Gin looked at the "Miyano Akemi" whose head was half opened in the coffin, and pinched his nose with a headache.

"Vodka, you carry this coffin to safe house No. 5."

Anyway, it's already a haunted house, so this coffin doesn't matter.

Vodka: ? ? ! ! !

Big, big brother?

"But, but..."

Vodka looked at Gin's back, trembling and stretched out his Erkang hand, trying to struggle again.

He really didn't want to go to the haunted house, especially dragging a coffin to the haunted house! It's okay to let other peripherals go!

However, Gin didn't really want to listen to the driver's complaints. He looked at "Miyano Akemi" in the coffin with an indescribable look, and thought of Rye's expression after seeing this "ex-girlfriend", and his mood suddenly improved a little.

And strangely, a faint expectation rose.

Ah~ Akai Shuichi. At that time, the expression on your face must be very good.

"Come with me tomorrow and get a software."

Gin said to Ruo Mu Liang, and then used a cold look to signal Vodka to quickly move the thing on the ground.

Vodka: ...

He looked at Gin, and then at Sangria. Okay, I can't beat any of them, and my position at the bottom of the food chain is confirmed.

When Ruo Mu Liang heard the word software, his DNA seemed to move suddenly.

He trotted to catch up with Gin who was walking away in big strides, "Senior Gin, what kind of software requires two code members to go and get it in person?"

Gin glanced at Wakura Ryo who was full of curiosity and snorted, "It is a software designed by a programmer named Itakura Taku. He has always been responsible for connecting with Vermouth. I don't know the specific content of the software.

However, Vermouth is busy playing games with those FBI rats recently, so I took the time to go over. Humph, Vermouth, that woman, this kind of thing can obviously be done by asking two peripheral members.

But since you seem to be free, come with me."

Wakura Ryo: ? ? ?

What kind of people are the peripheral members in the organization, Gin, don't you have any idea?

Perhaps Wakura Ryo's eyes were too straightforward, Gin obviously realized something, and snorted even more angrily.

Can I say that it's mainly to find you something to do so that you don't harm the organization's safe house anymore?

Wakamura Ryo stopped, watched Gin return to the bar upstairs, and smiled as he opened Conan's live broadcast room.

Itakura Taku, software, these two keywords together, aren't they Conan's cabinet famous scene reserved.

Then this... Even if Gin didn't say it, he would definitely go with him. How can such a fun thing as scaring Conan be without the dead pervert Sangria?

The driver with sunglasses on closed the lid of the coffin for the leaky "Miyano Akemi" and then started to worry about the coffin.

Although there are many cars in the underground garage of the safe house, most of them are ordinary cars, and there is really no car that can fit a whole coffin.

Is it necessary to rent a car?

Noticing the big guy with a sad face, Wakamura Ryo rolled his eyes, turned back with his hands in his pockets, and patted Vodka on the shoulder.

"Xiao Fu, what's wrong?

Oh, I understand. The coffin is hard to handle, right? This is simple."

Ruo Mu Liang turned around and went back into the room where he had been tinkering for a long time. He dragged out a large suitcase from it, kicked open the cover of the coffin, pulled out "Miyano Akemi" inside, and stuffed it into the suitcase.

Vodka: !!! !!!

Although, did he just hear the crisp sound of bones dislocation? ! Even if this is not a real person, this is too...

The fierce big driver broke out in layers of cold sweat on his forehead. In broad daylight, his sanity value dropped wildly.


Dr. Agasa drove Conan and followed the address that suddenly appeared on his mobile phone to the abandoned warehouse before.

Looking at the familiar decoration of the warehouse, his mind couldn't help but recall again the painful memories of being tied up here by the professor and fighting with the strange white cat.

Conan shook his head, threw away the mournful music that suddenly sounded in his mind, and squeezed in through the gap of the warehouse door.

He did not participate in this bombing case. Even though he felt like there were countless rats gnawing at his heart, he endured it and stayed at the doctor's house. He just kept following the relevant information through the news.

He knew that the criminal was so crazy that he almost blew up the entire Shibuya, and he also knew that it was Kaito Kid who took action in the end and used some means to blow up the liquid that was about to explode.All the explosives in the body were frozen, saving everyone in Shibuya at that time.

Could Kaito Kidd be related to the professor?

Otherwise, why did the professor kidnap Ayumi and others, and refused to let me intervene in this case, but let Kaito Kidd's appearance go?

Next time... the next time Kidd sends a notice, I must find out about this matter!

After entering the abandoned warehouse, Conan heard faint crying.

Following the familiar crying, he ran wildly and successfully found Ayumi and Mitsuhiko who were tied to a pillar and missing for nearly two days.

The two little ones looked miserable, their faces looked extremely pale, and there was a thick layer of dark circles under their eyes. However, there were no obvious wounds on their bodies.

It seems that the professor is indeed trustworthy and did not let Sangria do anything to the two little ones.

Ayumi and Mitsuhiko, two children, first experienced a chainsaw above their heads and were forced to do homework, and then were knocked unconscious by a baby-faced demon. When they woke up again, they were frightened by a room full of dolls that seemed to be alive.

In just two days, they experienced a great terror that ordinary people could not experience in their lifetime. At this time, seeing the familiar Conan, both Ayumi and Mitsuhiko could not help crying.

The doctor, who was following closely behind Conan, caught up with them panting, and then untied the ropes on the two of them with a distressed look on his face, holding the two little ones on the left and right and returning to the car.

After arriving home, please ask Midorikawa next door to make some delicious food for the children.

Conan sat in the co-pilot, looking at the two friends who were still shivering in the back seat, and clenched his fists tightly.

Maybe because the purpose of this time was not camping, even though Conan, the god of death, was in the car, the doctor's car did not trigger negative buffs such as breaking down, but drove home safely.

As soon as they arrived at the yard, the doctor and his team bumped into Ryo Wakagi who was carrying a lunch box.

"Brother Wakagi, why are you here?"

Of course, he came here to renew the "nightmare technique" of the fat man Genta. At that time, due to various reasons, the fat man Genta was not abducted as a hostage, resulting in a one-day tour of the collection room of the No. 5 safe house missing a heavyweight tourist.

Now that I have time, I must come to add a BUFF to Genta again, right?

Good friends should share happiness and difficulties.

So, in the next month, please enjoy the fear of being dominated by homework in your dreams every night, Genta-kun.

Well, of course, I think so, but I definitely can't say it to Conan.

So Wakagi Ryo, who had been prepared, shook the food box in his hand and said, "Ai-chan just came to my house and asked Midorikawa to help make some easy-to-digest food for Ayumi and the others.

What's wrong? You two don't look very well. Are you sick?"

Wakagi·The Culprit·Ryo asked about the two children with great concern. Conan adhered to his usual style, so he naturally concealed everything that could be concealed. He tried to change the subject after a few perfunctory sentences.

Wakagi Ryo followed Conan's thoughts and changed the topic. He followed the doctor into the house and watched the three children eating without raising their heads.

After eating, Wakagi Ryo supported his chin and watched the "Young Detective Team disbanded on the spot" scene, and sighed with a little regret.

In that case, it will be a bit difficult to get a few children in the future.

Is it really the case that we can only rely on Conan and Ai-chan?

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