Wakagi Ryo carried the cat bag and followed the protagonists, slowly evacuating from the venue.

Unlike the protagonists who all looked solemn, Wakagi Ryo, although he was almost shot, still had the mood to reach into the cat bag and try to rub the slightly furry Jingguang cat.

However, Jingguang cat was obviously not willing to be rubbed. His two paws resisted for a long time, and in the end it seemed to become a magical "cat paw must be on" game.

They were the last group of people to evacuate the venue.

Just as Wakagi Ryo left the venue, "boom" explosions sounded one after another, and several cars that drove out of the parking lot next to them exploded directly on the spot.

Wakagi Ryo took a deep breath and looked at the detectives around him with deep fear in his eyes.

Sure enough, with the gathering of the gods of death and the venue provided by the Suzuki Group, it was impossible not to explode.

The eight eggs that arrived late in this wave were the best proof.

That is, they were so far away, why could they still be affected?

Death halo, so terrifying.

On the road in front of the venue, seven or eight burning cars were stuck on the street. From the wreckage of the exploded cars, it can be seen that the drivers were basically killed on the spot. The only lucky one who survived also had a large area of ​​burns all over his body.

Even if he could be saved...

The murderer seemed to have randomly installed the explosives directly under the driver's seat, and the dosage seemed to be strictly controlled. The explosion may kill the driver, but the power is not enough to blow up the entire vehicle.

His purpose is not just to kill a few people, but to use the exploding car to cause a chain of car accidents and completely block the road in front of the entire venue.

And the situation is indeed as he expected.

Because the drivers almost all died on the spot at the moment of the explosion, the burning and out-of-control cars ran rampant on the crowded streets, which soon caused a series of chain reactions and caused extremely bad chain traffic accidents.

A rough estimate shows that at least more than 20 cars were affected. The road in front of the venue was instantly blocked by cars running in all directions.

Some lucky car owners were only brushed by the out-of-control car; those who were not so lucky turned the steering wheel sharply to avoid it, and ended up crashing into street lamps or flower beds.

This road is the only way to the Mika Bank.

In other words, even now, if the murderer who created all this went to rob the bank directly, the police would not be able to rush to the scene in the first time.

Ruo Mu Liang looked at the tragic scene in front of him and lowered his eyes.

The opening was superb.

Could this method be done by an outside member? He believed it more when he said it was Rum's plan.

This sinister plan, which was linked one after another, was in line with Rum's method.

He turned to look at the furious Maori Kogoro, the clenched fists of Conan and Heiji, and then looked at the somewhat gloomy Hakuba Tan, and the serious Kuroba Kaito who was a little further away.

However, this time he offended four death gods and a peace dove.

Could it be that... the red and black war started in advance?

"Quick, call the fire department! Contact the hospital to send as many medical staff as possible, everyone, help rescue the injured!"

Inspector Megure roared and commanded his police officers to start the rescue operation immediately. He also rolled up his sleeves and rushed to the nearest car.

Suzuki Sonoko nervously called the person in charge of the venue and asked him to send someone with a fire extinguisher to help immediately.

Because several cars in the car accident were ignited, it was extremely easy to cause a secondary explosion, resulting in more serious consequences.

Hakuba Tan also contacted his father immediately.

In the current situation, even if the ambulance arrives at the scene, the medical staff and stretchers cannot get in at all. The injured in the car must be temporarily transferred to a safe place first, and then the car wreckage on the street must be towed away by a trailer to clear enough space for the rescue team.

Xiao Keji was cruelly excluded from the rescue team because of his short arms and legs and not much strength.

Conan sneezed while holding the cat bag, and then he almost fell down because of his unstable center of gravity. He cursed the gang of the Black Organization for countless times in his heart, and missed his own body of Kudo Shinichi.

Although he couldn't smash the car window with his bare hands like Xiaolan, and then safely dragged the driver stuck in the seat out. But he could at least contribute a little, instead of just standing there stupidly like now.

It was really terrible to see that others were trying their best to save people, but he couldn't do anything.

Wakagi Ryo stuffed Jingguang's cat bag into the cat bag of the cat.After it came to Conan's hands, he rolled up his sleeves, tentatively found a car, and took two steps forward to observe the situation.

As expected, he just took a few steps closer, and the danger perception that could not be slack today skipped the process and started beeping directly.

Then, the fire in his target vehicle, which had been stable, suddenly became strong again as if it was suddenly poured with oil, and then there was a second explosion.

Ruo Muliang sighed, but fortunately he knew himself, so the car he chose for the experiment had a driver who was already dead, so he didn't have to worry about people jumping up and blaming him because of the injury.

There was no way, he had to ensure in front of the protagonists that Ruo Muliang's basic position was biased towards the red side. At this time, he must not be indifferent to this tragedy, and it is necessary to step forward to help save people.

But -80 will not give up today's backstab just because he is saving people.

Although after he had activated the skill "Magic Shield" two days ago, even if he was hit in the face by a bomb, he would not be injured.

However, this skill can only be used for himself.

Conan reached out and grabbed the hem of Wakaki Ryo's clothes, and his expression looked a bit hard to describe.

"Wakaki, why don't you come with me and watch from the side."

He returned the cat bag in his arms to Wakaki Ryo, and then grabbed Wakaki Ryo's clothes tightly to prevent him from getting close to the chaotic scene.

Although I know that Wakaki is kind, with Wakaki's luck, will he really not bomb wherever he goes, saving one and dying one?

After imagining such a scene, Conan's mouth twitched more violently, and his other hand also tightly grabbed Wakaki Ryo's sleeve.

You must not go over there, those drivers are very fragile, they can't withstand secondary damage! !

At this moment, Inspector Megure's cell phone rang like a life-threatening sound.

"What did you say?!!!"

Inspector Megure hung up the phone and punched the wrecked car next to him, making a fist-sized dent in the door.

"Inspector, what happened?"

Mouri Kogoro carried a young man with blood all over his face and moved him to the open space that the garden had cleared. He looked at Inspector Megure with a worried look.

"The Beika Bank was robbed just now."

Inspector Megure took off his hat that he always wore, and his expression was a little depressed.

"In addition to the cash, 10 tons of gold stored in the Beika Bank also disappeared... Damn it, so much gold, how did these bastards transport it away?!"

Mouri Kogoro: !!!

He turned his head to look at the messy road and suddenly reacted.

"This is the only way to go. In this situation, there is no way to get the police car through!"

"I have contacted the Metropolitan Police Department and the Public Security Department. They will send a helicopter to the scene, but... by the time they arrive, it may be too late."

Wakagi Ryo squatted beside a conscious injured person and sent a message to Amuro Toru.

Amuro Toru received the message:? ? ! ! !

What's going on? !

Didn't you say that it was just a task to make a regular member of an outside member? Why did it cause such a big scene? !

ps: I'm so stuck, just watch it (╯︵╰)

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