Thinking of taking a big cat for a walk, Ruo Mu Liang's back and legs were no longer sore. He rushed into his workshop and took out the collar he had made when he was bored.

Ruo Mu Liang returned to the living room and saw an unconscious Amuro Toru on the sofa.

However, Jing Guang still had a little conscience. At least after knocking out his childhood friend, he remembered to treat all the wounds on his body.

Hehehe, big cat!

The next day, after Amuro Lynx woke up, he looked at his fluffy big paws and fell into deep thought.

What happened last night?

He directed Feng Jian and a group of public security brothers over the phone to carefully split and transport the liquid bombs that were frozen into two large lumps of ice, and then treated them in batches with neutralizers. He felt a black screen in front of his eyes and lost consciousness.

Wake up, that's it.

Lynx Amuro scratched his neck with his claws, and scratched a familiar collar...

[Ryo-kun? ]

The big cat roared, and woke Ryo Wakaki, who was curled up on the sofa and immersed in the crazy refreshed emotional value on the panel, back to his senses.

He blinked his eyes, smiled and stretched out his hand to rub the back hair of the lynx, which felt very good.

"Hey, Amuro-san, you finally woke up."

[What, is, going on? ! ! ]

Lynx Amuro roared with a dark face (although it was not clear).

Ryo Wakaki said thoughtfully: "It's because of you, you don't have any defense behind you."

Toru Amuro: ? ? ?

Is that what I'm asking? Don't change the subject, believe it or not, I will beat you up after I return to human form!

Feeling the murderous intent in Amuro Toru's eyes, Wakaki Ryo was not panicked at all. He even calmly took out a rope that was very familiar to Amuro Toru, ignored the big cat's sharp white teeth, and fixed it on the collar.

"Amuro-san, do you want to go for a walk?"

[Waka! Mu! Ryo! ]

The big cat's roar attracted Jingguang Cat. Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled and said to Wakaki Ryo: "Ryo, you go eat first, I'll have a good chat with Ling."

Wakaki Ryo held a spoon in his mouth and watched Zhu Fu Jingguang, who was still black today, hook the big cat's neck with one hand and drag Amuro Lynx towards the balcony.

Ah, this black Jingguang is a bit scary.

Half an hour later, Amuro Lynx dejectedly contributed a large wave of emotional value, walked back to the living room, found a soft carpet to lie down, and rested his head on his two paws.

Amuro Toru exited the Shibuya dungeon early yesterday. He only knew that it seemed that Kaito Kid had taken action and froze the liquid bombs spreading everywhere.

So, was it Ryo who froze it secretly?

Jingguang said that when Ryo came home, he could hardly stand.

Guilt +1+1

Thinking of the last time Ryo Wakagi was paralyzed in bed for a month in order to revive Kenji, Amuro Toru's conscience hurt even more.

And he selectively ignored the fact that Ryo Wakagi, who had obviously overdrawn his magic power, still had the energy to turn him into a big cat.

I'm really damned.JPG

Ryo Wakagi tentatively rubbed the big cat's head twice, but there was no resistance; he tentatively pulled the rope on the collar, but there was still no resistance.

Wakagi Ryo's eyes lit up, and he led the big cat out of the door. Although he was unable to take the cat out for a walk due to the big cat's desperate resistance, he just walked around the yard, scaring all the cats and dogs in the yard to run to the next door with their fur standing up.

Hey, the big cat is so cute~

If I hadn't put the two little ones thrown in the No. 5 safe house back first, to prevent Conan's death halo from going berserk and launching a large-scale indiscriminate attack next door, I would have played with the big cat all day today.

After rubbing Amuro's big cat several times with satisfaction, Wakagi Ryo switched to Sangria's vest and came to the No. 5 safe house where almost no members of the organization could be seen.

Emmm, it seems that Gin and other small peripherals used to like coming here.

Ruo Mu Liang walked to the collection room, opened the door, and saw two children who were obviously asleep but still trembling from time to time, with tears on their faces. He reflected for a second whether his behavior was a bit too much.

But thinking about the emotional value he had accumulated in the past two days, he skillfully threw all the guilt into the trash can.

Conscience is not important.


"Senior Fufu Vodka, help me ...

To sum it up, Sangria is crazy. It’s not enough to cause trouble in safe house No. 5, now he has started to cause trouble in safe house No. 3!

He carried a lot of things and found a room, and then he made some noises, and I don’t know what he was doing.

But judging from the experience of an innocent kid who didn’t read the forum much two days ago and accidentally entered safe house No. 5, and was frightened by the weird atmosphere in the safe house and the faint crying of children (Mitsuhiko and Ayumi were frightened),

Sangria is definitely not doing anything good.

Vodka: ...

What’s the point of you telling me this? Do you overestimate me? Do you think I dare to question the little madman?

He turned around and looked at Gin with a look of help.

Brother, safe house No. 5 is useless, and No. 3 can’t have any more trouble!

Gin: ...

He tutted impatiently, grabbed the collar of the little outsider, and asked sinisterly: "Where is Sangria?"

"In the underground training range."

Gin threw the little outsider away, strode towards the destination with a cigarette in his mouth, and Vodka took a deep breath, prepared himself mentally, and trotted behind Gin.

It's okay, it's okay, calm down.

The big brother is still here, Sangria will definitely not do anything to you!


When he saw Sangria wearing a white coat, with a lot of blood on his face and body, and pushing a super large coffin out of the training ground, Vodka was still scared.


He looked at the coffin with a suspicious look, and then looked at Sangria. He wanted to cut open the head of this little lunatic for countless times to see what was inside.

When Ruomu Liang saw Gin and Vodka, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Senior Gin, you came just in time, watch me give you a whole job~"

Ruomu Liang pushed the coffin to Gin's side. The model worker of the winery frowned and instinctively wanted to touch the gun, but he finally held back. But Vodka couldn't help but took a small step back.

Ruomu Liang opened the lid of the coffin, revealing Miyano Akemi inside.

Miyano Akemi? ! ! !

Hasn't this woman been blown to ashes?

Gin took out the gun, aimed, and fired in one go. Amid Ruomu Liang's distressed cry, he shot "Miyano Akemi" in the forehead.

In the bullet hole on the forehead, dense and complex lines were revealed.

"Oh, I did it for a long time!"

Ruomu Liang squatted down with a little distress, then opened the skull of "Miyano Akemi" and took out the bullet inside.

Vodka: !!! !!!

Although he already knew that the Akemi Miyano in front of him was not a real person, but a simulated robot made by Sangria. But seeing Sangria directly opened the skull of this familiar person with a 99% similarity, he still couldn't help but took several steps back.

Gin: ...

Gin felt a headache. He took a deep breath, then stretched out his hand and pressed his eyebrows, forcing himself not to shoot the little madman directly.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Wakamu Liang took out the bullet, then closed the robot's skull, holding the bullet in his hand aggrievedly.

"Isn't this a small gift prepared for Rye? Vermouth said that she found clues about Rye, so I prepared it specially."

The Akemi Miyano in the coffin is just a showpiece, although the circuit inside looks complicated. In fact, it is just an oversized figurine, which can't move or talk, but it is more than enough to fool Gin and Vodka, who are laymen who don't know much about biomechanics.

After all, he has a real Miyano Akemi in his hands.

He came here early to do something, just to let the people at the distillery prepare themselves in advance.

After all, according to the movements of Akai Shuichi and Vermouth, the "Full Moon Chapter" seems to be about to begin. At that time, he will definitely let Miyano Akemi go out for a walk.

It will be no fun if Gin kills her with a shot.

So, Gin senior, please remember that the "Miyano Akemi" you see from today onwards are just simulated machines made by the crazy little man at the distillery.

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