Wakagi Ryo spent some time to change back with Jingguang. Jingguang, who turned back into a cat, turned on the autism mode directly and jumped into the cat bag. He didn't want to face those detectives and cases that made the cat bald.

Wakagi Ryo "kindly" sent a message to Niuhulu Richard anonymously, asking him to go to the suburbs to pick up the lonely Kudo.

After all, Mr. Yusaku's role was just to spend some time alone with the professor in the suburbs. Later, he learned from his wife and son that during the book signing event, Wakagi Ryo stayed quietly at the venue from beginning to end and didn't go anywhere.

Thus, the real body and the professor's vest were completely separated from Kudo Yusaku.

The task is completed, please go back to the small black room and type~

In the venue, Maori Kogoro spread out a detailed map of rice flower, circled the address of the second deceased Takahashi Goro's home, and suddenly found that the next to his home was the rice flower bank.

Maori Kogoro, who had been a policeman for many years, became alert all of a sudden.

"The murderer deliberately killed Takahashi Goro. Could it be that he wanted to take the opportunity to cause trouble in his house? The distance is so close, he might dig a tunnel to rob a bank or something, hahahaha..."

Mauri Kogoro analyzed it and felt that it was a bit outrageous.

Before Inspector Megure had time to complain, Detective Hakuba spoke first.

"Sure enough, Detective Maori also saw it. The sleeping Kogoro is really worthy of his reputation."

Hattori Heiji nodded, thinking that the uncle is really capable.

Conan subconsciously touched the anesthetic needle in his hand and the bow-tie voice changer on his chest.

Maori Kogoro:? !

"The murderer wanted to rob a bank?! No, if that's the case, Mr. Takahashi is unmarried and lives alone. Wouldn't it be better to kill him while he's at home?

It's too stupid to do it in a crowded place like a book signing event." Inspector Megure adjusted the hat that was tilted on his forehead with a little surprise.

Hakuba Detective: "Not necessarily. Judging from Mr. Takahashi's belongings, he suffers from asthma. Generally speaking, asthma patients will not easily appear in crowded places. There are many people, mixed air, perfume, smoke or other ingredients, which may be the trigger of asthma attacks."

Hattori Heiji continued: "Yes, it depends on the situation. Mr. Watanabe happened to work in a pharmacy near Mr. Takahashi's home a few days ago, and a small amount of potassium cyanate was also detected in the aerosol used by Mr. Takahashi.

Perhaps the murderer studied Mr. Takahashi's living habits and made a detailed plan, but Mr. Takahashi's visit to the book signing was a spur of the moment."

Wakaki Ryo, who had just returned to the venue, raised his eyebrows.

Is it possible that because there are too many Death Gods gathered here, the aura naturally attracts the dead and the murderer?

"What about Miss Inoue? What is her connection with this case? Why did Watanabe insist that Yamaguchi (the man in rain boots) poison her here?"

Conan touched his chin, looked at the map on the table, and stretched out his hand to gesture something on the nearby line.

"Could it be..."

At this moment, the danger perception of the fish, who had been touching it for an unknown period of time, suddenly screamed like a dead object.

[Dudududu! ! ! ! ! ]

Wakagi Ryo:? !

He lowered his head and squatted and rolled with great skill, and then hid behind the protagonist group led by Maori Kogoro, Ouhuanglan in the middle, and several Death Gods of all sizes standing on the flanks, and finally the huge Inspector Megure ended.

At the same time, the glass of the venue crashed, and it was smashed to pieces by something unknown.

Touzi immediately protected Aoko behind him and looked at the marble floor with a circle of spider-web-like cracks.

There was a bullet embedded in the floor.

"It's a bullet for sniper rifles!"

Maori Kogoro, Inspector Megure and others shouted to the crowd, asking everyone to lie down.

The people who had just jumped off the table got under the table again - it must be said that these tables that Suzuki Sonoko asked the person in charge to move over are really versatile.

Conan looked at the position of the bullet on the floor, and then turned his head to look at Wakaki Ryo.

If I'm not mistaken, the bullet seemed to fall where Wakaki brother just stood. If Wakaki brother hadn't dodged quickly, today's book signing event might have ushered in the third death.

In the crowd, Kudo Yukiko looked at this scene, her mouth twitched slightly, and she had a deep understanding of Wakaki Ryo's "bad luck".

That series of rolling and dodging was very handsome, but it was so skillful that it made people feel a little distressed.

Although Ruomu seemed a little too silent before, this one-in-a-million lucky value is indeed Ruomu'sI am not wrong.

Normal people are not so unlucky.

The previous silence must be because the first time I held a book signing event, I encountered a serial murder case, so I was in a bad mood.

Jingguang, who was lying in the cat bag, was furious, but because it was not appropriate to transform directly in front of thousands of people in public, he had to take out the special animal form mobile phone from the side of the cat bag with great effort, and then used the small meat pad to send another message to his childhood friend.

Didn’t Chianti say that he was only here to supervise the regularization task? Why did he suddenly open... um, it couldn’t be because of Liang Jun’s mysterious luck again?

At this time, the other people at the book signing event were completely unsettled.

Previously, they mistakenly thought that a poisonous snake had entered the venue, but it was later proved to be a false alarm by the detectives, and they were reassured by the 30% discount coupon from the Suzuki Group.

This time the sniper rifle is not fake, right? !

The people living in Beihua are quite knowledgeable in some strange aspects. Who doesn't know the bullets of sniper rifles?

The crowd was in turmoil again.

Inspector Megure knew that there was no way to stop them from leaving this time, unless the detectives around him could solve the case immediately in the next second.

Otherwise, if a riot was caused by a mishandling, the consequences would not be borne by a small inspector like him.

Xiaolan protected Suzuki Sonoko, half-crouched and slowly moved to a safe place, then contacted the person in charge to open the side door and back door of the venue, and directed the guests to leave the venue in batches through several side doors.


On the rooftop of a building outside the venue

Chianti looked at the beloved sniper rifle in his hand with a confused face.

She swore that when she saw the hateful face of the blue bird, she wanted to shoot a cartoonist who was crazy about sending knives to death for a moment.

But if the comic I have been following is stuck at the last part and then stopped updating... that would be even more unbearable!!

So, although Chianti instinctively looked at the heart, the center of the eyebrows, the throat and other vital places that could kill with one shot when looking at the Bluebird through the sniper scope, her finger was definitely not on the trigger.

So, why did her most beloved partner, whom she took care of every day, suddenly go off?

Could it be that even the sniper rifle couldn't tolerate the Bluebird's behavior that angered the heavens and the people? !

"Tsk, forget it, move quickly."

If he fired a shot in front of so many police officers and stayed where he was, would he be caught and given a peanut by Gin?

Chianti quickly disassembled the sniper rifle and put it in the guitar backpack beside him. He picked up the shell on the rooftop with the backpack, looked at it and saw that there were no fatal clues such as hair left, and left in a hurry.

As soon as he went downstairs, he bumped into Toru Amuro who was racing all the way.

Toru Amuro drifted and parked the car in front of Chianti and opened the door.

"Get in the car!"


The police cars at the signing venue began to surround this side regularly, and Toru Amuro urged again impatiently.

Chianti didn't ask any more questions and got in the car directly.

As soon as the door was closed, Toru Amuro stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, almost throwing Chianti who was not wearing a seat belt out.

Chianti: ...

She silently fastened the seat belt and hugged the guitar bag in her arms.

"Did you shoot?"

Toru Amuro drove a distance away and confirmed that there was no police car behind him, then he asked Chianti.

At the same time, because Chianti was sitting in the back seat and couldn't see his every move clearly, Toru Amuro always kept one hand suspended on the position of the weapon.

If Chianti's answer was wrong, he would risk being exposed and kill her with one shot.

God knows how panicked he was when he received the message from Jingguang that "Ryo-kun was almost killed by a sniper rifle" while racing (the message was still sent by Jingguang using his paw pads to press out on the phone with difficulty).

Then he drove the car with a dark face, wishing he could drive it directly to the sky.

"... It went off accidentally."

Although it was a bit embarrassing, Chianti's personality has always been straightforward, and he doesn't like to beat around the bush.

Amuro Toru: ...

He almost choked himself.

Then he thought of the scene when Ryo-kun had just joined the organization not long ago and was practicing shooting under his guidance, and the gun in his hand crackled and exploded more diligently than firecrackers, and sighed helplessly.

"Bourbon, why are you there, and you know I fired a gun?" Chianti asked casually.

AmuroMuro looked up at the rearview mirror.

"I'm near the venue, helping Rum bring the latest special."

Chianti: ? ? ?

Oh, I almost forgot, Rum is also following the Bluebird comics, it seems that it was because he found that Gin and she were following this comic, so he took a look out of curiosity. From then on, like her, he fell into a pit called Bluebird and couldn't climb out.

If this sentence was changed to Gin or Bayonetta, who knew that Sangria = Wakagi Ryo = Bluebird, it would naturally be full of loopholes.

But for members like Chianti, who have extremely limited information, there is nothing wrong with it.

In addition, Rum is elusive, and recently he has not even been to the organization's safe house. He doesn't believe that Chianti would go to Rum for such a thing and ask "Did you ask Bourbon to buy the latest Bluebird comics for you?"


Chianti suddenly cursed, and then punched his palm in frustration.

“I didn’t get the latest version!”

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