looked at Wakaki Ryo, who was knocking his chin on the pillow opposite him and seemed to be about to fall asleep at any time, and pursed his lips and pushed the information about the Wakaki couple's case over.

Wakaki Ryo glanced at the printed information and turned to look at Big Kudo.

"Since Uncle Yusaku came to ask in person, then yes, it is related to me."

Kudo Yusaku:? ? ! ! !

Why don't you play by the rules?

Shouldn't you fight wits and courage with me and test each other? I just admitted it straight away, what should I say next?

"The professor is really efficient."

Kudo Yusaku narrowed his eyes slightly, and a light flashed across his lenses.

"Ryo-kun, what is your relationship with this man who calls himself a professor?"

Wakamura Ryo put down the pillow and took a sip of tea to wake himself up.

"Not a very conventional...employment relationship?" Wakamura Ryo thought about it and gave such an answer.

"A year ago, the professor took the initiative to contact me, saying that he knew what happened to my parents that year, and told me that within a year, Thomas Schindler would come to Tokyo for the promotion of 'Cocoon' and asked me if I wanted to take revenge, and he could help me."

Wakamura Ryo paused, then shook his head a little helplessly.

"But he was very cautious. Although he contacted me through his mobile phone, the messages he sent were set up with background programs. They would be automatically deleted in about 3 seconds after they were clicked. If you try to copy or save them as screenshots, they would also be directly destroyed. So I can't produce evidence for the time being."

Kudo Yusaku's expression remained unchanged, but his pupils shrank slightly.

He believed that the professor could do this. He still had a small parting gift from the professor in his mobile phone.

In order to prevent being caught for sneaking out this time, he temporarily robbed Dr. Agasa's mobile phone, and threw his own mobile phone into a small dark room surrounded by editors.

"So, Liang Jun believed him so much?"

"No, of course I don't believe it." Wakagi Liang shook his head, "In fact, at first, I thought that this person who claimed to be a professor might be an FBI agent who came to fish."

Kudo Yusaku raised his eyebrows.

The information on Noah's Ark naturally had records of how Thomas bribed the NYPD and a powerful FBI.

A year ago, at this point in time, it seemed a bit subtle.

"The professor contacted meIt was exactly one week after Pat Reno's death. One of the leaders of the FBI in the New York area died suddenly, and they couldn't help but investigate.

There are many people who have grudges against Pat Reno, and I am one of them. "

Kudo Yusaku tapped the table with his index finger rhythmically.

Since he suspected Wakamura Ryo, of course he did some research before coming.

Wakamura Ryo has no record of entry and exit since returning to Neon four years ago. However, as long as you have money, it is not difficult to get a fake identity and sneak out of the country.

"So, what's next?"

"Next, he showed me his sincerity. "

Ryo Wakagi got up and went to the study to get a thick stack of newspapers.

When he left the study, there was a loud bang, and a hole collapsed in the floor for no reason, which happened to trap Ryo Wakagi's foot firmly.

Kudo Yusaku: ...

He looked down at the crack in the floor.

There were no signs of insects and ants biting, and the cross section looked very new, and there was no possibility of disrepair. The edges of the crack were jagged, and it was not cut by a sharp weapon...

No wonder Shinichi and Xiaolan mentioned Ryo Wakagi before, and after a round of praise, they both added "Just bad luck." ”

This is not just bad luck.

He took two steps forward and lent a hand to Ryo Wakaki, who was trying to pull his leg out of the pit. Suddenly, he dispelled some of his doubts about Ryo Wakaki.

With this kind of luck, he was probably caught before he did anything illegal.

Ryo Wakaki coughed awkwardly, patted the dust off his body, and handed the newspaper in his hand to Yusaku Kudo.

Yusaku Kudo flipped through the cases circled by Ryo Wakaki with a marker on the newspaper.

There is no doubt that all of them were accidents.

People who rushed to the road on the mountain road and got into a car accident, people who accidentally fell while climbing, people who suddenly got cramps while swimming and drowned...

Yusaku Kudo narrowed his eyes.

Are these all the work of the professor?

“Before every accident, the professor would contact me 3 days in advance and ask me to pay attention to the subsequent news. One or two times may be coincidences, but so many times, it is impossible that they are all coincidences. "

The two returned to the sofa. Wakamura Ryo pressed the sofa twice with his hand tentatively. It seemed that there was no problem, so he sat on it carefully.

Kudo Yusaku: ...

Ryo-kun looked even more pitiful.

"So, you agreed?"


Wakamura Ryo picked up the pillow, "If you say you don't want revenge, it's absolutely a lie. But the reason why I say that he and I have an unconventional employment relationship is that he doesn't ask for anything in return.

He helped me get revenge without my participation, but he didn't charge any form of compensation, including money. "

Wakamura Ryo pinched the pillow in his arms and smiled.

"There is no such thing as pie in the sky in this world."

Kudo Yusaku pondered for a moment, and looked up at Wakamura Ryo again.

"What made you change your mind in the end?"

"Thomas was arrested. "

Ryomu Ryo poked the cup on the coffee table, "I'm not surprised that he would kill someone, but I don't know why he would take such a big risk and kill someone under the eyes of so many people.

But compared to the past, this is the closest time I've ever been to revenge."

Kudo Yusaku looked at Ryomu, who was getting more and more excited, and hesitated for a moment: "He has been arrested by the Metropolitan Police Department..."

"Then you want me to watch him being extradited back to his country, make some interest exchanges with the M country government, and then continue to be his billionaire comfortably? Everything is just like five years ago, as if nothing happened? ! "

Kudo Yusaku: ...

"I can't do it, Uncle Yusaku... I can't do it."

Kudo Yusaku sighed. His thoughts were much more rational than Kudo Shinichi's. He also knew that the world could not be black and white. Standing on the position of an outsider, he had no right to ask others to let go of hatred.

"Do you know where Thomas Schindler is now?"

Ryomu Ryo shook his head: "I don't know, and I don't care about his whereabouts. I just need to know that he won't die too easily. "

Kudo Yusaku took a sip of tea, lowered his head and thought quietly for a moment, then reached out to pick up all the information and newspapers on the table.

"If you don't mind, can you give me these newspapers?"

"Of course, Uncle Yusaku, you can take them all."

Kudo Yusaku stood up and said goodbye. At the last moment before leaving, he turned his head and looked at Wakaki Ryo.

"I will find a chance to publish these in the information and give your parents an explanation... although it's five years late."

Wakaki Ryo watched Kudo Yusaku leave in a hurryThe back figure left, with a slight smile on his face.

The information about Noah's Ark is real, and the cases in the newspapers are all written by the professor. If the reasoning ceiling is really investigated, it is not difficult to find some clues.

All the conversations he had with Kudo Yusaku today were true, except that the real relationship between the professor and him was false.

The highest level of lies is nine truths and one lie.

Wakagi Ryo closed the door and threw a repair at the groove on the floor at the door of the study.

He did not dodge it on purpose just now.

Bad luck is sometimes a protective color. After seeing how unlucky he was, Kudo Yusaku's suspicion of him was reduced to a certain extent.

Backstab is good -80~

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