Conan, with his ears almost deafened, returned to Wakaki Ryo's house in a daze. Looking at the broken bug soaked in the cup, he pursed his lips.

"To be honest, I was at the doctor's house, and after hearing your initial remarks, Wakaki-kun, I was almost scared to death."

Although the sound was somewhat distorted through the bug, Conan always felt that Wakaki Ryo's tone seemed very serious.

Wakaki Ryo touched Conan's forehead seriously.

"With Xiaolan's state at that time, if I explained to her directly, the effect would be equal to zero. But I first put forward a sufficiently outrageous assumption to break Xiaolan's cognitive bottom line, and her rationality would naturally return. At this time, explaining again would be much more effective.

You can study psychology when you have time. It is not only helpful for solving cases, but also effective for coaxing girls~"

Conan, who had engraved the idea of ​​committing suicide into his DNA, subconsciously asked: "So, Wakaki-kun, when can you have a girlfriend?"

Wakaki Ryo:?

Looking for a fight? ? ?

Conan felt the danger instinctively, trembled subconsciously, and changed the subject not very smoothly.

"Why do you have these dangerous things at home!"

The little Corgi looked at the knife and syringe on the coffee table, his eyes slightly erratic. If such a complete set of equipment was placed in someone else's house, Conan would definitely have called the police.

"What dangerous things?"

Ruo Muliang had an innocent expression on his face.

"The syringe is a syringe, but it's just ordinary water inside. As for this knife... Who doesn't have a fruit knife or something at home?"

Ruo Muliang reached out and pinched the small knife on the table. Then, the position of the blade slipped off the handle without warning, and the sharp blade rubbed against the inside of Ruo Muliang's thigh and stuck straight into the sofa cushion.


The danger perception with a delay as high as that of a grandma's house beeped after it was realized.

Ruo Muliang:...

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough just now, he might have lost some parts on his body now.

-80 This time, it seems to be particularly fierce.

Sitting opposite Wakamura Ryo, Conan, who saw everything:...

He took a breath, quickly removed the needles from the syringes on the table and threw them into the trash can, and thoughtfully replaced the glass in front of Wakamura Ryo with a paper cup.

"Brother Wakamura, you should sit down and don't touch these things anymore!"

Conan immediately believed Wakamura Ryo's previous statement that "there is only water in the syringe". After all, with Wakamura's luck, if there are any dangerous items in the house, he will definitely be the first to suffer.

So Conan felt sorry for the mastermind in his heart, and at the same time, he handled the anesthetic with his bare hands, which was also enough to knock out an elephant.

Suddenly, Wakamura Ryo received another emotional value:?

After sending away the son of the world who was cheated but still grateful, Wakagi Ryo lay on the sofa, scribbling on the notebook, designing a new sexy dress for the victim Amuro Toru.

After a while, Matsuda Dog and Kenji Parrot successfully received Amuro Toru and Jingguang Cat, who looked unhappy.

"What's the result?"

Jingguang Cat lay down on the cushion without saying a word and began to shut himself up. Amuro Toru sat next to Wakagi Ryo with a gloomy face.

"Yashiro Entaro doesn't know much."

"Yashiro Group has been secretly helping the organization to transport some banned drugs over the years. 15 years ago, the accident of "First Yashiro Maru" was partly because the Interpol found some clues at the time, and they simply destroyed the body."

"According to the clues I secretly found during this period, the one who came forward to contact the Yashiro Group was not any code member within the organization, but Rum's other confidant.

These people seem to be independent of the organization, and are most likely to serve the boss directly. "

Amuro Toru rubbed his temples with a headache, and his whole body exuded a strong "bourbon" smell.

"Four years ago, when Jingguang was still in Scotland, he went to Tottori for an assassination mission. On the way back, because the original cruise ship was involved in a bombing, he had to change his plan and temporarily took the Yashiro Group's freighter back to the port of Tokyo."


Wakagi Ryo touched his nose. Jingguang's BUFF was really stacked up.

Tottori-the hometown of the boss, the return transportation-the Yashiro freighter that helped the boss smuggle contraband medical supplies, the identity-undercover.

Wakagi Ryo reached out and rubbed Jingguang's head comfortingly.

With so many BUFFs stackedCome on, without the aura of the protagonist, it really can't hold up.

Even if the organization has no spies in the public security, just with Gin and Rum's suspiciousness, they have to investigate thoroughly when encountering such a situation.

Not to mention, the public security is really not clean.

"Where is Yashiro Entaro?"

Amuro Toru was silent for a moment, "Dead."

Wakagi Ryo, who saw Amuro Toru's headshot in the live broadcast room early, nodded tactfully, turned back to the study, and left the living room space to the four-member police academy group.

If Amuro Toru accidentally saw the line drawing on the notebook at this time, he would really be beaten up.


Wakagi Ryo returned to the study, took out his mobile phone, and habitually browsed the hot news of the past two days.

Since the advent of smart phones, various software apps have gradually kept up with the pace of development in the previous life, and are one step closer to the dream life of lying down and browsing the phone every day.

This time, Wakagi Ryo found something interesting.

[I will take Qinglan away under the full moon on the fifteenth day of the lunar month - Kaito Kid]

After all, a long time has passed, and even Wakagi Ryo can't recite every episode he has watched, so he read a circle of popular science from netizens.

This Qinglan is not a precious gem, but the last painting representing the wind in the "Flowers, Birds, Wind and Moon" series by the famous painter Ishikawa.

Wakagi Ryo immediately curled his lips and put down his phone.

It's not a gem, and it's obvious that it's not a preview letter sent by Douzi himself.

Except for the time when the sunflowers were killed, when would Kaito Kid be interested in paintings?

Not to mention the current Kaito Kid, because there is already a specific clue about Pandora, the whole person is in a bad state. Every day, he goes to school and school to tease Qingzi, and many times he is driven to work overtime by Wakagi Ryo, who is dressed as a professor.

So there is no need to ask, this invitation letter has a 99% probability of being a big drama directed and performed by someone who wants to steal from the inside and frame Kaito Kid.

My name is Kuroba Kaito, I am a thief (×)

My name is Kuroko Kaito, I am a scapegoat (√)

Oh, wait...

As we all know, a special summoned beast like Kaito Kid usually only needs a notice letter that is real enough to be summoned successfully, so this time, Touzi will appear at the crime scene without any accident.

However, this time the Grim Reaper is not the usual Grim Reaper.

Instead, he is an angry detective who believes that he has been tricked by Kaito Kid and was almost beaten into a pulp by his childhood sweetheart!

Isn't this a classic drama?

Wakagi Ryo's eyes lit up, this case really needs to be involved!

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