After receiving the message from his childhood friend, the salary thief Toru Amuro immediately performed a U-turn on the street and increased drift, then stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the venue of the book signing event.

On the other side, after getting rid of bad luck, Wakaki Ryo drove steadily towards the suburbs.

His driving skills are still good, although they can't be compared with those cheaters like Toru Amuro who overturn gravity at any time.

Big Kudo is quite quiet, not like his son, who jumps up and down and asks questions when the initiative is in the hands of others. Then he tried to activate the reasoning technique of time stillness and use a nuclear bomb football to eliminate the enemy.

Of course, it is also possible that Kudo Yusaku has already known what the purpose of this trip is.

The car soon arrived in the suburbs and finally stopped at a wasteland on the edge of the cemetery-this was once the address of the old house of the Wakaki family.

"Please get out of the car, Mr. Yusaku."

Kudo Yusaku got out of the car silently, watching the professor drive the car to the edge of the old house ruins and open the trunk.

A stronger smell of blood came out, and Thomas Schindler, who died with his eyes open, was stuffed in the trunk with his limbs twisted like a knot. People felt uncomfortable at first sight.

"If you compare yourself to Professor Moriarty, this behavior is not up to par."

Kudo Yusaku knew that Thomas's death was a foregone conclusion, and his attitude could not change anything.

"Don't get me wrong, I never kill people with my own hands." - This is a lie, "but as a qualified criminal service, I am used to starting and ending."

Playing a full set of plays.

Ryo Wakaki, who was wearing the professor's skin, frowned slightly at the corpse and said in a very low voice: "It's getting more and more outrageous."

Kudo Yusaku's eyes flashed.

"My kid didn't know how to control his severity", "I never kill people myself", "He's getting worse and worse"

Yusaku Kudo looked at the corpse. Thomas had obviously been tortured extremely cruelly before his death. The criss-crossing knife wounds on his body stretched from his chest to his abdomen. Some of his internal organs were dug out, and his belly, which had lost its support, looked a little loose.

From a distance, it looked like a black hole of a smiling face had cracked on his body.

There was a kind of neurotic morbid cruelty.

Yusaku Kudo, who had studied criminal psychology in depth and was proficient in character profiling, immediately believed what the professor said.

So, the professor really had a helper, a helper who was responsible for helping him kill people... Could it be Sangria that Shinichi mentioned?

Yusaku Kudo looked at Ryo Wakaki and suddenly said, "Your experiences are similar, right?"


"You didn't make Thomas Schindler's death look like an accident as usual, but chose to take the extremely risky approach of attacking a police car and kidnapping him.

If you didn't feel the same way, you shouldn't have done it yourself."

Ryo Wakaki: ...

Is there a possibility that those who died accidentally were actually caused by -80?

However, Big Kudo is indeed much more powerful than Little Corgi. If he stays a little longer and waits for -80 to come back, he might lose his vest.

Ryo Wakaki smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

With a "boom", a fire explosion was launched, and the corpse and the car behind him were instantly engulfed in flames.

Yusaku Kudo instinctively stretched out his hand to protect his head and face. After the heat wave of the explosion passed, he put down his shielding arm, but there was no trace of the professor in front of him.

Yusaku Kudo: ...

Wait, if you blow up the car, how can I get back? !


After leaving Kudo alone in the suburbs, Ryo Wakagi took advantage of the last time when his bad luck value was sealed and flew back to Beihua City.

After seeing Jingguang's text message that seemed to have found Chianti, he kindly reminded Jingguang that it would be better to stay away from the window.

Although Chianti's appearance this time was probably for some mission.

However, given that there were too many tricks in his recently updated comics, he couldn't guarantee that Chianti would be furious and shoot after seeing Jingguang, who was wearing the skin of "Blue Bird".

After all, she has always had a bad temper.

In short, Jingguang, you have to be strong!

After receiving the kind reminder, Morobushi Keimitsu: ...

"Brother Wakagi, what do you think?"

Hattori Heiji looked at Keimitsu with an expectant look. At his feet, Conan raised his head and looked at him with the same expectant look.

Although sometimes it is not pleasant to be spoiled by the evil-minded brother Wakagi before the case has any clues, but now that there is no clue, the two of them are looking forward to being slightly spoiled for the first time.Spoiler alert.

After a few seconds, a white horse detective who didn't know why but followed the crowd appeared beside the two people.

Zhu Fu Jingguang suddenly felt like Alexander.

If it weren't for the black technology mask on his face, he should have been sweating coldly now.

[Let them find a map to see where the victims work or live. ]

Ruo Mu Liang gave a hint through the communicator.

This is not because Ruo Mu Liang is smarter than the detectives present, but just bullying the detectives present because of insufficient information.

If Chianti, as a comic fan, secretly appeared near the signing event, it is understandable.

But her behavior of carrying a sniper rifle and monitoring the venue from a high altitude is obviously on a mission - except for members of the level of Gin, Rum and Sister Bayonetta, other employees of the winery may carry weapons with them during non-mission periods, but they will not be so outrageous as to carry a large sniper rifle and swagger through the streets every day.

So on the way back, Ruo Mu Liang logged on to the organization's website to check and roughly understood what was going on.

This wave, this wave is a relatively good peripheral member under Rum, who wants to become a code member, so he received the task of "raising 1 billion yen" from Gin-chan.

In short, 1 billion yen is indeed a magical unit of measurement for Gin.

I just don't know if this peripheral member will be an undercover again... Oh, he seems to have been targeted by the god of death, so it doesn't matter whether he is an undercover or not.

At the venue, Morobushi Kagemitsu repeated Wakagi Ryo's words, and then saw Conan, Hattori and Hakuba's eyes light up at the same time, and the three faces showed the same "I understand!" expression.

Kagemitsu: ? ? ?

What did you understand?

How did you understand? !

I'm still confused!

He tilted his head slightly and saw that the high school student who looked very similar to Kudo Shinichi not far away also showed a thoughtful expression, and suddenly felt that cat life was difficult.

Fortunately, except for these high school students, everyone else present, including Maori Kogoro and all the police officers of the Investigation Division, had the same confused expression, which made Jingguang feel a little comforted.

It's good that I'm not the only one confused.

He stood up and walked towards the bathroom. Liangjun had already informed him in the communicator that it was time to change his identity back.

"Wakamu, where are you going?"

"I'm going to the bathroom and will be back soon."

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