The phone that Gin had squeezed and squeaked vibrated again before it was on the verge of being scrapped. Gin barely suppressed the murderous aura in his heart and glanced at the broken screen.

It was an email from Rum.

It was an FBI agent who reminded Gin to ambush at the agreed location.

What a great Moroboshi Dai, what a great FBI undercover!

Gin pulled out the phone card, threw the dead phone to the ground, and crushed it to pieces with one foot. Then he took the spare phone in the car and started calling people.

The status of hunter and prey can change at any time, Rye!

Wakamura Ryo leaned on the car window and watched Gin contact his men one by one, arranging sniper rifles and transporting explosives. So before the armed helicopters strafed Tokyo Tower, Gin was already a scene-stealer.

"Little devil." Gin called Wakamura Ryo sinisterly after finishing the call.

"Didn't you say you liked Rye's eyes and wanted to collect them? I don't mind digging them out for you personally."

Wakamura Ryo: ...

Oh, I almost forgot that Sangria's vest is a dead perverted personality.

"Okay, then thank you Gin senior first."

Wakamura Ryo smiled and made a suggestion: "But before Rye arrives, why don't we deal with the small fish around us first?"

Gin: "Do you have any good ideas?"

Wakamura Ryo looked at the screen from Gin on the panel and squinted his eyes in a very good mood.

One hour later.

Wakamura Ryo was lying on the roof of a building, observing the situation of the abandoned warehouse with a telescope.

An inconspicuous pickup truck drove into the target location in a low-key manner. Shuichi Akai, wearing his original knitted hat, escorted a woman out of the car. Oh, it was Judy Stelline. One of the elite FBI agents and Shuichi Akai's ex-girlfriend.

Speaking of which, when Judy first appeared, her character positioning was obviously the existence of the red team's counterpart Vermouth. It's a pity that her intelligence was greatly reduced in the later period. In addition, Shuichi Akai's family, younger brothers and sisters, and mother took turns to appear, and Judy's presence was gradually marginalized.

"Hmph, sniper ready."

Gin held the M24, aimed at Rye's eyebrows through the scope, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

However, Shuichi Akai is worthy of being the official designated hacker. The moment Gin pulled the trigger, he intuitively felt a strong crisis, and held Judy down without hesitation and fell to the ground.

With a puff, the bullet brushed Shuichi Akai's knitted hat and hit the concrete on the floor of the warehouse, leaving a deep hole.


Shuichi Akai didn't even give himself time to think. He rolled over with Judy in his arms and hid behind the wall.

"Shuiyi, what's going on?"

Shuiyi Akai scowled, untied the bindings on Judy to gain Gin's trust, took out his pistol and looked around cautiously.

"I don't know, but my identity should be exposed."

Judy was startled, and immediately took out the small walkie-talkie on her body and began to contact the FBI agents who were ambushing nearby.

At this moment, a slight "chi chi" sounded, and the two subconsciously looked down and saw a small beetle stopping at their feet. The wings behind the beetle opened, and a faint white smoke suddenly sprayed out from under the wings.

"What is this..."

Judy's brain sank suddenly, and her mind seemed to be stuck in glue, and she lost all her strength.

Shuichi Akai on the side was not much better, but before he completely lost consciousness, he decisively shot himself and Judy.

The bullet grazed the thighs of the two men. The wound was not deep and would not affect their movements, but the pain was enough to temporarily suppress the effect of the anesthetic and keep them awake.

There was no response from any teammates on the intercom, only the muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Akai Shuichi and Judy looked at each other, knowing that their teammates might have been wiped out by these anesthetics.

Yes, this is the suburbs, and it is an abandoned warehouse with few people. It is normal to have a few bugs.

Akai Shuichi picked up the "beetle" on the ground that was motionless as if the power was off after the anesthetic was released. After opening its wings, he saw the precise circuit structure inside as expected.

This is not a real beetle, but a beetle-type robot.


Akai Shuichi sank his face and read out Wakaki Ryo's code name.

"Is it the genius boy you mentioned?"

"He is the only one in the organization who can make such a sophisticated thing."

Akai Shuichi silently put the "beetle"

"Put it in your pocket. The effect of pain suppression anesthesia is only a temporary solution. It is not clear how many enemies are outside. If they don't break out quickly, they will only face slow death.

"Get in the car. We must rush out as soon as possible!"

Although the truck driving over looks inconspicuous, the entire body of the truck, from glass to tires, is made of bulletproof materials. It is much safer than this warehouse where enemies may appear from all directions.

On the rooftop, Wakagi Ryo held a telescope and observed the movement trajectory of Akai Shuichi and Judy.

"It's worthy of being called Rye. Such a strong anesthetic has no effect. "

Gin sneered coldly and moved the crosshairs of his sniper rifle to look for an opportunity.

However, Shuichi Akai was also an extremely skilled sniper. In addition, he was the one who arranged the meeting place here. He had naturally inspected the nearby terrain before, so he knew very well which places were convenient for snipers to set up their guns.

He took Judy and crouched down to take advantage of the surrounding environment. With the accompaniment of Chianti and Cohen, the two mascot snipers who only shot their own people, they successfully moved to the bulletproof truck.

After getting in the car, he kept The dedicated driver on standby, Andre, the pig teammate, Kamal, stepped on the accelerator and sped up to 200 miles per hour. Shuichi Akai set up the M200 in the back of the car, rolled down the window a little, and fired a sniper shot in the direction that almost hit him and Judy at the beginning.

If I guessed correctly, that should be where Gin was.

Although it was a sniper shot, judging from Shuichi Akai's level of cheating, there was no possibility of missing the target.

However, at the moment Shuichi Akai fired, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the open suburbs, blowing Gin almost to the ground. Unstable.

As we all know, the momentum of a bullet flying forward will decay with distance. If the wind force affects the energy of the bullet during this period, it will cause wind deviation.

Although the specific angle of this wind deviation is not clear, but...

Beep beep beep!!!

The danger sense came out after a long time and made its presence felt.

When the danger sense sounded, Ruo Muliang immediately lowered his head and fell to the ground, but he still felt a burning pain in his scalp.

Below, the encirclement formed by the outer members was torn apart by Akai Shuichi's headlocking gun skills. With a cut, several people drove the truck and rushed out of the dangerous area. The dense bullets behind them only caused a few sparks on the truck body.

Ruo Mu Liang silently reached out and touched the top of his head, and felt blood all over his hands. The bullet grazed his scalp, leaving a long wound. The smell of blood mixed with the smell of burning stimulated his sense of smell.

If he lowered his head and reacted even 0.1 seconds slower, the bullet could have penetrated his head in the sudden wind.

Gin frowned and put down the sniper rifle, asking, "Are you okay?"

Ruo Mu Liang silently took out the healing potion that he must bring when going out from his backpack, fumbled and sprayed it on his scalp for a while.

He looked at the direction where Akai Shuichi and Judy fled and narrowed his eyes.

"It's not a big problem. What should we do with those unconscious FBI agents? Kill them all?"

"Rum's people will come to take over. He needs to pry intelligence out of these prisoners. After that, these people will be sent to the laboratory. The boss is not satisfied with Shirley's progress. "

Gin lit a cigarette with a gloomy face. Dai Moroboshi joined the organization as Miyano Akemi's boyfriend. Then, firstly for Shirley's sake, and secondly, Dai Moroboshi's own ability was indeed excellent enough, so he was given a code name about a year after joining.

Now it is discovered that Dai Moroboshi is obviously an undercover planted by the FBI, so the loyalty of Miyano Akemi and Shirley may be questionable.

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