The first time I saw him was when he was about to leave.

[Go to safe house number three within half an hour - GIN]

[Received - Sangria]

Ruomu Liang put away his phone, put on the baby-faced disguise used by the winery vest, and hurried to the safe house.

It has been more than half a year since the boss gave him a code name and assigned him to Gin. Except for occasionally seeing Gin who was randomly refreshed in the training ground and being caught and beaten up, this seems to be the first time that Gin has taken the initiative to find him in such a long time.

Ruomu Liang felt at ease taking a paid leave for more than half a year, and he believed from the bottom of his heart that the treatment at the winery was really good.

In the safe house, Vodka was browsing the web with his laptop, while Gin was sitting on the sofa in the middle, taking care of his beloved Beretta.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Ruo Mu Liang always felt that Gin's hair color seemed to be lighter than when they first met.

"GIN, after today's mission is over, can I apply for a private activity with a gun?"

Chianti, one of the sniper duo who specializes in shooting his own people, put down the wine glass in his hand, his face full of murderous intent.

Gin frowned and asked, "What's the reason?"

Usually, when the members of the organization are not on a mission, their time is relatively free. Although Gin, as the leader of the action team, does not have to monitor the personal lives of all code members 24 hours a day.

However, Chianti's style of doing things is really crazy. With weapons and no supervision, this woman can definitely make a private action into the news of the century.

Chianti squeezed the wine glass and said with gritted teeth: "I'm going to kill this blue bird. Why did he draw Laye to death!"

Ruo Mu Liang: ? ? ? ! !

When did I offend you?

No, why do the members of the organization still follow my comics?

Let me digress. Laye is an elf god servant who only appeared in the second part of "Another World". His full name is Layesis. He has white hair, is blind and has the ability to predict. However, every time he uses the ability to predict, he will suffer a strong backlash and reduce his lifespan.

In general, war damage, beauty, and tragedy, whenever Laye appears, Wakamura Ryo can harvest a large number of readers' emotions. In the popularity survey of the publishing house not long ago, Laye, who appeared less than half a year ago, crushed the male and female protagonists all the way to the top of the popularity.

But what I didn't expect was that Chianti, you also like this one?

Gin's narrow eyes swept over Wakamura Ryo, who was standing at the door with an extremely innocent expression, and sneered.


Wakamura Ryo glanced at Chianti, who was still indignant, and wisely changed the subject.

"What is my mission?"

"Rye sent a message that the FBI had found the nail in the Neon Branch. You go with him. Chianti will be responsible for remote monitoring to prevent Rat's accomplices from coming to rescue people."

Eh? It's so soon that Shuichi Akai is exposed and defected from the organization because of the operation of his teammates?

"Okay, I know."

"Vodka, let's go."

Ryo Wakagi followed behind Gin and Vodka, got on the Porsche 356A that has never changed, and sat next to Gin who exudes air conditioning all year round.

Gin raised his eyelids, glanced at Ryo Wakagi who habitually pretended to be good, and suddenly asked: "So, why did you draw a dead Leiye?"

Ryo Wakagi: ? ? ? ! ! !

Qin-chan, you are OOC, do you know?

However, seeing Gin's dangerous expression with narrowed eyes, Wakamura swallowed silently and asked cautiously: "How about resurrecting him in two strokes?"

Gin retracted his gaze and snorted without comment.

Wakamura: ...

I understand, I'll change the outline when I go back.

Vodka automatically closed his hearing and worked diligently as a full-time driver without saying a word.

Not long after, the car stopped steadily in a secluded corner. Gin lowered the window and contacted several peripheral members to check the location given by Rye.

Although Wakamura was happily a salary thief and had been living a salted fish life with paid vacations in the past six months. But Akai Shuichi was working overtime like crazy to complete tasks.

When dealing with the rats found in the organization and those who overestimated their own abilities and intended to cheat in transactions, he was so straightforward. So much so that Gin, who originally didn't take Rye, a colleague who used women to get to the top, seriously, now speaks of him with some admiration.

However, no matter how much he admires Rye's ability, Gin has not abandoned the cautiousness that he has been practicing for so many years.

Careful thinking, this instinct has saved his life countless times on the verge of life and death.

Ruo Mu Liang opened the small map and took a look.

As expected, there was at least a small team of FBI agents ambushed at the agreed location. The hiding places of these agents were quite hidden. With the average level of peripheral members who were always poor, it was estimated that they would not be discovered.


Gin: "What's wrong?"

Ruo Mu Liang suddenly saw a familiar black shadow in the bushes beside the car. He got out of the car, walked to the bushes and squatted down, stretched out his hand and pulled out a Siamese cat that seemed to be burnt from the leaves.

"This cat looks familiar, it seems that I have fed it."

Gin blew out a smoke ring and retracted his concerned eyes.

He naturally knew that Ruo Mu Liang had a hobby of feeding fluffy animals.

Siamese struggled twice when he was first carried out, and then probably smelled a familiar smell on Ruo Mu Liang, and slowly calmed down.

Wakamu Ryo touched the pocket of his coat, took out a bag of dried fish, opened it and fed it.

I don’t know if it’s because he feeds stray cats and dogs all the year round, but the small animals near Mihua, even those who have never eaten at his house, are quite friendly to him. Anyway, even with a luck value of -80, Wakamu Ryo has never been backstabbed by these furry creatures.

Oh, except for the time when Jingguang did that.

"Boring hobbies, what is the meaning of these fragile creatures that can be crushed to death with a slap?"

Wakamu Ryo touched Siamese's forehead and took another look at the red dots on the small map representing the peripheral members. As expected, he turned around after walking around the target location and failed to find the basket of FBIs ambushed nearby.

"That's not necessarily true."

Since Akai Shuichi's operation to hunt Gin will fail sooner or later because of his stupid teammates, it's better to...

"Want to make a bet? These cats and dogs are sometimes more useful than people."

"Hmph, what's the bet?"

"How about a request? Of course, it can't be too much."

It's still early before the agreed time, and Gin, who has nothing to do, doesn't mind killing time.

Wakagi Ryo took out a small collar from the small backpack that he never leaves. There was a miniature screen on the collar, and a small red dot was constantly flashing just below the screen.

When the collar was put on, Siamese was obviously a little resistant, and his hind paws kept scratching the collar, but he soon succumbed to the deliciousness of the dried fish and let Wakagi Ryo adjust the collar and cover it under the fur on Siamese's neck.

Then Wakagi Ryo whispered something in Siamese's ear. Because he happened to be facing away from Gin and Vodka at the moment, the two senior members of the Black Organization did not see the flash of red light in his eyes.

The Siamese cat meowed softly, jumped to the ground nimbly, and disappeared into the bushes.

Ruo Mu Liang sat back in the car and took out something like a folder from his bag.

After the folder was unfolded, it turned out to be a foldable display screen with a red dot moving quickly on it.

Gin raised his eyebrows. Use animals to explore the surrounding information?

This is indeed very useful. These cats and dogs can be seen everywhere in Tokyo. Even a cautious person like Gin would not be alert just because a small animal followed him for a while, let alone other people.

This kid can always give him some surprises at certain times.


Ruo Mu Liang's eyes suddenly became sharp when he looked at the screen.

"Gin, is the place you agreed to meet with Heilongjiang the large warehouse over there?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Gin took out his mobile phone, and in his mailbox was the mission report sent back by the peripheral members he sent out.

[Everything is normal. ]

"Isn't Heilongjiang bringing too many people?"

Ruo Muliang turned the screen and held it in front of Gin.

The red dot on the screen was still moving quickly, gradually approaching the large warehouse. As the perspective was pulled in, the 3D model of the warehouse appeared in front of the two.

The collar that Ruo Muliang put on the Siamese cat also had a thermal imaging function, and he saw several human figures crouching in many blind spots inside and outside the warehouse.

Gin had so much experience that although he had not been to the scene, he restored the entire scene in his mind based on the 3D image and the distribution of thermal imaging.

The position where these people were crouching was very hidden. Even if they were inside the warehouse, as long as they did not check every corner inch by inch, they would most likely ignore their existence.

Although there were not many people ambushing outside the warehouse, each of them blocked the main escape routes around it. This was clearly a premeditated ambush.

Ruo Mu Liang froze the scene at the warehouse.

A corner, enlarging a certain position in it.

"It seems that they are all carrying weapons."

Gin looked at the screen in Wakaki Ryo's hand expressionlessly, and the phone in his hand was cracked by him.

Everything is normal? Ha!

Rye whiskey, Moroboshi Dai!

You deserve to die! !

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