Two days later.

Gin dragged the soul-out Wakura Ryo off the boat like a corpse, and Shirley followed closely behind them with her small backpack.

Wakura Ryo:...

Although seasickness is terrible, the three male models of the winery, Gin, Bourbon, and Rye, have all served as human transportation for me. Thinking of this, Wakura Ryo even wanted to proudly put his hands on his waist.


Gin paused holding his hand, squinted his eyes and looked at Wakura Ryo who was retching, as if silently threatening: If you dare to spit on my hand, I will definitely throw you into the sea!

"Um, are you okay?"

A gentle older sister in a shrine maiden costume asked worriedly.

"No, it's okay. I'm just seasick. I'll be fine after a rest after getting off the boat."

Ryomu struggled to save his wrinkled collar from Gin's hands, took a breath and gave her a weak smile.

There was no way, the boss was a cold-blooded iceberg, and the way he usually communicated with others was either bullets or explosives. The girl who was traveling with him was a scientific research genius who stayed in the laboratory all year round, and her character attributes were somewhat socially anxious.

So the task of communicating with the islanders still had to be his.

"That's good." The gentle big sister breathed a sigh of relief, "The guests are here to participate in the mermaid festival on the island."

"Yes, I heard about the mermaid festival here in Tokyo, so I asked my brother to take me and my sister to the island to have a look during the holidays. May I ask, is there anything I need to pay attention to when participating in the festival?"

The girl in shrine maiden makeup covered her mouth and chuckled, saying: "It's not that mysterious. We will sell number plates to guests who have signed up before the festival. After the festival begins, the longevity lady will give out three blessed arrows. As long as the guest number If the number on the code card matches the number drawn, you can get the Dugong Arrow.

Although it sounds magical, it is actually a lottery game. If you want to participate in the festival, you must first go to the shrine to sign up. If you don’t mind, I can lead the way for you. ”

Wakagi Ryo looked up at Gin’s face, then turned around and said, “Then I’ll trouble you, sister.”

The black-haired lady in the shrine maiden costume, that is, Shimabukuro Kimie, led Wakagi Ryo and the other two to the shrine, whispering and introducing many local specialties and customs along the way.

“That’s it. I still need to help prepare for the festival, so I’ll leave first. I hope this young lady can draw the Dugong Arrow as she wishes and achieve her dream of eternal youth. ”

Speaking of which, Shimabukuro Naoko is still alive at this time.

The existence of the longevity woman is just a scam. The women of the Shimabukuro family love this island and hope that through the holding of the mermaid festival, this island can continue to prosper.

The current longevity woman is played by Shimabukuro Kimie's mother, Shimabukuro Naoko. After Shimabukuro Naoko died, the role of longevity woman was inherited by Shimabukuro Kimie.

But if I remember correctly, Shimabukuro Naoko seemed to be locked up in a warehouse and burned alive by the drunken Monkyo Saori and the other two after the mermaid festival. The reason was that these three crazy women wanted to see if the longevity woman could really live forever.

Is it the murder scene on Mermaid Island?

Wakagi Ryo looked thoughtfully in the direction of the shrine and filled in the names of Kurosawa Jin and Kurosawa Ryo on the registration form for the festival.

After writing the name Miyano Shiho, Shirley looked at the two Kurosawas listed above her name and looked at Jin Changzhi with a complicated expression.

With this age difference, it can't be an illegitimate child.

Gin's reputation was suddenly harmed when he didn't know.

The festival would not start until around 7pm, and Wakagi Ryo knew everything about this so-called festival, so naturally he had no expectations.

However, the seafood on the island was quite good, and Wakagi Ryo dragged Shirley around to find a popular stall and ate a lot.

Anyway, Gin paid.


"The longevity lady is fake. Well, this is delicious, Shirley, do you want to eat it?"

Wakagi Ryo was holding a box of octopus balls, eating while talking to Gin and Shirley.

"How did you tell?"

Shirley reached out and took a small skewer, poked an octopus ball and put it in her mouth, and then her eyes lit up.

It was indeed better than what I had in Tokyo.

"After the festival, I pretended to be lost and went to the shrine.

Inside, then, taking the opportunity to trip the longevity lady and help her, he touched her bone age, which was no more than 50 years old.

The skin on the face and hands can be solved by makeup. Don’t we know a master? "

Indeed, Gin narrowed his eyes. No matter how many times he saw Vermouth's disguise, he still felt it was magical.

"Maybe the people on the island felt that seafood alone could not attract enough guests to increase the income of the island, so they fabricated a fictitious mermaid legend to attract tourists. After all, who doesn't want to live forever, especially those rich people or politicians in high positions. "

"So is it a wasted trip?"

Shirley stuffed a lot of special snacks brought back by Ruo Muliang in her mouth, and her cheeks were bulging with food.

Tea hamster emoticon package GET√

Gin: ...

So this trip is just for me to take the two children on a sea trip?

"But to be on the safe side, I still got a dugong arrow back. You can take it back for testing. Although I don't think there will be any results. "

Gin silently took the Dugong Arrow from Wakagi Ryo's hand and stuffed it into his briefcase.

"We'll return tomorrow."

The fire burned fiercely.

The blazing fire was like the sun, illuminating the lively festival. The billowing smoke accompanied by the screams of the people around showed its wantonness.

"What's going on?"

Wakagi Ryo glanced at the direction of the fire, reached out and pulled Shirley over and said, "It looks like the shrine is on fire. I'll take you back to the hotel first. There are so many people and it would be bad if you get lost or get trampled. "

Gin glanced coldly at Wakaki Ryo and Shirley, and walked towards the fire against the crowd.

Shirley saw that Gin had gone to investigate the situation, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​joining in the fun, and followed Wakaki Ryo back to the small hotel where they were temporarily staying.

More than ten minutes later, Gin returned to the room with murderous aura and a clear smell of burning.

As soon as he entered the door, he took out the dagger he carried with him and put it against Wakaki Ryo's neck.


Shirley exclaimed.

"Why do you have to do unnecessary things?"

"Brother, what are you talking about? Why don't I understand?"

Wakaki Ryo asked back with a smile.

"Three girls were burned to death in the warehouse of the shrine. Several bottles of wine were scattered next to the bodies, and the door of the warehouse was locked from the inside. "

"Shouldn't that be an accident? They got drunk and locked themselves in the warehouse by mistake, and then accidentally ignited the bottles of wine they brought in, causing this tragedy. Well, so, drink moderately. "

Gin snorted coldly, and pushed forward with his hand holding the dagger. A cut was immediately made on Ruo Muliang's neck, and blood gushed out.

"It is because of you that I don't believe this is an accident. You spent too much time in the shrine to get information."

"Okay, okay, I'll tell the truth."

Ruo Muliang carefully reached out and pushed away the dagger in Gin's hand. Jin Changzhi, who was full of murderous intent, didn't really want to get rid of him here. Otherwise, according to Gin's character, he would have shot and done it the moment he entered the door, and it would be impossible to talk nonsense with him here.

"When I went to the shrine to investigate, I saw three women who didn't draw the dugong arrows were drunk, following the woman who played the longevity woman, planning to lock her in the warehouse of the shrine and set fire to it to see if this longevity woman could really live forever. ”

“So, I followed and did some tricks, trying to burn others to death, but I was trapped in the fire. Isn’t this reversal interesting?”

And the three people added up to give him nearly 2,000 emotional points. From the perspective of NPCs, it is quite good.

Boring hobbies.

Gin put away the dagger. He was not surprised by such a statement.

Long before recruiting Wakaki Ryo, he analyzed Wakaki Ryo’s behavior pattern from the existing information. A madman who believes in karma and is good at lynching.

“I don’t care about your peculiar little hobby. However, if your behavior exposes the organization’s actions, I will definitely kill you!”

“How could it be? Anyway, it’s an ‘accident’, isn’t it?”

[Received a shocking emotional value of 7,000 from Miyano Shiho]

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