On the way back, Shirley kept her distance from Ryo Wakagi. Even after returning to Tokyo, she would rather sit in the co-pilot seat closer to Gin than sit in the back seat with Ryo Wakagi as she did when they set out.

Oh, I'm being hated.

But Ryo Wakagi didn't have any idea of ​​making up for it.

He had no intention of whitewashing this winery vest from the beginning, after all, it was too miserable for Gin to be a one-man army (crossed out).

If you want to be a villain, you have to be a complete villain. In this way, after the main storyline starts in the later period, when she appears in front of Conan and Haibara Ai with the winery vest, she can collect more emotional values ​​from the two people.

As the plot progresses, this vest can also escape or get more deeply involved in the main plot.

What does the real wine "Kurosawa Ryo" have to do with him, Wakaki Ryo? He is just an ordinary cartoonist.

Moreover, the more Shirley shows that she hates him now, the less likely he will be implicated when she defected later.

After all, Gin is a brain-stuffing monster. If someone of your age comes and they are both genius teenagers, they might spark some sparks that shouldn't exist. If you make trouble for him in various ways, it will delay his goal of brushing points.

Gin drove Shirley back to the laboratory first, and then stepped on the accelerator and took him directly to the safe house that was already quite familiar.

"The boss wants to see you."

The living room in the safe house, which seemed to be destroyed by a tornado not long ago, has been restored to its original state.

Gin took Wakaki Ryo into the master bedroom and turned the copper table lamp on the bedside table. A small tunnel that could only accommodate one person suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

Is there another cave underground?

Ruo Mu Liang knew what to do and didn't ask any questions. He followed Gin down the corridor.

At the end of the corridor was a room as bright as day. There were no extra decorations in the room. There was only a huge computer in the middle, with the screen hanging in the air.

In the middle of the screen was a ball of electric wave pattern that twisted and tangled like a cat's wool.

"You're here, my child."

An old voice came from the screen, and the light wave pattern on it kept changing its shape with the voice.

Ruo Mu Liang felt a little dizzy, and suddenly an idea rose from the bottom of his heart uncontrollably.

The boss is so good to me. In order to repay the boss, I must work hard until I die, and burn all the light and heat of my life for the winery... What the hell.

Radio wave hypnosis? Remote brainwashing? This is really out of this world.

Your trick is even more magical than magic.

However, Ruo Muliang wisely did not reveal his true thoughts, and his face squeezed out a bit of fanaticism and admiration.

"Sir, I, I finally met you!"

"Well, Gin handed in all your mission reports. You are very capable and I am very optimistic about you."

Sir said he was very optimistic about me! He must not have said this to other members! Sure enough, Sir admires me the most!

The consciousness that popped up in his mind could not be suppressed, and the smile at the corner of Ruo Muliang's mouth was a little stiff. Today he finally experienced what it felt like to be a brainless person.

"Thank you, sir! Sir, can I come to see you often? You give me a very kind feeling, just like the most important person to me."

"Really, the most important person? Don't you like bourbon and rye very much?"

Because they are the old thief's godsons! The red side's iron thigh! Hold the leg hair tightly, and you don't have to be too afraid of dying on the spot when the next plot begins.

The truth almost blurted out, and a layer of cold sweat seeped out of Ruo Muliang's back.

"I don't like Bourbon's hair. Short blond hair reminds me of people I hate. But I like his eyes. They are violet and like gems."

"It's the same with Rye. Dark green eyes are rare. They are like the jade I saw in my father's collection. Sir, sir, if one day Bourbon or Rye fails in a mission and dies, can I dig out their eyes for collection?"

Wakamura Ryo:...

Did I say something outrageous by mistake just now because I was too confused.


He watched Wakamura Ryo say cruel and morbid words with an innocent expression.

No one can lie in front of the BOSS. Sure enough, the intuition at the beginning was right. He is just a little lunatic who likes to pretend to be good.

The BOSS seemed quite satisfied with Wakamura Ryo's answer. There seemed to be something in his old voice.

There was a hint of smile.

"If they die one day, I allow you to collect them. But you can't do bad things for the sake of collecting them."

"Okay... I'll listen to you, sir! Will you like me the most in this way?"

Ruo Mu Liang pretended to be disappointed and regretful and lowered his head. He didn't dare to look directly at the waves on the screen. The feeling of being brainwashed became stronger and stronger, and he was about to be unable to bear it.

"From today on, you are an official code member, code name: Sangria."

Sangria is a kind of sparkling wine in Spain. It tastes sweet and refreshing, suitable for summer drinking. It uses wine as the base wine, adds seasonal fruits to soak, and blends with some lemon soda or rum or brandy and other spirits. It can be enjoyed with ice cubes, and it can refresh the mind in the hot summer.

And Sangria means blood in Spanish, and it is named because of its blood-red color.

Is this implying that he looks like a little sweet cookie, but he is a dead pervert in his heart?

Well, very good. This will be my character in the distillery from now on. Remember to keep your character in the organization at all times.

"Thank you, sir!"

"You will follow Gin for the time being. Although your ability is more suitable for Rum's intelligence team, your fighting and firearms assessments are not up to standard for the time being. You must practice well under Gin during this period of time. Don't let me down."

"Okay, sir, I will definitely work harder and strive to satisfy you as soon as possible!"


Although he was temporarily assigned to Gin's subordinates, before the main story began, it seemed that Gin was not so busy that 007 needed to work overtime crazily, otherwise Vodka, a full-time driver, would not have the opportunity to chase stars at public expense.

And at present, Gin obviously did not want to have any communication with this dead pervert. He simply gave him a few words of advice and drove him back home.

Ruomu Liang found a dead corner with no one around to remove his disguise and walked back home slowly.

When passing by the yard full of fluffy stuffed things, he kidnapped an innocent little cat that he petted, hugged and kissed as usual and took it back to his room to do whatever he wanted.

Today, I was almost brainwashed by an old monster who had lived for who knows how many years. I was scared to death QAQ and urgently needed the healing of fluffy stuffed things.

Ruo Muliang sat on the sofa with the little black cat in his arms, and the police car whizzed past the door.

What happened again?

Ruo Muliang raised his eyelids and looked out the window with a less curious look.

Although the Grim Reaper has not evolved into a complete form, this is also a world of science. If nothing happens one day, he will feel a little uncomfortable.

The mobile phone vibrated.

Ruo Muliang opened the email and took a look. As expected, it was sent by his newly appointed boss.

The email contained the address of the nearest training base of the organization.

The first task issued by a petty and vengeful Jin Changzhi was to let him report to the training base at a fixed time and place every day. This was the rhythm of training him to death. According to Toru Amuro, the official code members only need to report a few times a month to keep practicing their skills.

If they really have to report on time every day, no matter how capable Toru Amuro is, he can't do more than four part-time jobs at the same time, unless he can clone himself.

After reluctantly replying to Gin's email, Wakamura Ryo continued to lie back on the soft sofa.

Ah, I just want to play badly today.

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