However, in order to prevent someone who has been busy dating Aoko from slacking off, Wakaki Ryo decided to take some time to go there.

Half an hour later, at the billiard bar.

"Lupin III?!"

Kuroba Kaito widened his eyes. As the second generation of Kaito Kid, he certainly knew that Lupin III was not an urban legend, but up to now, he had never met this senior in the world of phantom thieves.

Toko excitedly approached Wakaki Ryo with a Coke.

"And then what?"

Wakaki Ryo reached out and grabbed a handful of Kuroba Kaito's fluffy forehead, "Then Lupin III returned the Queen's crown to its original owner and left the Kingdom of Vespania."

Kuroba Kaito: ...

That's it?

Can you not be so minimalist when telling stories?

Others are bedtime stories, and yours are bedtime accidents. It's a phantom if you can still fall asleep after listening to them!

Wakagi Ryo looked at the Kuroba, summoned beast, scapegoat, Kaito, the second generation of Kaito Kid, with a smile, "Want to meet Lupin III?"

Touzi's eyes lit up.

Although he is now a semi-retired Kaito, he still regards Lupin III as one of his idols.

Wakagi Ryo nodded with satisfaction.

Very good, the little pigeon is still very motivated, not bad.

He put eyes on the people in Lupin's team, and occasionally clicked on the live broadcast room over there to have some fun. However, it may be that there is really a wall between dimensions. He tried several times, but he couldn't get involved in the plot of Lupin's team like Vesbania did that time.

But it's not a big problem.

Anyway, there are two theatrical versions of Lupin and Conan. When the time comes, take Touzi to visit and have a showdown between Kaitos.

Although Touko is probably not Lupin's opponent in terms of hard power, who can't cheat?

"Of course I want to see him!"

Wakagi Ryo nodded, and in a second he put away the gentle smile on his face, and replaced it with the ugly face of a capitalist.

"Why don't you get back to work? Someone else has sent out a notice in the name of Kaito Kid, why don't you prepare?"

Kuroba Kaito:...

Kuroba Kaito dared not speak, and complained in a very low voice.

"It was you who complained about me, and I acted like a summoned beast when someone sent out a fake notice. Now you want me to take the initiative to be a summoned beast."

It's too much!


Oikawa Takeyori

Touko looked at the police and reporters who surrounded the house, and a familiar elementary school student who went in and out of the crime scene, and felt a headache.

The situation at the scene was slightly out of control.

Kuroba Kaito was like every worker who was forced to work overtime. He had a late-stage procrastination attack and arrived at the scene just at the last minute of the notice letter. Then he found out...

Someone is dead.

Professor, you are cheating me again!

Emmm, why do I say again?

Kuroba Kaito looked at a capitalist floating in the air with a sad and angry look, and then turned his head silently and began to look for today's unlucky guy among a large group of policemen.

Ordinary police officers are not qualified to enter the crime scene.

Members of the forensic department or...

Kuroba Kaito's eyes lit up when he saw Officer Takagi who was alone.

Five minutes later, Toko stuffed Officer Takagi into a super large bag from the interview car, and very deliberately covered Takagi's face with a layer of Officer Chiba's disguise.

Then he adjusted his suit, dressed up as Officer Takagi, walked into the murder scene openly, and observed the old man's death.

There is no traditional three-choice case in today's case. Even if you add the framed Kuroba Kaito, there are only two suspects.

In addition, Touzi's character is that he will never kill anyone, so, to put it bluntly, Conan has to do a proof problem tonight.

However, Conan tonight seems a little out of shape.

That's right, he escaped the tragic fate of being almost beaten to death by Qingmei's random punches during the day, and now when he is in the same room with Xiaolan, it is normal to have a little guilty feeling instinctively.

Kuroba Kaito, wearing the skin of Officer Takagi, when approaching the real murderer of this case, Ikawa Takerai, with a hand speed that can't be seen by the naked eye, stuffed a real Kaito Kid notice letter into his suit pocket.

[I came here to seek justice - Kaito Kid]

Even the grinning Q-version avatar that was specially drawn behind the signature every time was changed by Touzi into an angry expression.

Full of forced overtime and framed to killpeople's resentment.

At this time, Ikawa Takerai used the excuse of wanting to change clothes and temporarily left the sight of everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department. Before the smug smile on his face could unfold, he touched a card in his pocket that obviously did not belong to him.

Ikawa Takerai's face suddenly changed, but he dared to kill people under the eyes of so many people in the Metropolitan Police Department, so he still had some wit on him.

He immediately took out a small pair of scissors from the pen holder next to him, cut the notice letter in the middle, and only kept the part that Kaito Kidd participated in at the end, and prepared to take this half of the notice letter to the whole room, who seemed to be the easiest to deceive.

Yes, I'm talking about Xiaolan... Conan next to him.

"Little brother, can you come over here?"


The little Corgi tilted his head, because he was a little out of shape today, he didn't have the aggressive state he usually had at the crime scene, but instead revealed a kind of elementary school student's cuteness.

In the eyes of Takeyori Ikawa, even in his eyes, there is a clear sense of stupidity.

"I have been paying attention to it since just now. It seems that there is something in your trouser pocket behind you."

Takeyori Ikawa pulled Conan to turn around and pretended to take out half a notice letter from Conan's trouser pocket.

Conan: ...

How stupid do you think I am that I can't feel your action of putting it in and taking it out?

Conan took the half notice letter with both hands and exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"Kaito Kidd!"

Takeyori Ikawa: "This is really an amazing discovery. Kidd must have secretly put it in your pocket before the case happened."

Conan looked at Takeyori Ikawa with a smile, and he was sure that this person was the real murderer of this case.

But he still said: "Well, I will tell the police officer right away. Sure enough, the criminal this time is Kidd again!"

Although he didn't seem to inherit his mother Yukiko's superb acting skills, after several times of teaching by Wakaki Ryo, the little Corgi's acting skills have made great progress compared to the beginning.

Iikawa Takera's face was almost eager to show a satisfied smile, but unexpectedly, the next second, the elementary school student opposite him showed him on the spot what it means to say the most cruel words with the most innocent expression.

"Uncle, you don't think I would say that."

Iikawa Takera: ???

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