Mao Lilan came very quickly. Ten minutes after the text message was sent, Mao Lilan appeared at the door of Wakaki Ryo's house.

There was still a broken smile on her face.

"Shinichi, where are you?"

Mao Lilan's style, which was full of yandereness, inspired Wakaki Ryo's strong desire to create in an instant.

Suddenly, he wanted to make a doll of the same style as Xiaolan, put it in the house of Kudo Shin's family, and call "Shinichi, where are you" every day, and completely confirm the rumor that the Kudo family was a haunted house.

Even if Akai Shuichi went to Kudo's house to stay in the future, wearing the skin of Okiya Subaru, changed the doll to look like Mingmei, and then called "Shuiyi, where are you" every day, it would not be impossible.

Wakaki Ryo shook his head, temporarily shook off the inexplicable thoughts, and smiled and invited Xiaolan into the house.

At this moment, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the corner of his eye, and there seemed to be a round thing stuck under the seat where Conan had just sat.

You planted a bug in my house, little Corgi, you've made it big, haven't you?

If you like eavesdropping, I'll let you listen to it enough.

"Brother Ruomu, you said you knew where Shinichi was."

"Don't worry yet."

Ryomu smiled and poured a drink for Xiaolan, then went to the basement and took out two small syringes and a sharp-looking knife.

"Before we go to find Kudo, we still have to be fully prepared. After all, if someone dies, it will be troublesome to clean up the body."

Ran Maori: ? ?

Conan and the doctor who are eavesdropping: ? ? ! ! !

Ryomu raised his lips, "So Xiaolan, do you prefer physics or chemistry?"

Ran Maori: ? ? ?

"Well, Wakagi-san, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Wakagi Ryo took out a small syringe and placed it next to the knife, "Conan told me, although I don't know what kind of courage Kudo had to do such a thing.

However, for some scumbags who cheated without saying a word, my suggestion is to cut them off forever.

The knife is very fast and the anesthetic is very effective, so you can try it boldly."

Mouri Ran: ! !

Conan at Dr. Agasa's house: ! ! ! !

The little Corgi was scared and rolled off the sofa almost immediately. After getting up with difficulty, he rushed to Wakagi Ryo's house without thinking.

Wakagi-san, I trust you so much and come to you for help so immediately. Is this how you help me? ! ! !

Dr. Agasa quickly stopped Conan who was about to rush out the door.

Although I don't know what Wakagi Ryo's current position is, Xiaolan had suspected several times before that Conan was Kudo Shinichi (under the influence of the world's will, she forgot it after waking up). Isn't it really a way to seek death to rush over at this time?

The scene returns to Wakagi Ryo. He looks at Xiaolan's blackened expression on the opposite side, as if it is frozen, and starts to talk nonsense with more interest.

"Of course, the physical method may be a little bloody. I personally recommend the chemical method."

Wakagi Ryo picked up another small syringe, "This contains concentrated luteinizing hormone. You find a chance to give Kudo an injection. Maybe you will have another good sister in the future~

Anyway, with Kudo's force value, there is definitely no way to resist."

Xiaolan: ? ? ? ? ?

If there is a progress bar on Ran Maoli's head at this time, I believe everyone can see the words of blackening value -1-1-1 constantly appearing on her forehead.

Wakagi-ge seems a bit scary.

What to do when you meet a blackened yandere? Don't panic, just be blacker than him.

After saying this, Wakagi Ryo pushed two syringes in front of Xiaolan. Maori Ran shook subconsciously, leaned back, and her whole body was full of resistance.

Wakagi Ryo glanced at the bug under the coffee table, and then glanced at the terrified emotional value from Conan on the panel, and made an embarrassed expression.

"Ah, Xiaolan is still not satisfied? Then let's study the map carefully."

Maori Ran:?

"Study, study the map for what?"

Maori Ran had a bad premonition in her heart, but she still followed Wakagi Ryo's words and asked.

"See where the rice flower is more suitable for killing and disposing of the body."

Maori Ran: ! ! ! ! ! !

Wakagi Ryo smiled and pinched the sharp knife, "I can help make a plan, and Uncle Kogoro from the Metropolitan Police Department can also provide cover. If we are discovered by chance, it is not difficult to get a suspended sentence with Aunt Eri."

Next door, Dr. Agasa and Conan hugged each other and trembled.

Wakagi brother, do you want to listen to yourWhat on earth was he talking about?

"Ruo, Ruomu brother, calm down,"

Ran Maori was frightened by Ruomu Liang's serious look, and her blackness value was directly reset to zero, and she stretched out her hand tremblingly.

After all, Xiaolan is still gentle and kind in nature.

Ruomu Liang put down the knife in his hand, "Don't be too nervous, it's just a joke~ Now, Xiaolan, can you sit down and listen to my analysis of this matter calmly?"

Please don't send us all away while analyzing, I'm a little scared.

The Valkyrie hugged the cushion on the sofa tightly and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with some difficulty.

"Conan told me that you received a call from Shinichi in the cabin, right?"

Ran Maori nodded.

"Afterwards, did you check the call records?"

Xiaolan: "Well, it seems not."

In that desperate situation, Xiaolan did not go crazy directly after receiving such a call, which was considered a strong psychological quality. How could she think of checking the call records?

"Why not check it now?"

Ran Maoli, who had calmed down, slowly reacted at this time.

"So, Wakagi-kun, what you mean is that Shinichi didn't make such a call?"

She took out her mobile phone, clicked on the call record, and carefully flipped through it from beginning to end. She did not find the chat record that should have existed. The hand holding the phone froze suddenly.

"Kudo grew up with you since childhood. How could he not understand your fighting ability? If he really did something like cheating, how many lives would he have to dare to call and provoke you like this?"

Ran silently compared the difference in fighting ability between herself and Shinichi in her heart, and had to admit that Wakagi Ryo was right.

"But why..."

"Organic mental disorder, of course, is not a mental illness."

Wakagi Ryo briefly explained what organic mental disorder meant, and then reached out and patted Xiaolan on the shoulder.

"In general, it is normal to have short-term auditory or visual hallucinations under the dual factors of brain impact and lack of oxygen.

Not to mention, your situation at that time should have stimulated the body's self-protection mechanism."

Ran Mao Li tried to recall the situation when she was trapped in the cabin. Because of the bomb, she really hit the hard wall and even fainted for a while.

"So, it really is..."

Ryo Wakagi shrugged, "Of course, after all, this is just my guess, after all, I was not at the scene. And the call records can indeed be deleted in the background, so I suggest you ask Sonoko to help you check it.

Miss Suzuki's money ability is still trustworthy."

Ran Mao Li rubbed the pillow in her arms, and the expression on her face looked miraculously complicated. It was an expression that mixed embarrassment, social death, embarrassment and a little regret.

"So, I still blamed Shinichi wrongly, I..."

Conan in the next room: ? ? ? ?

Yuan is back? Solved?

Brother Wakagi is awesome!!!

"No, it's all Kudo Shinichi's fault."

Wakagi Ryo's voice came from the bug again, and Conan was stunned.

Xiaolan: ? ?

"If he hadn't disappeared every other day, and if he hadn't been involved in complicated cases at any time, and couldn't give you enough sense of security, you wouldn't have had such an illusion, right?"

Conan: ...

Guilt +1+1+1

After chatting with Xiaolan for a long time, this kind girl who had briefly turned evil was fooled by Wakagi Ryo and went back to the Maori Detective Agency obediently, and never mentioned the topic of looking for Kudo Shinichi again.

In the living room of Dr. Agasa's house, Conan collapsed on the sofa, with a look of relief on his face.

Great! Survived!

At the same time, Wakagi Ryo reached out and tore off the bug Conan had posted from under the coffee table.

"You're good at eavesdropping, Kudo-kun."

Conan next door: !!!

Damn it! He put up the bug just to be on the safe side. If Wakamu Ryo hadn't persuaded Xiaolan, he could have found a way to escape in advance.

"Wakamu-san, wait..."


The high-frequency electronic noise sounded directly, and Conan's scalp was irritated by the noise. He hurriedly took out the headphones and threw them aside, rubbing his numb ears.

Wakamu-san, he is still a little scary.

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